Alerts are not fun anymore!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flashy Swagg, Jul 9, 2018.

  1. Flashy Swagg Well-Known Player

    Ever since monthly content came alone alerts have gotten to the status of being a joke almost. In reg or elite roles should matter enough to be needed to be used in order to complete it. And when I say needed it shouldn’t be able to beaten with ease without all roles in there working to together to beat a mission. This won’t be as long of a plea or a rant as my pvp post (which btw I hope does not get locked for any reason of my own btw or comments made on there). My solution from best to worst in order to make them fun and challenging again. 1. Would be to take out rolesless buffs to make ppl have to get the roles needed to beat said mission now mind you if it’s reg make it a Challenge where it’s beatable but it’s not easy and roles are needed to beat it. Elite kill us with the challenge of course. 2. Make elite alerts again and make it so we need those roles to be important enough where there is no way we can beat said competent without all roles working together to get thru every inch of that mission from start to finish not just boss fights but all roles thru out the mission. That last part about all roles needed thruout the whole mission can go into part 1 as well because it’s THAT needed and important. Support roles should feel needed outside of raids and right now it’s not the case nor has it been for at least the last 2 years and that’s sad and a joke I’m not even sorry about saying it like that. This DONE RIGHT can benefit of hard-core and casual players alike over for both steps. Doing at least one of these 2 steps can and should improve the experience of more roles being needed to beat alerts. These are facts that if a dev wants to see proof of look on most YouTube videos of every alert the last 2 years. Plz know I’m not making this up to push what I want but I’ve seen in game with my own eyes what I’m forced to do because the content doesn’t require it anymore.
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  2. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Can't remember the last alert I couldn't solo, atomic battle tank. Not disagreeing, but your beating a dead horse. Roleless buffs are here to stay. :(
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  3. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I was always against the roleless buffs as this game should have been about being the super power you want to play as for the character you want along with their advantages and disadvantages of that power....

    Not everyone likes to be a DPS and certain powers should only be a DPS role...but I know that will never happen....
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  4. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    hit the nail right on the head. i'd say put a tutorial in at the start but then players would just revert right back to dps if given any chance. would be nice if they could get rid of the roleless buff and improve the preset group role option and make it required, but then the dps only players would just halt qeues altogether until everybody else just finally let them be dps out of sheer stubbornness. i will say that after they get started such players should be kicked from the group but at the same time the kick option is more often abused to kick good tanks and healers to supplant them with more dps players so that doesn't help much either. what would be somewhat useful however would be a pre-made role group system that filters out more than 5 dps in a raid. i also feel the score board could be utilized to better capacity to show who should dps and who shouldn't. rage, fire, hardlight, ice, earth and electricity and sorcery all seem good for dpsing but some power sjust plain lack the necessary damage output to be a combat support role or purely damage dpses.
  5. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I agree, but its to late. While here on the forums people dont like it. At the same time, most don't like content to be to hard. This is why testers are posting videos of new elite content being beaten by under geared and low skill point toons. They make content to easy, regardless of the buff.
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  6. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Living a dream I see and alerts have long become that way well before monthly content.

    FAM and BIA upon release was basically the last alerts like that and they were nerfed so the community could complete them due to the low population of non DPS roles and inexperienced players.

    Like Prime said,"beating a dead horse".

    Besides even if they did it do you think they could stick to it and remove the nerf threads?
  7. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    It really depends on how you play them, I guess.

    Last night some Leaguemates and I decided to queue up for Underworld Trials (aka The Minotaur Alert) with our freshly-leveled-to-170 alts. Playing powersets and roles with which we were unfamiliar - with desperately low Skill Points - made it quite the challenge. There was a lot of death (but no wipes) and it took us over half an hour to finish what is usually a ten-minute instance.

    And yet we were laughing through the whole thing, having a great time as we struggled and failed ... and finally succeeded.

    The game is what you make of it.
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  8. Ferret2 Well-Known Player

    Lol. Welcome to the new genetation of gamers. Give me evetything i want with no effort. If i die once nerf it. The days of good games that require though and effort are slowly dieing. Ahh, remembering first tomb raider games, fond memories.
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

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  10. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I can hear the whines now of wanting to feel SOOPER DOOPER.

    Do you remember the belly aching after the revamp? I do & it was unfounded but the devs caved and made everything easier.

    To many times DCUO has done a knee jerk reaction because of the few loud voices and not really paid attention to what is really happening.
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  11. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    If you aint overgeared you're wrong. At least that's what I have been told. xD
  12. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    put simply the problem with raids and alerts is the general problem with just about everything else in life, people want things their way even if what they want isn't at all beneficial. yes it's nice having freedom to do as you please once in a while but a system built on the idea of valuing personal freedom above all else will surely eventually crumble, and will do so spectacularly.
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  13. Mazahs Loyal Player

    I was extra super squishy!!!

    @ OP...yes, I wish they would go away but as some have stated that train has long since left.
    I have maintained that roleless buff should only exist when at tier
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  14. Flashy Swagg Well-Known Player

    Forf the record guys I visit the forms but I’m not on them enough to know exactly how much was said on any subject whatsoever ever. So any post I make is of my choosing due to the fact I haven’t seen anyone say or say enough about what I’m feeling like speaking on in here. So me beating the dead horse or knowing of the nerds threads isn’t something g I’ve been exposed to. Thanks for letting me know tho but like Ferret said and I’m just NOW really seeing it thru his very comment ppl everything easy and it makes me sad cuz it takes from the game in ways it cannot ever get back.
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  15. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Fire tank!?! :p

    That be interesting to see with roleless buff thou, would help people of that tier, unless they are that role and have no clue what they doing lol
  16. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Are we going there?

    Personal freedom and giving it away for free are two different things.

    Roleless buffs are giving it away just like socialism does.

    Person freedoms are opportunities to make choices and choices always have consequences.
    Running without healers, controllers & tanks should have consequences not rewards.

    Roleless buffs are like welfare. The lazy will take advantage of it and it serves no purpose for the ones that are not lazy.
  17. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Fire something! I put together a loadout in about 5 min (no testing) Haven't even dipped my toes into tank side

    .I'm scared!
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  18. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I been saying this for years, what the development team can do to increase the challenge level of the content while promoting non-dps roles is to put in mechanics into the contact that can not be overcome without having a specific role in the group.

    For example when battling a Kryptonian, a Controller must have Kryptonite debuff equipped and can only be used when in Controller role..and you would need to R&D craft those debuffs before hand and go into content with them...

    Yes I know, folks will say you can have all DPS gear on and DPS loadout with all skill points in the DPS and just be Controller role...well no, not if you have it where you need to have a certain level of dominance in order for that debuff to work which would be impossible to have with DPS gear, skill points all in the DPS tree...etc..

    I'm all for challenging content, but I'm not naive to know the days of players spending 2 hours in a run are long gone and I think this would help out with that...

    Just a thought...
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  19. Ferret2 Well-Known Player

    Personel freedom lol. Everyone has the personel freedom not to play the game that was designed and released to played with 4 roles. Not whine and get it changed for the people that played because they like it. Theres plenty of easier games that you can play that are easy and dont require rolls. This games core was always about roles. Ftp kind of started the downward spiral of nerfs
  20. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Do you ever really learn to ride a bike if you never remove the training wheels?

    Do you really ever learn anything in if your teachers do everything for you?






    Roleless buffs never should have been.