When Survival Mode coming back ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KobeEl, Aug 29, 2018.

  1. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i never even got past round 2 of any of the survival modes, i think i tried both trigon's and the kryptonian one. but i would most definitely not be against putting the survival mode base items in their corresponding themed vendors like putting demon skull/damned base items in gotham wasteland's vendors, lantern survival mode base items in mogo's local vendor, and the sunstone core base items in the meta wing's vendors. maybe even add an item or two with them, i still need some blue ball wall lamps from trigon's prison.
  2. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    When it can be monetized.
  3. dresserball Dedicated Player

    The game has taught us you get rewarded when you replay.
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    One could argue, paying more money to stop playing prematurely is a punishment.

    By the way, three courses today cause I'm rich.
  5. Plowed In Loyal Player

    When’s Santa Claus coming back?
    • Like x 1
  6. Coelha Well-Known Player

    I don't think it's just like that.

    If I reset, at least there'll be something else to do besides 2 dailies, 1 duo and 1 alert, at least that's how I felt when I used to replay (I no longer reset anything because I don't like our progression model). After getting my gear, I could just play normally for feats/extra marks/OP gear.

    In my opnion the following questions can tell if you should replay or not :
    1) What I have to do daily is enough based on the average time I can spend on DCUO ?
    2) Will I get tired after replaying?
    If yes for 1), then no need to replay. If yes for 2), then like you said it's a punishment, you're playing to quit the game in 1 week. If no and no, it'll probably be a good thing for you, so it depends.

    About SM, I love it. We definetelly need other things to do and SM should be included on the list, but there is a lot the devs have to do with little resources and I doubt they will ever prioritize SM. The best thing someone who wants SM back can do is cry for some years, unfortunately.

    My problem with not having SM is that we don't have any other "high CR" content to do besides the main episode and it looks like nothing new is planned for the near future (I can be wrong, as they didn't share a lot).
  7. Proxystar #Perception

    And when the sm is thrashed in 1-2 weeks and the boredom sets in again?

    "When is the next DLC" threads
    "When is the next SM" threads
    "SM isn't hard enough" threads

    What then because it happened last time, it'll happen next time too.

    People have these misplaced grandiose memories of what they thought SM was.

    The people that didn't get to run it think they are missing out on something awesome when really they aren't ;)
    • Like x 1
  8. High Troller Loyal Player

    As somebody that earned my styles, base items and small pets in SM, I would feel very disrespected by the powers that be for giving away those items.... free, monetary, marks, etc or otherwise. they were earned.
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    I actually think that's more what this is about people don't want SM they just want access to the rewards.

    Not sure how to do that without pissing people off though.
  10. GRAADUR New Player

    R.I.P SM Kobenounet:p
  11. dresserball Dedicated Player

    There is always stuff to do. It is up the individual to decide if they are going to stop or not.

    So I really don't think that is really issue.
  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Cool, I'm having lunch by the way, its going well.
  13. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    SM was indeed a fun time sink for me, but I'm also one of those masochistic individuals that deeply miss the days of pre-nerf Nexus and Paradox.

    That being said, it ain't never coming back unfortunately. I will go as far to say, I believe PVP will get an Update before SM comes back. Yeah, I think t's that hopeless :p. lol.
  14. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Where was everyone when there was SM?

    Was there an influx of players getting near max SP or something, because I don't recall this much enthusiasm when it came time to run SM.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    New players that didn't get to run it is my guess.
  16. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    People were in shout a couple months ago saying they're going to put SM styles on the quark vendor. Sad part is I believed them at the time too...
  17. dresserball Dedicated Player

    I didn't like the styles anyways. But don't worry about my opinion I have rocked the same styles for years.
  18. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    It´s really weird that some people are against SM coming back when there is nothing more left to do for endgame players.
    Because more stuff to do is bad, right? lol
  19. Plowed In Loyal Player

    I don’t think most people are against it, just accepting of the related information from the development team.

    Speaking for myself, I’m not against it, but I sure wouldn’t lobby for it.
  20. ALB Dedicated Player

    It's no money in it. If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense is the DCUO motto.