Why doesnt Daybreak Give us A Way to Buy In game Money from them

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mikeyb2001, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. lukelucky Devoted Player

    If we buy money there is real life money backing the "printed" money

    Its simple.
    I WILL PAY 100 million for a material because it costs me nothing
    I WILL NOT pay 100 million for that same material if I had to open my wallet and spend say $50 for that 100 million

    U attach real life cost to the broker and reality sets in.
  2. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I used them frequently for about 4 time capsules then I basically quit the game.

    I don't want to give finacial gains to a third party, BUT imo time capsules gives u less rewards then burning cash for a heat source would.
    To be clear I spent hundreds upon hundreds on dcuo cash. It makes me sick Columbus nova did not benefit one cent from that spending but what can I do? The profit design is normal for f2p I suppose but I see no good in it and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES would I ever spent money on rng
  3. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    You realize GTA is a different beast though, right.

    Now if DCUO changed the way they handled their marketplace and made it harder to make money and only sold cash via marketplace and everything else was available for in game money (which wouldn't work considering how often money creation has been able to happen in this game, which is why it would never work) than your idea could work.

    You're also comparing apples to oranges because really in GTA everything is available with in game cash and all they sell is money, it's kind of hard to recreate a set up like that when a game already exists.
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  4. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I'm also going to add your theory doesn't work because it actually costs some people that much money anyways. Granted they turn and sell it for in game cash but they are still willing to sell the money.

    Also the game has a ton of whales just because it will stop you from doing it doesn't mean it won't stop others and it will also screw up the community.
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  5. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Last time I played GTA Online, they didn't have an in-game economy.

    I haven't followed the progress of GTA Online, so I'm not sure if anything has changed since then, but the most players could do, to "trade" cash, was place a bounty upon someone and get a specific person to claim that bounty. Has anything changed since then? Can players buy and trade items using their in-game currency?

    If nothing has changed, then GTA Online's currency is more like our marks currency. They're a private currency for the individual player, that is earned for playing the game and used to acquire the rewards. A GTA Shark Card is the equivalent of a DCUO Seasonal Currency package.
  6. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    It hasn't changed that's why I said he was comparing apples to oranges :p
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  7. lukelucky Devoted Player

  8. lukelucky Devoted Player

    We have 350 million dollar man bat henchmen and 600 million dollar cosmic materials.

    It will screw it up worse well we are already at worse

    I spent hundreds on in game cash from gold sellers. I mean hundreds upon hundreds. I hate Columbus nova gets not a single cent from that because Dcuo has implemented a system I feel is unfair and disrespectful to customers.

    NO WAY I ever spend money on rng.

    The broker or economy's going to get bad is moot it's past out of control. The average Joe is not getting a hundred million let alone hundreds of millions.
    THE SOLUTIONS SIMPLY MARKET PLACE EVERY ITEM. We are argueing semantics in this thread

    I support selling Dcuo cash in dcuo because the COLUMBUS NOVA would earn cash rather then third part co panies like gold sellers
  9. E Clip Dedicated Player

    In order to inject cash into the economy you need to have corresponding commodity for that cash, that's what creates value on the market. We already are spending real money to generate ingame cash by opening time capsules, but you don't get the cash, you get a commodity (motes, collections, bytes etc etc) and then upon selling it that commodity generates ingame cash. Sometimes your 1$ stabilizer can generate you a 100k in game cash sale, sometimes a 100mil in game cash sale, but at least that cash didnt pop out of thin air, you had to make ingame sale first.

    Your real life dollars wont dictate the price of the ingame commodities, but their supply or rather rarity. You say you wont pay 100mil for a rare mat if you purchased printed money, but if I hold that rare mat, I dont give 2 hoots how much you want to buy it for. I value the material im selling by its supply/rarity and its ingame value and how much others are willing to buy it for. You alone don't get to determine how much a certain commodity in game is valued for, because there are many ways to get ingame cash without spending any real money. Even you agree that 100 mil ingame cash that was earned without spending money has little value to you compared to 100mil if you had to spend 50$ for it.

