My league disbanded by developers - Goodbye DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by damirgabriel, Apr 18, 2019.

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  1. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    I just recently checked all my toons on the census so I could work on improving their CR & SP, and everything checks out after double-checking everything in game. I also just made a league for one of them as an experiment of starting a solo league just for her & it is showing on the census, so it does seem to be working. The only thing that the census doesn’t do that I’ve had issue with is show the correct & current images of characters.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I wasn't comparing the two. I was just saying bugs take time to fix.
  3. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    That's even better to hear, since it was a bit slow on update few times i checked few months ago, which is why i kinda prefered wavedox...

    But not 10 days ;) Doesn't even matter, what kind of developers allow ENTIRE LEAGUE to be gone. This is the first time i ever heard about something like this. Obviously, not even league is safe in this game heh...
  4. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Is there a tl;dr?
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There's a bug affecting his league, makes it appear in game as none of them are in a league.
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  6. High Troller Loyal Player

    As much trash I talk on these forums that I'm passionate about, I will defend them.

    I've been a subscriber since January 11, 2011. I've been through pretty much every single network intrusion, glitch fest, endless crashes on the PC client and death threats for standing on certain spots in the Hall of Doom, etc.

    GMs have been more than fair, and even I faced certain bans. Also the developers have to create content that sells also.

    You are either faced with a glitch or someone has hacked your account.

    Have faith in the system. Mepps asked you to keep updating your support ticket. That is a very small request. The GM can access who logged in and did what... Or if there's a glitch.

    Hang in there, archnemesis.
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  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Many of the leagues with this issue have been fixed or have magically fixed themselves. We are still tracking down the rest. If you have someone in the league who hasn't logged in for a long time, getting them to log in may help.
  8. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    i have half of the league that didn't log in for quitta long time sadly...
  9. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I have no doubt they will fix it. BUT not while so many devs are on holidays and this is most likely that they will need a dev to fix it.

    Why I am sure they will fix it? Well, because their usual answer is that they don't help with league problems. Calm down, give them a week and look for server updates on the live update note page.

    About leagues: From the various bugs I have seen happen to the servers I can conclude the following:
    The Mega-servers are made out of different modules which all interact with each other. Some of these modules are chats, the broker, PvP queue, PvE queue, mail.... and one of them is leagues. All hardware can break at some point, that's just something that happens - that is why Daybreak Games certainly has back-ups of everything.

    But since only a few leagues are affected, loading the entire backup of the leagues will cause a rollback of all leagues on that server. You get where this is going, right? Some poor dev needs to go into the data, find every single broken league and fix it. And if the dev happens to be on holiday right now, which is very likely, then it won't be fixed until some time after the holidays in next week.
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  10. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    I gave them TWO WEEKS. So please ;)

    Oh please stop preaching :/ I'm not stupid, and i have too much of education and everything behind to tell me such things... I KNOW how things go on this matter. One thing is for sure, THEIR SYSTEM IS NOT STABLE ENOUGH! I'm fine with some powers being bugged, movements, bla bla, even in the leaguehall sometimes some statues were invisible, sometimes even all of them...

    But, DO YOU UNDERSTAND that this is the matter where ENTIRE LEAGUE IS GONE???

    How many times i have to tell all of you, MY ENTIRE LEAGUE IS GONE, so stop making a fool of me with those lame preachings, and understand that one entire league is gone, and that's not the league that was made recently, or what ever, but it's one of the oldest and most stable leagues in entire game, so please stop telling me to calm down!

    I just hope developers will do their job and bring back everything that's gone, even tho i'm skeptical, but we'll see... Hope never dies...

    I don't care, i want my league back... I don't care if it's poor or not poor developer, MY LEAGUE IS GONE, and some things should be highly secured from loss... If they're not capable to realize that, then they all should change their career. This is ENTIRE LEAGUE we're talking about, EVERYTHING WITH IT that is probably going to be lost FOREVER. But anyways, i'm already gone from this game, i don't wanna be a part of the system where ENTIRE LEAGUE can be gone for christ sake. I just wanna see if this is going to be fixed to give it back to my people...
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  11. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    I was in this league and I am league less now and can not be invited to any others. Says I already am in one but the league tab says I am not. Sent mepps a pm.
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  12. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Yeah that's with everyone bud sadly.
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  13. TheAkuma Well-Known Player

    Hi Mepps my toon is Zarrina and i was in his league and havent logged in for a bit. Logged in to check today and yes Zarrina and my other villain toons are no longer in the league.
  14. TheAkuma Well-Known Player

    I miss everyone from the league. I havent been able to play really since my son was born. Log in for seasonals thats about it
  15. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    Hey man :) Don't worry at all :) You'll be around when you can... I'm glad to hear about your son, congrats. :) Enjoy there as much as you can, I HOPE the league is going to be around when you come back. But if not, guys will make the same, they can always reinvite you. I just hope they'll bring back the old one heh...
  16. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Let’s rebuild it aangel! I used to be stephanie mcmahon, name changed to dana loesch
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  17. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    Oh dang, didn't know that toon name was yours :D

    We'll see... I would do that, don't mind, but my principles don't allow me to do so, because of these developers. Cause something like this SHOULD NEVER happen in any game... I wouldn't even be so bothered, but there were some items in that league hall that are probably priceless in the game now, there's no more survival mode and so on, all other items, YEARS OF PRESTIGE and so on...

    Jesus, i just cannot digest it...
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  18. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    ok, that bug is very old and has indeed never been identified.
  19. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Try to be more patient. Raging won't get it fixed faster. They at least aknowledged the problem exists and is not a single event. Previous players haven't been so lucky. On a quick search I found that this problem was reported February 2015, maybe even longer ago.

    Any member of the disappeared league can most likely not create any or join any. Of course I hope it will be fixed, but the experience with DBG says it might take more than a few months...
    No I'm not joking or making fun of you. They are really slow.
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  20. dresserball Dedicated Player

    And that's when you stop giving them money. You don't have to give them time. You pay for a product and if it isn't up to a certain standard then walk away. I did that until they had fixed the issues I had with the game.
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