Your requirements for elite raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ice Lynx, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. Brit Loyal Player

    I guess I just have a different view of it.

    Have I always been a good player? No. Not at all.

    Have I always been a good player when joining groups for ELITE content? Yes. Definitely.

    We're speaking specifically about the requirements for Elite Raids. If a player is not ready for Elite Raids, if they don't understand the basics of their role or their powerset, then you are not helping them by throwing them into the deep end of the pool before they've even learned to tread water.

    For a Regular raid, I will take absolutely anyone who meets the minimum criteria, and I will happily afford them their learning curve to figure stuff out. Everybody was new once.

    But for an Elite raid, the player needs to be performing at an Elite level. That means they have to know what they are doing. In an Elite raid, there is enough going on with the mechanics that players need to be learning; this is not also the time where they need to be experimenting and just trying to figure out their basic rotations.

    I love my children, but I did not take my 14 year old with his instructional permit and throw him in the middle of the Indianapolis 500 when he wanted to learn how to drive. First year Med Students do not get to perform open heart surgery; they still have much more to learn before they face those more difficult challenges. You pay the 10 year old neighbor boy to mow your lawn, but you hire him roof your house.

    There is nothing at all wrong with letting someone understand that they are not ready for something YET. It doesn't mean "You stink and you can never, ever do this." It means "You are not prepared for this yet." And honestly, that is much easier for a new player to understand and accept, instead of watching them try and fail while they don't understand what they're doing wrong. What is going to be more frustrating for a new player: the idea that there are basically some higher levels of the game that they aren't ready for yet, or the mistaken idea that they are simply failing at content they should be successful in because the game is 'just too hard'.

    Most video gamers have a basic understanding of "levels" or "stages" where later stuff requires them to be tougher in order to fight later bosses. They know that they aren't ready to fight Ganondorf 20 minutes after starting a Zelda game. If you explain to them that they are trying something that is intended to come later after they are better prepared, it's not something too insulting or personal.
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  2. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    That is exactly the first mistake to do. ;) Some sympathy would never kill anyone ;) If you even realize that someone is bad, not that good, AT LEAST there's no need to humiliate ;) But, i guess that's what people ENJOY to do...

    I see your point on that one and i totally approve it. but what i can NEVER approve is dumping your own trash on others (not saying you're doing that, just sayin' in general)

    This is totally correct... I totally agree with this...

    Yeah, well said...

    I totally agree with this too... But, there's one catch in all this... Elite raid has some ADDITION of mechanics compared to regular raid, + everything that touches you is mostly one shot. So, there's no other way to learn those other then going through elite raids. People will usually say: "Watch it on youtube". Yeah, some will probably do that, but ME for example, WILL NOT! It's the game, not science or what ever to give it so much attention... And tons of people will do the same as i do... So, as in every elite raid i've been in to, you CANNOT be as good as someone who did it 20 times if it's your first or 2nd time. And no matter how good you are, if you screw something up on your first attempt, people will put you in the same box as they do with those who really have no idea even about their roles. Luckily, when pugging (if i'm doing it first or 2nd time) people know me so they don't **** on me heh. But i've seen similar situations many times. That's bad thing if you ask me... And, those who are there first, or 2nd or 3rd time, and preform not as good as "veterans" in it, they SHOULD have some sympathy in my opinion.

    Yeah, this is well said, that's for sure...

    Yeah, it makes sense on this one, for sure...

    You see that we have pretty much similar point of view. :D

    But, things in game are MORE COMPLICATED. You have tons of people ingame who know nothing but copying somebody else's loadout from youtube, and farming feats, and DPS RACE. No mechanics, no pick ups, no anything, and their philosophy is that they SHOULD NOT do mechanics, cause they're dps, bla bla bla, where EVEN TANKS need to do THEIR mechanics... Sad, but i've seen this more then 50% of raids lately i pugged... And people like that usually kick people out, and ******** others... This is MY problem in general. :D Don't really like to run with people like this, cause, i'm a healer, and when you heal it's your job to SEE EVERYTHING in a raid, and i see them all what they're doing heh...
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  3. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    You are as ambitious as ever **

    Commitment and Trust. ...
    Communication. ...
    Adaptability. ...
    I think.
    (GRUNTS) (WHISPERS) Or just SP/CR;)

    As for me, I seek something much simpler, yet (besides cr/sp)? i would ask them.. (Can you people develop quickly here?)
    (We need communication, It is crucial to communicate effectively in negotiations to ensure our goals)
    (What can I expect from you guys)
    (do you guys know the challenges about that elite raid?)
    But if you have never done elite before.. I would say this (How could I impress you in my firs time doing this elite)
    They will remain your guests, until you conclude the business with these elites raids or elite raid. And, and LFG players is a soldier, and like every soldier, they're bound by honor.
    you will invite players to single elite raid in front of them.
    They will not deny you, *maybe*.

