Remove CR Relevancey

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LightningEl_, Apr 2, 2021.

  1. LightningEl_ Level 30

    Why is CR Relevancy even a thing let us get source marks for all content

    Not to mention all the older content are dead zones. Give us a reason to do those and while also helping out all of the lower players to complete there content!

    Sitting here with 0 source marks to finish my breakthroughs with everything completed in my relevancy is this your way to make us pay for resets huh ridiculous

    I might just be picky well that's my rant :oops:
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  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club


    I've yet to see a valid reason for someone to get full credit rewards (in this case Marks) for putting in partial or even fractional effort.

    I also don't want to return to a time when a piece of gear would cost tens of thousands of Marks due to all the currency available in the game. 15 thousand Marks was on the low end of prices at T5 at one point, and that would get you a face piece. Chest and leg pieces were more than double that amount. Not to mention you'd see similar price increases for Mainframes or anything else that uses Marks for purchases.

    And if anyone REALLY wants to go into older content zones and help the lower players, they can do that already. They don't need Marks to make that happen.
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  3. LightningEl_ Level 30

    Atleast give a partial amount so there's something to do. It does not need to be to the full marks that will be too much I agree. It would be really beneficial for giving players reasons to go to older content

    Okay really I'm pretty sure half of the population does not care about older content
    For a healthy game in this genre older content needs to be flooded with players. I disagree with what your saying. The system must flow players
  4. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    perhaps if you got Mark Fragments, maybe, but I have to agree with the above that awarding marks for stuff you can blaze through isn't a good idea. maybe a decreasing number of fragments the further back you go? that might work, I guess. although, to be fair, I've found that all the old stuff will almost always offer up marks in the loot choices, anyway.
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  5. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I do two things to help keep ahead of Source Mark shortages:

    1. I run easy older raids. With every loot drop, you're given a choice of rewards, and a Source Mark is always one of those choices (sometimes you even get a bonus Mark!). That's 3 - 5 extra marks per raid, per week. Some of those raids even have walk-ins, and are easily soloable (like say, Prime Battleground or FOS3).

    2. I use alts to run content and send catalysts to my main.

    I hope that helps! :D
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  6. LightningEl_ Level 30

    Okay I might have missed the part where some older content give you a choice of one source mark

    Also good tip ill do this its not so bad now lol :p

    But still atleast for bounties they should remove it because most of those are empty. Clearly that needs a bigger reason & I'm sure players in that content area would appreciate it
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  7. willflynne 10000 Post Club


    The only thing stopping players right now (especially with open episodes still active) from visiting or re-visiting older content is themselves. If they REALLY want to run it, there's nothing stopping them.
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  8. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    This is something I've been meaning to post about too.

    After coming back to the game last year I had a lot of content to catch up on and initially I was super excited to go through it all, but I became really frustrated and even annoyed when I realized my drops quickly bumped my CR out of the earlier content I was enjoying running and into later content. So, yes, I wanted to progress and catch up but the CR relevancy was actuallying pushing me out of older content I still needed to run for items and feats.

    I think you're on the right track. I was thinking the same thing. Content outside of CR relevancy should drop "source fragments" which would work like stabilizer fragments to combine into full marks when you have enough of them. This way at least players are getting something for the older content they're running.
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  9. LightningEl_ Level 30

    Clearly you know nothing about active game design. your statements is laughable

    The fact is this cr relevancy is actively pushing away players from older content
  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Then that's on those players. That's their hang-up to get over.

    In any of the MMOs or level-based games (where XP is a reward) I've played, when you revisit an area you've out leveled or outgrown the progression reward (XP in most games, Marks after you reach level 30 in DCUO) goes to practically nothing. You'll still be able to fight in the area and get loot drops and the like, but anything you need for actual progression isn't there.

    That's a design feature. It's meant to push/encourage/force players into the areas they should be in to progress their character and discourage them from hanging around areas that they've outgrown.
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So how do you plan to fix the issue of high level players trivializing older content for new players then? Or are we still indifferent to the new player experience?
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  12. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    This topic is brought up almost weekly now. And aside from the player making the post, all you'll see is players disagreeing. All you need to keep in mind is that of they give us more currency, inflation will correct that. Meaning you'll still be out of source marks but you'll have to run 10x the content to be able to get the (scaling) same amount of currency you're getting now.

