Having trouble - PC logins

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by bigbadron alt, Sep 4, 2019.

  1. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    Ha! As I've been an absolutely witch on the forums here recently, I thought perhaps I had been justly banned (although I only really expect a forum ban, not a game ban). But it's happening with my Premium account as well, so I figure it's a general log in or database issue. Just relax, we'll get through this.

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  2. Gryphonfg New Player

    Same thing just happened to me. Glad I'm not the only one.
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  3. Ratakazine New Player

    Same here and for others in league! been around sense day 1 and now no characters!?!! Please do fix.
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  4. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    Don't Panic
    It's most likely a little glitch that will be fixed soon.
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  5. Korvyne Committed Player

    Same, USPC. Launched game and was met with new character/player screen.
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  6. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Do we get a "Back from the Vanishing" T-shirt?
    Will we get a "Back From The Vanishing" T-shirt? :D
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  7. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    I wish!
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  8. REDFROSTY New Player

    all my characters are gone help me :(
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  9. Niivo New Player

    Add me to the list of vanished characters! I rebooted and re-logged in - neither fixed the issue.
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  10. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Hope this is easily fixed. It would suck if it was all lost. Everyone gifted a free max cr and sp toon lol. The meltdowns here and in game chats would be a sight to behold. Character names would also be an issue
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  11. Eve YouTuber

    I haven't logged in, I'm afraid to check. lol anyway don't panic, I'm sure the devs are on it and Mepps will come to calm us all down,
    (Or, he will prank us, lol)
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  12. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    If it's a database issue, the worst case scenario is a rollback to their last backup. We aren't going to lose everything. Just try to relax, grab a drink, complain a little on social media, and we'll get through "The Vanishing" soon enough.
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  13. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    There are already three other threads about this. It's happening to everyone. Relax and wait for a dev update. Unless you are a nervous Nellie like me and have to keep posting.
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  14. REDFROSTY New Player

    me too having same issue
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  15. The Dark Kryptonian Well-Known Player

    Yes its happening to me as well :confused:

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  16. REDFROSTY New Player

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  17. Ekart Committed Player

    Should we wait for a fix or find a new mmo game to give our money to? Just asking for a friend.

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  18. Ella Level 30

    Same is happening to me. US-PC
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  19. REDFROSTY New Player

    log into the game and get sent to Character Creation?????
    help please
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  20. Smashbang Wallop Well-Known Player

    EUPC, same here
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