Can we get an ETA on new abilities? These powers are stale....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RLManuel, Oct 10, 2019.

  1. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    I mean... It's a living.

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  2. High Troller Loyal Player

  3. Wallachia Devoted Player

    2019 and people still dream about impossible things.

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  4. RLManuel Committed Player

    Lmao! Not more powers... just more abilities for the current powers and new iconic abilities, like the ones that the legends have :D

    Just the Iconic abilities being added would be enough... and they’re already done and in the game :D
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  5. RLManuel Committed Player

    I don’t know about other Light users but I would love to be able to use saint walkers abilities... even kilowogs jackhammer!

    Jackhammer itself could get different variations and given to the tank powersets.
  6. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    That idea is FIRE! People want Blue Lantern powers? Cool. Take the Iconics for Saint Walker and/or Kyle Rayner. Want to be a Kryptonian? Take the Iconics from Superman, Supergirl, Zod, and Ursa. They could even add the weapon variants, like Brawling and Martial Arts with the Heat Vision ranged attack.
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  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Not sure how people mistook what he said as asking for new powersets...I thought it was pretty clear he meant new abilities within powersets, which he's also right regarding the revamp. That's one of the reasons they gave us as to why they did away with power points and power trees and made it linear progression, so it would be easier to add new abilities.

    For a game that revolves around super powers, they sure do treat them like the unwanted stepchild.
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  8. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i would like to have some mental powers added to the game.

    you know.

    ones that work.
  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Regardless of whether it's full blown power sets or new powers in a set, you're still dealing with all the usual stuff that comes with them, though. Testing, making new animations and so on and so forth.

    Besides that, though, personally I wonder how much the "powers are boring" sentiment would change if players didn't just stick to one loadout. There's a bunch of different combinations out there, but if someone gets bored because they're just using all the same stuff over and over again some of that falls on the player.
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  10. Dene Devoted Player

    Not my opinion but how i see players in general: New abilities will quickly become nothing unless they somehow make things OP - that is how people will see it

    We have LOTS of abilities but some arent even acknowledged by players because they are seen as useless

    Even if they *do* make things OP then if these new abilities cause imbalance you then have another drama
  11. Kuno Loyal Player

    That girl represent us all veteran players, after being stuck for almost 9 DAMN YEARS WITH THE SAME DAMN HABILITIES.
    Heck not even Iconic powers to be added, those powers already exists for Legends characters or iconic NPC. You dont need to create most of the stuff, the animation and the VFX its already done!
    Not even power customization, to make like red lightning or purple lantern powers. Its not really that hard, we know you guys dont like to release things that we can color customize because for your business is better to throw us: red glimmer aura variant, red glimmer aura variant , yellow glimmer aura variant and so no, instead giving us a glimmer aura that we can chouse the color of.
    Its not fair for us.

    And its tiring to be wasting time here asking for things we know you can do. And I know you guys have your directors, company art directos and limited resources and stuff, but you can't expect having success with a game which devs are so disconnected with what the player community wants.
    Thats why eveyone its complaining about the lack of progression when it comes to powersets, we dont get new abilities when we reach high CR levels. Sames goes about the complaining for episode structure being so repetitive and boring.

    We want new abilities, we want more customization, we want new episodes to have arcs like the level 1-30 introductory arcs, with the comic cutscenes and the story and inmersion added to it (currently the missions and instanced lacks all that).
    Mostly we ask for stuff that already exist to be available to players, like costume pieces, hairstyles and even iconic powers and abilities.
    That stuff is already created! Please no more excuses and get to it.

    We want to actually feel progression and gain more new abilities. We have the same abilities at lvl 30 and at CR270.
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  12. Isif Committed Player

    Please no. The world needs LESS jackhammer. Of course, this is just my opinion. Sometimes I wish folks would spam the block button like they do the melee button.:rolleyes:
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  13. The Anxient Loyal Player

    I just want one melee combo for atomic please.
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  14. Raven Roth Committed Player

    We need a "Teleport" iconic power with an animation specific to your powerset
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  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    There's just one teeny tiny little detail that needs to be brought up:

    The only people that can speak for veteran players are the veteran players themselves. It never really ends well when someone tries to presume to speak for others.

    I definitely know you don't speak for me, and it's not tough to imagine others feeling the same way.
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  16. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Actually a great "Kryptonian" build is simply earth with cold breath and heat vision Kryp is cr 120 for me anyways
  17. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    you get a dps tele that punches you to your enemy though???!!!....melee range combos with atomic every it Light from say 4,5 years ago atomic is always in the top 3 dps good enough for me and my scorechasing...i like atomic...could it be better...sure...could fat free cheese whiz taste more like food and less like wood plastic??...sure...
  18. Ryuvain Active Player

    So true. It's like they're trying their hardest to ignore powers, iconics or otherwise.

    I guess I could say I'm a veteran. I do feel this way though. There's so much stuff that exists ingame already which would be so easy to add. I've wanted claws weapon and catwoman's stance for years now.
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  19. Raven Roth Committed Player

    It would be nice if we could even get some old phased out abilities back like Pteradactyl Form and Light Wall
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  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    See, now this is a feasible idea. Kind of like how some Gadgets abilities were removed/replaced and then added to the iconic tree. This is significantly closer to a realistic suggestion (considering resources and all that).