    Old content pays out. Weekly missions from last 2 dlcs pay out/ raids of course. Then run everything in BoP because those will become source marks shortly. Always cap out on episode coins because that is 1k sources per toon each time a new dlc drops.
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  13. Shalayah Committed Player

    Run every raid, and choose source marks at every loot picker. I stack up marks pretty easily just by doing that lol.
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  14. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    There's already a system in place for getting Source Marks for content below your relevancy, it's just broken for Riddled with Crime and up.

    All instances below relevancy have a chance to drop a Source Mark from each boss and a chance for a Source Mark to show up on the Loot Picker. For raids, the Source Mark on the Loot Picker is supposed to be guaranteed. The guaranteed choice of a Source Mark is missing from Riddled with Crime and newer raids. I'm not sure about the chance dropped Source Mark though, I usually click through the Loot Picker window too fast to notice, and it doesn't have a very high chance of dropping.

    I made a post about it in the bug forum, but there's been no response.
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  15. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Complaining that players can still choose the 1 source mark as their reward for old content is not a viable solution. There are enough mark syncs in the game to trivialize that single mark reward and that justifies players wanting better compensation for running older content. We do still want players to visit older content instead of abandon it or skip it entirely. And because there are items associated with older content now, forcing players out of it fast should be an option for the ones who want it, but shouldn't be obligatory for players who want to linger for their feats, items and mats.

    The gameplay path should always be optional instead of obligatory. Give people options instead of take them away. Don't tell or force people to play a certain way because you think they should.
  16. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Relevancy doesn't affect item drops or feats. So im bot sure what the complaint is here?
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  17. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    How are people so hard up for source marks? Run the content and you'll have more than enough to do what you want. Lex marks will also soon be able to be swapped for source marks. I swear this community needs a class on mark/currency management. If anyone needs any help, add me in game. Im on US PS/PC same name as here. I'll be glad to spend an hour with anyone who wants to learn more productive and efficient ways of dealing with currencies in game from nth metal, to stabilizers, to episode/source marks, and cash
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  18. Shalayah Committed Player

    If you’re at relevancy. You’re going to still get the full amount of marks so you can focus on grabbing your loot for whatever reason. If you’re running older content because you want marks. Go ahead and grab them up. As said before. You have the option to choose marks at the loot picker but if you see a certain style or base item you need for a feat. That’s your choice. You have to understand that DCUO at the end of the day is a MMO. You’re gonna have to grind for the things you want/need. If the marks granted when running older content isn’t enough for you to consider playing it, then that’s on you as the player. Not the dev team or the people who run DCUO. They need money and if you wish to not grind for your catalysts or gear or whatever you need. You have that option to pay.

    I presented the alternative which actually if you run older content. Gives you a chance to EARN a lot of marks. You don’t wanna do it because you think you deserve the full 10-12 every raid. If that’s the case, then the prices will just inflate and now we’re back at square one. Deal with it or pay up. Your choice.
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  19. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    I didn't say it did. Not sure what your point is here.

    Have you counted how many marks it takes to level artifacts to 200? Buying OP item mats costs marks. Buying OP special items like collections or super ingredients costs marks too. Extra episode items for feats also cost marks. I suggest you take a moment and start totalling how many marks it costs for each of these items and then multiply them by each DLC. The new content also needs marks. When someone is either joining the game or coming back, they need all the marks they can get.

    Leaving relevancy means less marks and being less able to easily catch up on all the previously released content. By starving new or returning players of marks in older content you're either 1) handicapping them in the newest content or 2) slowing down their ability to reach current content with everyone else or 3) forcing them to abandon old content completely or 4) all of the above.

    Um, no. This perspective amounts to "I had to struggle, so I think everyone else should have to too".

    What you don't realize is that MMOs intentionally design ways for players to catch up to the most recent content because it's in the game's best interest to get those newer or returning players caught up with the main player population, as soon as possible. It is not desirable to keep players grinding older content without a reward (it burns them out and causes player resentment which fuels churn) for their time. We still want the player to experience that older content -- a lot of it is quite good (like JLD) but what we don't want to do is make a player feel like they wasted their time or that every minute they spend in old content is wasted instead of being in new content. This is why we reward them fairly. It also helps to keep some interest in lower content so it isn't abandoned completely.
  20. Berza Committed Player

    1382, which is a bit more than 2 months doing only the last 2 episodes and the Vault daily. Not included Promethium Lockboxes or anything else.
    Edit: 160 is 854 which is about one month.
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