    People who would purchase printed money at this rate 50$/100mil would be a rather small minority, so you'll have very little power over prices of ingame commodities. However, if DB decides to increase the ingame cash you get for 50$ to say 500mil, more players will opt to get printed money because suddenly they get more ingame value for their money, so lets say 50 players decide to get 500 mil for 50$, if there are 5 players selling void mats and 50 players willing to buy them who have 500mil or more to spend, what do you think the sellers will do? Yep, they will increase the price of the mats. Do you not see this thing has no end? If prices get increased ingame, ppl who want to buy printed money will ask for more and more ingame cash in exchange for their real dollars, which artificially deflates the value of ingame currency, which in other words is called inflation of prices. This horse has been beaten to death here and requires no further elaboration.

    You need to run this through your head: the only way you're gonna drive prices down for certain commodities is by increasing their supply. Printing money doesn't solve the problem of supply, it amplifies it.
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  10. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I wish we were arguing semantics because at the end of the day, the reason why you want money available in the marketplace is to help fix the economy/people can the good stuff is something I want as well.

    Problem is the solution you want to get behind will not give either of us the end result we really want. We also know they aren't going to marketplace every item that would be a dream come true but people do spend money on the rng none of us hould think they are going to stop creating things to put behind RNG.
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  11. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Would you honestly pay $200 for a single aura on the MP? Unless the answer is yes, your argument has no merit.
  12. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Just... No


    Hyper inflation at its max.
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  13. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Great...make it harder on gold spammers...while making it next to impossible for the rest of us. Great idea. :rolleyes:
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  14. Dene Devoted Player

    What is a ridiculous price? That is pretty subjective.. it is all about supply and demand

    I bet most could only name maybe ten items on the broker that are way too pricey.. not including items released years ago that were exclusive (they are super rare and super coveted )

    Rest of broker is fine
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  15. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I think you should've watched the video.
  16. Wildboy Committed Player

  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Just because you believe it with all your misguided heart, doesn't make it true at all. Secondly, a "simple system" will yield in no results other than wasted resources. If there were an effective simple system, Gold Spammers would not be such a prevalent pest on PC based games. Your annoyance at the Gold Spammers and disdain for the company are blinding you to the reality that any "worthwhile" solution to this problem will require heavy resource investment...which is a bill that would get passed on to the players in one form or another (worse than what people think is bad already).
  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Yes, the gold sellers are making a profit....but they aren't generating new money. They're buying it from other players at a lower rate and then selling it at their current prices. The money they are selling was already in the game...just aggregated by players. DCUO selling money would be printing new currency at a greater rate than what is readily available in-game (content rewards, selling to vendors). There is already an inflation problem in the game...but it's not WILDLY out of control...yet. Printing new money will cause instant inflation at a much greater rate with ZERO control.

    Right now the Liquid Material is going between 80mil to 125mil at any given hour (prices go up and down as people work towards getting that amount of cash). Say tomorrow Daybreak starts selling their own cash...the prices instantly double. Not because there's a lower amount of Liquid Materials...but because people know that others can now just print money (buying it from Daybreak). Once someone pays that amount because they can afford to, there's nothing stopping the sellers from increasing the prices again. Sure, it might hit a point where people might stop buying the Daybreak cash...but the prices won't go down...since new money was thrown into the system at a greater rate than usual in a short span of time. You'd be taking a bad situation and multiplying it. That's not fixing the problem...that's just speeding it up.
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  19. lukelucky Devoted Player

    The economy is screwed beyond belief so no I don't think this is a fix per say

    Columbus nova is losing money every time one of us uses gold sellers
    There is how many items developed that
    A. Can no longer generate Dcuo money (smh)
    B. Despite being developed not yet available in the game.
    (negative speed force could be available in how many colors? That goes for most materials)
    C. Players won't ever get a fair chance at obtaining

    Last but by no means least is players WOULD have a real legitimate way to obtain items
  20. lukelucky Devoted Player

    How can u know what happens if dcuo sells cash. Its a complete guess. No way I see people spending $50 for a material. Not this community so I call bs on your assumption

    Dcuo selling in game cash has been requested enough it should be looked at. Why u r ok with dcuo losi g cash to a third party me