    Unfortunately, I don't think i would. I know i, maybe personally would rather farm group or looking for group, than with someone like random player. yes, always give them, chances.
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  4. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Ha ha one day "elite is too easy, ermahgurd buff it now!". Now we have the same people comparing it to the Indianapolis 500 like it's some kind of crazy hard instance that only the gods of the game should be able to play and enjoy. This community is too funny. Like how do you expect anybody to get good enough to play these raids if you don't want to allow them into your presence? It's like people are just too much in a rush and don't have the patience to stop and help somebody learn? Kicking is just so much easier than helping. Wouldn't want to interupt your godly button mashing clips and heavy mouth breathing into the mic while you're saving the world. I mean you have to make sure to save that extra half hour at the end of the night to clean all that sweat off your controller amirite.
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  5. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    I agree to a point. The fact that a tank can be knocked out from the meteor is silly, tanks just cant take hits like they used to. I feel tanks SHOULD be able to, that is their job. I can understand if they are the onle one immune to alot of skull one shots.
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  6. spack2k Steadfast Player

    Well requirment would be Exp with artifacts: 3x 140+ for the role followed by CR after far behind like almost useless the SP.
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  7. C3alix Committed Player


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  8. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    half a team full of bored stoned 260s steamrolling everything...what other requirement is there anymore...
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  9. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    This is so true ahahahaha :D

    There's nothing so annoying as when you see someone in elite raid without them :D
  10. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    It'd explain a lot, my third dps artifact is only 139 :D

    I usually send a tell with all three (role/cr/sp) so they won't think I'm some newbie with only 100sp or so who skyrocketed through content and wants an easy ride :oops:

    That was my point all along.

    Though I understand that most people don't wanna bother with someone they don't know - I'd really hate to waste their time as well.
  11. Yaiba Committed Player

    For Augments:
    + Origin Augments: all maxed (at the moment we are at 237).
    + Adaptive Augments: at least level 15 for both to get the stats buff.

    For Artifact: I think it's normal to have 3 artifacts at level 120 at this point.

    For CR and SP, ... what are they? :p

    But I haven't found any success with LFG groups so far.... so........:p
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  12. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    I'll just say THIS IS A JOKE! :) Gotta say... :)

    Those artifacts, oh dear...

    But okay, pay to win of course.

    Anyways, importance of artifacts isn't equal for dps and support roles, this should be mentioned too, cause for dps it is important of course, more damage bla bla, but for support, not quite, since for support you need SKILLS AND BRAINS rather then 1234 1234 1234...
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  13. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    If only they re-enforced the difficulty and worked on the bugs that is the real challenge to elite players.

    Not to say that people beat content by glitching it or anything, but close the back doors to content, by having some type of out of focus or insta-kill when approaching possible areas where people could cheat the system.
  14. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    this post is the reason why I avoid elite raid, sounds too stressful. One minute elite raids are easy but yet, they want everyone play with a cookie cutter loadout, with 450+ sps, max cr, artifacts all 160, and have experience. Yet they won't play with people with minimum cr with 100sps with the weakest power with the weakest loadout.

    I'm not into the elite raids, but I wouldn't mind trying the newest raids, they seems more fun then some of the previous ones. But I just want to deal with the bs that comes with it if you don't live up to someone's expectation.
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  15. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Funny story - I had one known elite player who rage quit ***an open world bounty*** because I wouldn’t switch to DPS when he demanded to be troll. I was in group before him; and this was upon his immediately entering the group before we even started the fight - he had no idea what I could do. But that’s the attitude.

    What I’ve noticed is that even with elite, troll is looked at as the “carry” role now - it’s where the weakest player goes. It’s a shame because an experienced troll with high level artifacts, gear and SP makes a difference. But it doesn’t matter if you sent the tell first as troll or if you were already in group; if someone else shows up weaker (and they always do), then you’re stuck as DPS or you get the boot for not cooperating.

    My most recent experience with this was a Shattered regular run. The one who had to be troll instead of me? He had Orb of Arion equipped. Yeah.
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  16. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Well the thing is, you can basically run Elite without a troll no problem. That's just a flaw on the devs end that this class is so much of an underdog. Even when there are controller mechanics, it's rarely if ever needed to in fact do these mechanics because you could simply just heal/dps through them.
    The Claw of Aelkhund becomes more and more appealing to me since in a good group there aren't any situations where you need more than just your soder cola and utilize the eight supply drops you have per fight (basically). A fully dps specced controller in Trol Role just for the Claw Buff every twelve seconds is basically enough.
  17. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    Trolling has changed so much now as well, that also brainless role in my opinion now, since you have automatic pot now, it's hard to separate good from bad troll and so on (compared to how it was before that update that changed trolls). But yeah, higher sps you have, people will surely ask you to dps, that makes sense to me. It's just that, so much has changed now that doesn't make sense to me anymore, compared to HOW IT ALL WAS. Not saying it's bad now, but it was way better long ago...
  18. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I’m like you when it comes to elite raids. Unfortunately, this trend is trickling down to regular raids as well. There are people that are requiring ridiculous CR and SP just to run the regular raids and it’s not for feats. These people just want to pew pew as fast as they can. Fortunately, there are more people out there without these requirements than those that want it.
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  19. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Some of it is learning how to read those mechanics... but try to find people who will be patient as you make the mistakes and learn from them (whether it's reading the mechanics, readjusting your loadout/augments/SPs and trying again, etc). Everyone calls for "experienced roles" in LFG... how do you get the experience without the trial and error? How do you know it wasn't your fault and not the inexperienced person's fault... because, you know, that NEVER happens. It's always and can only ever be the noob's fault.
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  20. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Lag is frequently not a player's fault. Technology has a way of getting in between people and their fun. All you need is for a router between the player and the game server to drop some packets, get overwhelmed, drop out entirely forcing a reroute, routing table changes pushed by someone who didn't fully vet them, etc., and now the person is having all kinds of issues requiring a relog, a home router restart, or something like that.