Loving this DLC. Just My Opinion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrSuperman, Apr 26, 2020.

  1. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    I know there is Lag but that will get fixed. This DLC is probably one of my favorites! I guess the best part for me is my Alts will all get some game time! Log in, hit some switches, collect gear and feats, switch toons.

    Thanks Devs for allowing me to play 5 toons at once!
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  2. RoBotkin Well-Known Player

    The DC while connecting to Phoenix Cannon raid bug would like to have a word with you...
  3. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Agreed. I like this DLC quite a lot and I am sure that the lag issue will be addressed in due course
  4. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    My favorite things about this dlc is the Superman and lex Luther parts
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  5. Eve YouTuber

    The DLC is great. Just can't stand scoops. lol
    And I wish we saw more of the birds of prey, rather then Superman.
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  6. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Love the Dlc much better then metal arc imo which I didn't like to much.
  7. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I'm thinking it's probably my favourite DLC since the Titans one. & I went in expecting the worst. I enjoyed the solo. really enjoyed the alert. the raids are fun, too. nice & bright. makes for a pleasant change.
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  8. Controller Devoted Player

    Agreed - love the subtle changes to the dailies.

    Love the brightness.

    And looking forward to Amazo's return - hopefully as a Boss in the dailies and weeklies. Would love to see ALL of the Hero / Villain powers added to him if this happens - Canary Cry, Word of Power, Frost Breath, etc, etc, etc,
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  9. L T Devoted Player

    Yeah it's more of a hybrid superman/birds of prey episode, especially with the focus on Jimmy.

    The jokes are funny, though.
  10. Brit Loyal Player

    I just wish I had the option to help Lex and fight Superman. When Lex is your mentor, this story feels outright lazy. I get it that Calculator is fighting against Lex... so that means that I should be hunting Calculator, not Oracle.
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  11. CandySlinger Active Player

    "Would you like to exchange your backstory and uniqueness for a Lexcorp security uniform and a generous contract? You can be nameless guard number 14 before the enemy makes it to my android room to test it out."
  12. Zneeak Devoted Player

    The DLC or its content isn't really the problem.... The overwhelming feedback is about the awefully terrible Server-lag with its delays, frameskips and what not, that is currently impacting a lot of players on the US server to the point where the content is barely playable.

    It's hard to scream "sUpErGrEaT!!11ONE" when the current situation is the way it is. Fix the server-lag, then we can all tell you just how great of an Episode it is when we all can, you know, properly play it. :rolleyes::p

    FBE is a decent raid, not too difficult but with the current lag going on it's a nigthmare. I finished another run last night by the skin of our teeth, with more than half the group dead due to the lagspikes and the 10-30 second delays in which you won't see attacks happening until they have already done it and then you are dead. Fun stuff.

    I haven't even bothered to check out CTE yet, just because of the terribly awful lag being present.
  13. Brit Loyal Player

    Oddly enough, my original character is named "Agent 026", and his backstory was 100% that he was a nameless, generic LexCorp employee. He is still the 2nd most advanced character I have, only slightly behind my heroside Healer.
  14. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I agree, I don't like the idea of helping the heroes all the time, then they disrespect us every single time too. I'm telling you no respect from the heroes.
  15. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    I havent played as of today 27 April, but it would be great if all of the darn elite instances i have been in, and the regs did not lag so much!
  16. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Sorry, have to disagree. Most of my league also feels like I do. That this is hands down the worst DLC, and at the worst timing, ever.

    Outside missions - they never change, ever. Hope you enjoy saving cats, cause that's what we have until June or July.

    Solo - best part of the DLC. This is the only instance that I feel like my character is doing what he was built for, fighting.

    Alert - lame. I don't mind mechanics, but this isnt FF13 either. This is a action game. Nothing against Amazballs, but I'd really like to see a cut scene skip added to alerts. If everyone hits the skip, then we can move on. Seeing the cut scene over and over for the next few months is gonna get old fast.

    Brimstone - ok raid. Mechanics still either do not all work, or a tell was never put in place. The first boss fight with the lava on the ground. Well, the debuff is on you sometimes even when your not standing in lava???? As for the last boss, dumb. Too many mechanics for such a small room. You can tell when the dev that made DWF is involved. He believes mechanics should be a big room of randomness, not a game that those with skill can master, SMH.

    Clocktower - ran this the first weekend on regular. We beat the last boss only to have the mechanics removed and the entire raid put on east mode. Don't we have an event version for that? Haven't even tried it on elite because of the lag.

    I know most on this forum won't like this either, but when raids come out. We need a tank and spank raid, and a mechanics heavy raid. Not both. As of now, I know a ton of people who have their renown done, grinded the outside missions, and are gonna probably be on break until the next DLC.
  17. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I loved it too ... we need more Superman content like this it was a lot of fun with jimmy Lois in the mix ...I know this was supposed to be a bop dlc and a lot of you feel upset but for us Superman fans this is what we like to see
  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I prefer mechanics personally especially in alerts tank and spank to me is boring

    As far as cut scene skip.. they just need to make cutscenes shorter ... those who like to see them will be kicked for wanting to watch them if they include this in alerts or raids ...

    Those who rushed and replayed this content til they got everything done ... that’s their problem ... dcuo should remove replays or limit them cause this is what happened those who are impatient and cant stand the thought of not being top
    Cr will rush through then complain about nothing to do for 3 months
  19. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    I agree. Lag aside, this DLC is a lot of fun. I'd love to see more with the same tone. I also have to say Brimstone is one of the coolest looking bosses in the game..ever. For real. He looks so awesome. I love fighting him. I know not many know him from the comics but I do and love seeing him!

    Also your characterization of Jimmy Olsen is incredible. He is JUST like in the classic comics. The way these characters are portrayed in game are spot on to comic book fans like myself.
  20. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    It's not lazy if you read the comics and truly know and understand Lex Luthor. He doesn't care about anyone. Just because he's your mentor doesn't mean he won't turn on you if it benefits him. For example, at one point, he literally traded HIS OWN INFANT DAUGTHER to Braniac in exchange for access to his technology. He gave up his own child. He's betrayed Mercy before. He will betray anyone and everyone. No, I'd have to disagree. Having Lex's mentees fight Lex isn't lazy at all. In fact, his personality jives exactly with the way he is in the comics, and for that, I applaud the devs.