Summer Event: Boat Spawns

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BooTia, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. BooTia New Player

    Not sure if summer event is always like this, as this is my first one, but...

    The open world quest, with the generators and the mutineers jumping on boats, is a click-fest nightmare. Everything dies so fast (generators are better, but those boarding fellas go down in about 1.2 seconds.) It turns into this grumpy competition and waiting game because:
    • Spawns are so slow, not continuous
      • I do see how continuous spawns could get overwhelming fast on a quiet night, if those exist
    • You need *15*
    • Everyone is so powerful they don't have long for this world
    Anyway to adjust the quest to allow us to kill those naughty blighters on the generator boats, too? This quest just isn't fun and makes for twitchy angst.
    Again, if this is how all DC events are - then I'm uninformed. The spring open world could get a little crazy with people swinging in, but there were so many more options and they were spread out. Plus, sometimes, it all went smooth...
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  2. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    When there are other players on a boat you should just move to another one.

    There are about 8 (could be more) boats you can do that part of the mission on.

    Oh, and most events are like the Spring event, find nodes around one or both of the cities, then do whatever is required with them. Summer is different with the missions taking place on the boats in somewhat of a smaller space, lending to a bottle-necking of players.
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  3. Rainnifer Committed Player

    I think their spawn rate is different sometimes on different boats. Grouping up with the other players fighting them helps *a lot*, otherwise try to find boats with less other players, and get yourself an attack that can do many hits fast because the enemies are health gated to take 1 damage per hit and you need a certain amount of hits for it to count for you.
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  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Have had that complaint every year: if there are other Green players (as in, those on the same Faction, Purple being the Other Faction) in the area, simply move to another boat
    Also, if you are doing the Generator mission, even if you have completed it, finish off the Generators! It won't reset and spawn a new lot until they are all destroyed (several times have come along and found one Generator left, which means have had to destroy it and then wait for the boat to refresh)

    As for the spawnage: there is a set number of enemies per boat, may not be able to destroy the first Generator first time due to the quick respawns, butt once to clear the first lot it does get easier (clear the enemy before attempting the Generator). Well, that's if you are doing it solo, and personally find it easier soloing both parts

    You are not going to find the Boarders (or Mutineers) on their own Generator ships, only defenders and they don't (and shouldn't) count for that part of the Mission

    If this is your first Fish Slap-up, welcome, you will eventually get the hang of things and learn which ships to go for (typically, not the ones closest to the Base Ship, as that's where everyone and their guppy goes for)

    All the Seasonal Open World events end up being the same: getting unwanted assistance (read: interference) by other players, making it more of a pain to complete than it need be (although many don't seem to have a problem with that, usually because they are the ones who swoop in and 'help' you, even though they are all soloable)
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  5. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    PvP phase. You are welcome.
  6. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Yeah, the ships tend to be in groups of three: one Generator ship and two Attackers
  7. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I agree with you, but I think they do want us to movement speed from boat to boat.

    I go to the boats in the back and in between. I also go to pvp phase while staying aware and out of populated spots. But use caution, I have a lot of experience
  8. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    The spawn rate does seem to vary a bit from boat to boat, but I've also noticed that the boarder spawns can slow down if the opposing faction starts taking out the turrets. That too may be a "boat to boat" kind of thing, but there's been a couple of times where the boarders almost stop spawning once a boat is down to one to two turrets left (see it more on the hero side of things).

    The only other advice I could give would be using weapon attacks when you can. They'll do about the same amount of damage as powers (everything hits for about one damage LOL) and if you're using a faster attack like Handblaster's Pulse Beam you've got a good shot at getting in enough hits to get credit.
  9. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    ...Until you run across the jerks who lurk in those Phases waiting for easy pickings
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  10. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Get good.
  11. Rainnifer Committed Player

    Usually when I don't see much spawning I just hop to another boat. My main has Dual Pistols. Spamming right tap hold makes it quite a breeze. My alts on the other hand can be quite annoying to do the mission with...
  12. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Yeah, fast weapon attacks (prefer range over melee to avoid accidentally lunging too far) over powers

