Test Discussion EP 38 Artifact: Lasso of Truth

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Batuba, Jul 1, 2020.

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  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    3% is still far to much. At the very most 2% should be the maximum. People keep forgetting that this artifact isn’t meant to sustain you and replace healers. The way this artifact works it is interchangeable with the symbols. On aoe the symbols will heal you more. On ST this will heal you more. Not every artifact has to be a must have artifact for every situation.
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  2. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Obviously not.

    I commented on a series of posts where there were two points:

    1. a proposal to increase the bonus from 0.5-1% to 1-2%, and that this does not brocken.

    2. that in large content, it will be a very strong artifact.

    If you are good in mathematics, you will notice that it is an increase in the bonus up to 2% ,in large content that leads to what you described (if there are 50 people and 1% (the standard amount for the first days Baunty spam) we get 10000-15000 heling per second (even this is op), then at 2% it will be 20000-30000. and you don’t need any healer, no soda or shields).

    In raid 2% is 5000-6000 healing per sec , and from nishe artefakt yuo lift to meta artefakt.

    And in small .....it is still useless in comparison with other tank artifacts ( yes 800 healing is still useful, but not in comparison with bonuses from other artifacts).

    If yuo go "5-10% tank damage and 0.5-1% total damage" then in anegdotal situacion " 50 heroes kill 1 boss", this art still op.

    In raid still good but not meta.

    In small...useful...

    I'm actually really interested in how this improves adds pull (using the usual pull and chronos give a much better effect)
  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I think the pull will be great for kiting. In those situations you don’t want to be swarmed so lassoing a Target who is farther away from you will end up with getting a few adds away from you. However if you want things next to you than you can target someone next to you and pull adds near you. It’s a bit of a weird artifact. I think the range pull will still be needed for the most part since it will be the fast way to bring multiple targets to you from any range. But this can substitute the 360 pull to a smaller extent since the 360 pull doesn’t have a max amount of targets it can pull. It’s a bit of a niche artifact
  4. Juggurnaut Level 30

    I think the 360 pull on most tanks caps at 8. Which would be the same as this artifact as it’s always looking for up to 7 additional adds.
  5. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Im decent at Math and 2% is the max I would see the change to go. The Tank damage and then total damage isnt necessary. If it means you cant use it for small content then you cant use it. I'll certainly be giving it a try because again, any small healing is still good healing cause every little bit helps.

    Besides most Alerts are ran with 3 DPS and a healer so either way, I guess this Artifact just wont be used in Alerts since Tanks dont run it :)
  6. Batuba Developer

    Increasing the bonus for Lasso of Truth healing to 1% and 2% (up from 0.5% and 1%). With this, I've also introduced a healing cap so it cannot heal for more than 2% of your max HP per healing tick. Also added a damage element to additional targets lasso'd
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  7. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Any chance that the Rank 120 get the 0.5% healing? I certainly understand the "push" and encouragement to get folks to Rank 160 but I feel Rank 120 has always been a good balance of introducing the Secondary buff and still having Ranks 160-200 be enticing as the buff gets much better.
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  8. Rejchadar Inquisitor


  9. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    Just add a 4slot but with that you only get part of the artifact u put in it. No stats or healing just the pull part. Scrap you'd get supercharge generation no stats, grim you get the pet, no stats. Having it this way you wouldnt have to change or ramp up everything in the game. I personally hate the trans n strat and I'm stuck with them cuz it's op and the grim is similar. I like arts that actually do physically things by me actually doing something. The strat, trans n grim I'm stuck with n put it in and do nothing. The stone I use it a certain way and same thing with the scrap, lazerus , gemini. These I'm actually doing something with it. It's really like I have no arts n it's a waste. Call it a utility art slot just do something.
  10. geoforcee100 Well-Known Player

    Few questions i got sent which i believe need addressing or answered as right now the test server is down so hopefully a dev replies:

    Adds tethered to the Boss
    1. Can adds still be pulled towards the boss even with the crowd control such as stun, dazed, etc. in effect.

    2. Can you pull encased adds or adds that are locked in placed by a specific troll ability such as quantum's.

    3. Can adds be knocked back or be pulled away by someone with a high enough dominance even when they are still tethered to the boss.

    Tank vs troll tug of war
    1. Can a two set of tethers be applied to a boss?

    2. Which one will be prioritized when applying the tether to the boss and to the dds. Role vs Dominance
  11. Batuba Developer

    Lasso's tether won't grab adds if your primary target is a boss. Only way to grab adds, is to lasso an add. This way two tanks (add tank and boss tank) can both use the artifact without affecting each other.
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  12. Mr.W Committed Player

    This is fair & I definitely agree with both you & trexlight with not having the artifact replace our wonderful healers :)
  13. Mr.W Committed Player

    yay Batuba thank you for the increase:D
  14. Juggurnaut Level 30

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  15. Cyro Committed Player

    Any chance that the adds that get dragged in to the one you lasso get stunned for half the duration of the lassoed add? Right now i dont see this artifact really catching on its an artifact that is too backloaded it takes too long to get to the "really good" stuff. A heal that is entirely depended on the dps and cherry picking one add to dog walk their friends doesnt seem worth it
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  16. zNot Loyal Player

    Can the 2% healing be increased (capped at some % max own hp) be based on the damage the adds are doing to the tank instead of what they the adds recieve?
    Also the pull should be with bigger range because we are taking out our power specific pull and it should be compensated by the lasso artefact being significantly better with the artefact,right now it seems mediocore.
    Also i strongly think it needs more CC if we pull multiple adds. Its just risky to use it it doesnt provide enough support
  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I think the healing portion of this artifact is correct the way it is. The artifact is not meant to make the tank self sufficient in a raid. It’s meant to help the tank and that’s what it does. If they increase the heal than healing will be far to strong. The only increase that could be considered would the the cap. Also, having it be based on the players damage makes it more consistent. If they make it based on the targets attacking than this becomes a weaker version of the mystic symbols. And this artifact will lose its place. The way it’s set up right now means that this artifact is better for bosses than the symbols while the symbols are better for adds.

    But I do agree that the tether needs some kind of CC. Maybe not a hard stun. But I wonder what the devs think about a stagger or a knockdown (trio) when adds are tethered. When ever the tank moves the trip happens again (since the tank is pulling/dragging them). Maybe a full stub would be to strong but this artifact does need some additional help with its CCing.
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  18. Batuba Developer

    I've increased the healing cap per tick to 3% of max health. (up from 2%). Won't make it to today's build, however should be on PC Test soon.
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  19. zNot Loyal Player

    Great changes so far Batuba!
    Healing should be ok now but i think it should be when getting hit by the adds should trigger the heal not them recieving damage for the heal to appear, i i think now it needs some stun type of cc once you pull them they should be dazed for 1/2/3seconds ( depending on artifact rank) or maybe gain a shield equal to max hp 1/2/3% of max hp
  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    No this artifact does not need to be changed to get heal when attacked. Thats what the symbol is for. Can you at least provide a reason as to why that is needed? This also does not need a shield. Again, this artifact is n hear to help you solo everything in the game.

    But yes it does need some form of CC added to those additional targets that get tethered.
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