Why doesnt Daybreak Give us A Way to Buy In game Money from them

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mikeyb2001, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    What really blows my mind is that people willfully come on a thread and say yeah I use these gold sites all the time & think it's all fine & dandy.
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  2. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I think these people are some of the sources for the gold sellers.
  3. lukelucky Devoted Player

    The reason printing money is not OK is because there is nothing backing it. Same with glitch money. Its funny money

    I skipped your video because no kidding Printing money is no good.

    The example u used with test server is moot. How much money did that test server cost you? Right. Another example of funny money.

    Money needs something backing it to make it valueable and to prevent all the issues u described. Real life we have gold backing the dollar. Current dcuo is experiencing the issues u have described because essentially the glitch printed money.

    You attach real life CURRENCY to game currency and suddenly the value changes and the wrongs begin to right themselves. Currently sure people toss around hundreds of millions because it's free and easy to obtain. Once a hundred million has a real life value spending hobbits change

    The counter that those who have a ton of Current cash will unfaily benefit is also moot. Why? Well currently they are benefiting anyway while the rest of us suffers
  4. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Wouldn’t surprise me
  5. GingerOnTheRocks Well-Known Player

    Might as well, you basically can already indirectly buy currency by selling replays and buying stabilizers and selling stuff out of them on broker. They don't even care enough to put a simple system in place to stop gold spammers. Let's just make the game fully pay to win and get it over with. put 228 Cr gear on the marketplace while you're at it.
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  6. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    What part of the game does anyone win? I never have figured that out since DCUO is based off of group content.
  7. GingerOnTheRocks Well-Known Player

    You are right, there is no way any MMO could ever be pay to win.
  8. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Yeah, basically cash by itself means nothing, its about how much purchasing power you have with that cash. Most countries abandoned the gold standard long time ago though, but similar mechanism are in place that regulate currencies and their purchasing power that includes many goods/services, trade or exchange rates. DCUO is similar to the real economy, you can think of various trading stuff (collections, mats, bytes etc) as different currencies or goods/services and just like in the real world you can buy/sell stuff at different times, thus decreasing or increasing your purchasing power, which is the ONLY thing that really matters. There are things the DCUO's economy that you can easily predict with 99% certainty, however this is a much slower method than converting real life money (stabilizers) into ingame cash.

    Ever since the TCs were introduced and considering their RNG nature, the market has become way more volatile and unpredictable. I think what we need is something like the bytes were in the past, they were basically DCUO's gold standard and you can form prices around their price. However, they now drop in TCs and thats what killed their value. I would even argue that for DCUO's economy to be fairer, it would be the best if bytes cant be recovered from mods, however the number of bytes required to mod a piece of gear would have to be lower or we'd have a real problem when people start ******** about it. That way you will always have bytes as a hot commodity that the economy can revolve around.
  9. krytine Loyal Player

    4. Balance out the drop rates
  10. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    It wouldn't work that way.

    Let's say that Daybreak start selling currency. Let's say it's $10,000,000 for 1,000MC. That doesn't mean that suddenly $1 real world currency = $1,000,000 in game currency. It simply means that you can purchase additional currency for $10.

    If you purchase a Stabilizer for $1 and open a Time Capsule, receiving something like Future Crusader Helmet style, you wouldn't own a style which is worth $1,000,000. You'd own a style that's worth something like $5,000,000, which translates to $1 = $5,000,000 in game dollars.

    If you open a $10 Booster Bundle and get a Liquid material, you've got in your possession a style which is currently worth about $90m (on EU servers) which translates to $1 = $9,000,000.

    When you sell an item, too, you're gaining $X of in game currency for $0 real life currency. So $1,000,000 will never be worth $1 just because you could buy it in a package at that rate. Therefore people wouldn't adjust their spending habits. That's why it isn't a solution to fixing the economy.

    In the process of trying to fix the economy this way, you will flood the economy with unprecedented amounts of cash, which in turn will cause prices to increase and then we'll all be back here on the forums, talking about the glory days when the rare collections were $100,000,000 each, begging for the developers to get rid of the cash product and drain people of their money.

    Also, assuming they did do something like $10 for $10,000,000... Today, about 9 packs will net you a Liquid material on the broker. So that's $90. But when the prices shoot up because of all that extra cash floating around, the Liquid material would end up being worth a considerable amount more than that, which means you'll need a considerably more cash packs @ $10 each to be able to afford it.

    It's not a solution. It should never happen.
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  11. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Every problem u claim would be created is already in dcuo.

    Its this simple. Either Dcuo makes money of selling cash or gold sellers do. Allowing a third party to profit rather then making the money yourself does not make a bit of sense to me
  12. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    But doing something that is going to cost you clients in the long run is also not healthy.

    Do you know how many users they could lose if sold money in the marketplace and caused the ingame marketplace to become worse? I know I don't and I know you don't.

    I would also argue it's probably a gamble they dont want to take.
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  13. Harlequin Devoted Player

    You're still not getting it. There is a big difference between shuffling around in-game cash that already exists (gold sellers and whales on the broker) and introducing unlimited amounts of new cash into the economy.