    Have found Trolls to have a better chance because they can deal with pesky group-adds (oh, and shields are great when you are working on the Generators, little more annoying than being constantly interrupted and then have the Generator shield heal itself, forcing you to start all over again :p )
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  13. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Why would anyone want to get good at a game function they don't like and have no interest in?
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  14. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    It's not about 'gitting gud' if you are a low level and just want to do the so-called 'fun' Seasonal
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  15. BooTia New Player

    You guys are great! Thanks much for the helpful advice (I was boat camping) and the tips about turrets. Weapon definitely helped, too (spells take too long.)

    Also special shout out to DarkVisor for the tip about how to be nice and help people not tear their hair out quite as much. And yeah, between gear and not having that pvp mindset, I get squashed (so the quest takes longer, with an altogether different type of stress involved). Which is fine, I'm cool with my care bear self.
  16. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    It's a trap!
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  17. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    The generator ones are easily shared; just smack any NPC in the area, and then if the generator gets taken care of, anyone in the near vicinity gets credit.

    The generators aren't a problem.

    The problem is with the mutineer boats, because the spawn rates are so slow, and you have to do at least 50% (possibly more?) damage each time yourself or you don't get credit. The result is either a frantic but typically losing race to hit an npc before anyone else kills it, which means you're CONSTANTLY FRUSTRATED because you can't get to many NPCs before they're already killed by others; so the alternative is to keep hunting for mutineer ships that aren't being farmed. Which takes an equally long and frustrating amount of time, as a rule. It's a huge effing pain in the rear, especially since you have to kill 15 mutineers, and yes it should be changed by either increasing the spawn rate of mutineers -- you have to wait literally minutes before the ship starts respawning again -- or by letting you get credit for kills if you hit them at all. Preferably both changes would be made.

    There are some other spots in the game it would be nice to lower the number of adds necessary to kill. The robots you have to kill on Titans Island while wearing the deeply boring mech suit is a prime example: 6 would be a good number. 10 is about the limit that is tolerable. 15 makes me just ignore the damn quest because it's so darn tedious. But that's hardly the only example.

    The small pods in Chaos Gotham take too long, as well. I don't want to be able to zoom through all quests, but there should be a limit to the quest goals that become sheer tedium, rather than fun.
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  18. tukuan Devoted Player

    Funny, I was thinking they are better this year than previous years.

    For generators as above, any hit on add in the area you get credit and once a boat is cleared the respawn pretty quickly. I usually just hop back and forth between the two closest to the east.

    For the mutineers, it seems the more generators on the boat the more that come so if an opposing faction has left only one or two generators so seem to slow down. They don't seem to need to be completely cleared but I have noticed that if some are in the water the waves stop. Also sometimes they seem to straight up glitch for a give boat (less than previous years though). So when I get to a gold (assuming hero) boat with generators if they aren't spawning after a 10-15 count I just move on.
  19. Hollows Active Player

    That right there is the focal point for me. This is my first time running the event and I hate it already. Worst of all the events simply because of this. I've had to respec all 15 of my chars to arrows just to have a chance. Between the difficulty with getting to multiple muties and ensuring I tag at least one of them enough to get cred for the kill and the unbelievable lag that has occurred since the start of the event, I'd nearly given up.

    It wasn't until logging in on one of my characters that had, for some reason, spawned on the last ship in the line (farthest from the event spawn ship,) that I realized I was alone and free to kill as many muties as I wanted. The lag isn't nearly as bad either. So now, when I get the gennies done, I bee line for the last ship and hope that there's few people there so I can kill and log in the next char. If it wasn't for wanting the base items for my Atlanean lair, I'd give a hard pass on this event.
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  20. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    The key is that when a mutineer ship is crowded with players, just fly away to find a less crowded boat. This may require checking boat after boat, but generally the further you get away from the vendor the fewer players will be on a boat.

    You can also do that part of the event at hours when fewer players are being.

    None of this is a substitute for the event being tweaked to be less problematic, but it's advice I hope you might find of at least some minimal use.
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