Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 21, 2018.

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  1. Badname392023 Well-Known Player

    Yikes lol thanks I might just settle for 120 or 140 then and wait out the double xp weekend
  2. odie440 New Player

    I was going to buy $200 worth of replays. Not on sale, so will save that money. Good marketing there, NO SALE. Hello Netflix.
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  3. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    Yes, this is what I thought, thanks.
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    No problem, since Netflix is only $9.99 you'll still have $190 left for the Christmas sale next month ;)
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  5. Glacier Extreme Well-Known Player

    So at other dcuo sale times where lets say replays were not on sale...does your 3 week into a dlc argument hold up?

    Folks will always come here to whine and complain. Those that do dont even equal to 2% of the game population, so thats pretty moot.

    Also, 3 weeks into a dlc have zilch to do with not adding a sale price to Tributes, Time Capsules, Stabilizers, and Respec Tokens. All these items have at some point in time been on sale, with the exception of time capsules.

    Not to beat a dead horse here, but most of the vocalized community has expressed disappointment with the black friday sales for years, with the xmas sales being a runner up. The absolute cash grab this game is turning into is such a disappointment.

    Wasn't that long ago the community was promised that skill points wouldn't be tied to spending real money to acquire..yet they tie the biggest feats in the game to collections only obtainable thru boxes, predominantly opened with PURCHASED keys.

    We can agree to disagree you feel the sale is great, I say its a direction of where this game is and has been heading. Happy Turkey Day
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Didn't say the sale was great, just explained the logic and rationale behind not including replays, you'll note I did say I saw justification in the complaint about the other stuff, there is however a very justifiable reason why replays are not included.

    The silent part of the game that doesn't come through to the forums to complain is still very real and if they all finish the DLC too, if they're on monthly subs, they stop playing, the stop paying. it all affects the game.

    The developers made the correct decision.

    A more appropriate time for a replay sale would be Christmas at the end of December when the DLC is another month old.
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  7. Saybro Committed Player

    Target was definitely missed here, but is the trend for black Fridays this year. No PS4 pro deal, only the slim with Spidey. Accessories did get a good deal so it falls in line. Hopefully the Christmas holiday sale makes up for it.
  8. Killah Criss Well-Known Player

    Yeah but even so I can get a ****** Respec Token half off? That's just being greedy. After the respec tokens theres no point in having the sale.
  9. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Makes no difference what is on sale and what isn't - there will ALWAYS be a thread full of complaints about it. Never seen a sale yet when it didn't happen. They just can't win.

    If they give 50% off replays, people will complain that they expected stabilisers to be on sale. If they put stabilisers on sale, there will be people wanting to know why respec tokens (not respecT tokens) are still full price. And if all three are put on sale, people will be looking for a membership sale. Never fails.
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  10. TheOtherLeague Well-Known Player

    Looks like I'm stocking up on armories!
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  11. myandria Item Storage

    I also agree that it would be nice to have replays on sale now and again; however, this is a BLACK FRIDAY sale. You know, the sale that has been created to get or keep profits in the black instead of the red by generating a *sense of urgency* of purchasing *choice* products at a cheaper price. Now, I have never had my own business; however, I have worked in retail long enough to know that this is how Black Friday usually works and is why you may or may not see what you want on sale.

    Since Mepps did not give a *complete* list of items that will be on sale, it is a good idea to just wait until tomorrow morning to see what is *actually* on sale. My world will not be destroyed or my heart broken if I don't the sale(s) I am looking for.

    Besides, this sale isn't like a brick and mortar store where they pull customers in with a popular *name brand* item that is limited in quantity just to sell the *products* that didn't move well during the year.
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  12. Awsome Well-Known Player

    I don’t know what everyone is complaining for. It’s a sale. I personally love this sale. But they didn’t have to put anything for sale if they didn’t want to. Almost everything is half off. The few things that aren’t, tend to be exclusive sales.
    Personally, Im spending a bunch of money this weekend. Can’t wait.
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  13. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    IKR, The thing that most of these guys do not understand is...... When the guys complaining about the resets do buy replays at full price they will get a savings on those replays when DCUO offers double & triple episode currency weekends. Its like getting 50% - 75% off on replays because they only need to spend replays once for double or triple episode currency instead of spending replays two or three times to get the same amount of episode currency. They not only save money but time as well.

    Double currency
    raid = 87 replays = 16 episode currency & run one time
    Triple currency
    raid = 87 replays = 24 episode currency & run one time

    Single currency resets
    1 raid reset = 87 replays = 8 episode currency
    2 raid resets = 174 replays = 16 episode currency & run two times
    3 raid resets = 261 replays = 24 episode currency & run three times

    These double & triple loot weekends not only saves players money it save players more time because they can play the content once and get extra loot VS saving money up front and still needing to run the content 3,4,5,6,7,8, 9 or 10 times.

    A good example would be.
    With the triple loot weekends players can reset 3 instances and collect as much loot as running 9 instances and save the time of not needing to run those 6 extra instances. Whooo that could be 6 hours or more of saved time that could be used doing other things or getting burned out running the instances over & over & over & over &.........................

    The only thing that I can says justifies a complaint about the replays not being on sale is when using replays to grab styles & feats for alts. All things considered......Maybe DCUO could do or is considering a 1/2 price on feats or styles weekend or something to help soften any of those complaints about the replay badges. Other than that I've seen replays get a sale in a round about way with the double & triple currency weekends.

    And, really my only complaint about any of DCUO's sales is them not advertising further out so that more players would have the opportunity to save up and spend more. Other than that I'm all for any sale that helps me stretch my cash farther.
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  14. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    You & me both. :D
  15. Ekart Committed Player

    When is the sale going live? So far only the 15% discount for members is active on EU.
  16. ElectricISR Active Player

    yea when its starting ?
  17. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Just logged in now on EU and some prices (like that movement styles) are halved.

    In addition to Replays, Respecs and Stabilizers not being on sale, neither are Seals or Nth Metal. This Black Friday Sale is really really what the name says lol. There isn't really anything worth getting from the marketplace this weekend.
  18. FALLEN-ONE Active Player

    They sell 200k of replays versus 100k, so what? Will they make more money that week? Absolutely... In the long run they will actually lose money and most of their revenue to pay the employees just because those very same people who’ve stacked on replays are going to stop spending.
    Similar or even identical to this->[IMG]

  19. ElectricISR Active Player

    does the Seal Of Completion Included ?
  20. Schimaera Devoted Player

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