    I seriously don't understand how people have already forgotten what happened during the big money dupe that happened a few years ago. So much currency was magically dumped into the economy that people were posting stacks of bits at the cap on the broker. It was worthless and people started using bits as the de-facto currency because they had value. Fast forward to today and bits/bytes hold a fraction of that value because they are being created from thin air in time capsules and the market is flooded with them. Simple/complex mats almost took their place but the quark vendor killed that notion.

    If Daybreak starts selling cash, you'd better start preparing for the end of service announcement because that would be the end.
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  14. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Gold sellers, as bad as they are, are no where near as destructive to the economy as Daybreak selling freshly minted currency would be.

    As Harlequinn pointed out in his reply, gold sellers acquire currency, usually from other players as per their advertisements, and then shuffle it around by selling their reserves to other players.

    If Daybreak started selling currency, it would be freshly minted currency and not currency that exists, right now, as we debate this issue. That means the amount of currency in circulation would increase every time a marketplace currency pack is purchased.

    Harlequinn summarised it best, just read that.

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  15. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Lol there really are people who do not see the difference between buying already existing ingame money indirectly for real cash and buying newly created in-game money directly for real cash...
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  16. Dene Devoted Player

    Exactly.. Gold Sellers do not introduce 1 extra dollar..

    I know, for some, this game is almost purely about combat, but not everyone is like that & introducing cash from the MP will not only affect the basic economy but also people's game play.

    To people, like me, part of the game *is* the broker! Letting people buy money to spend in game, imo, is no different to people being allowed to buy the latest vendor styles straight from MP

    There are many parts of our every day game that would be affected, but the big one that springs to mind is farming - I run things that some people have loonng forgotten, just for a possible 1 mill base item or that rare back style from instance XYZ. Guaranteed 90% of people would stop farming stuff.. there would be no point.
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  17. E Clip Dedicated Player

    You're conflating two things. First you mentioned about gold standard and then you go on to say that printing money is ok, aka funny money as you put it. These two things contradict each other. Think about it, if dcuo starts printing money, what backs up that money in the economy, or whats their gold standard? There is none, hence why everybody here is telling you how bad your idea is and how it would ultimately lead to hyper inflation. Its probably the simplest economic concept to grasp ... The absence of a single gold standard (or a single commodity the cash value is measured against) makes it a bit more complicated, which isn't too different in real world economy, that's why I went on to explain how you can think of value in this game, but once you start introducing funny money, that goes out the window and all bets are off. The test server example should have given you a clue as to how bad your idea is, also the PSN money glitch did exactly what you're suggesting and we all know how great that turned out to be.
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  18. Schimaera Devoted Player

    For everyone who still thinks this is a good idea, let's make a different example and then look at it afterwards as if it was about ingame cash:

    In my youth there was this new thing called "Pokémon Trading Card Game", some may know it :D . Well in the first booster pack ever released there was this card named "Charizard" - really cool dude this one. Now let's assume this example is about a 1st Edition one in mint (flawless) condition, shadowless from the first print run ever. Go look it up, then come back ^^

    Now let's say you want to have it. It is expansive and you have to spend your money for it in the thousands because it is extremely rare and there are only a few left.

    Now suddenly there's Wizards of the Coast (or is it Hasbro?) and tells you that you can have it for a slightly reduced price. You like that.
    The catch is that the company just prints this card and sells it to you.

    Many others follow because the company made it official and such it makes plenty of money and countless fans now get a brand new freshly printed rare card. Suddenly this card is not so rare anymore.
    What do you think will happen with the pricing? Will it still be a few thousand dollas or does it suddenly will only cost a few hundred? Or even less?
    The thing happening here is that the value of the card was measured by it's rarity. A low supply but a somewhat high demand. When the supply suddenly skyrockets S&D are now maybe on par or the supply is even higher than the demand.
    Because of this, the card is devalued and you would not spend thousand dollars on it anymore. And why should you?

    Gold Sellers in this example are just shady figures from the Black Market who (illegally) aquired one of the few left rare cards and they are selling it to you.

    Now I do believe this example is understandable. The next thing we do is replace any instance of "card" (or synonyms) with "DCUO ingame cash" and any instance of "Company" with "DCUO Devs".
    The result is now the same. By generating more of something, its value shrinks when the demand stays the same.
    In our situation wtih DCUO it goes further because the "thing" is our currency. So if I have something super rare like an OG Aura, the player community and I measured it by its rarity and gave it some sort of value. Let's say 200 Million Ingame cash. It was a high price because not many people have that much ingame cash (overall).
    If now somehow a hundredfold amount of players do have this amount of money, 200 Million isn't that high of a price anymore. Because of that I now want to increase the price so my rare item keeps its (rightful) value. So I chose 800 Million.
    The same goes for Complex Materials, rare collections, base items etc. Because I now know that many people are "rich", I can increase the pricing of my stuff.
    And I am not alone becaues there are now hundreds of players who have millions and millions of ingame dollars. They also will put stuff on the broker for much higher prices.
    And now you are stuck because you bought this cool OG Aura for 800 Mil and now you are broke. What will you do now? Buy cash from the MP ? Great, now Simple Material Stacks started being worth 800 Mil as well because too many players like you decided they want to buy money. It. Will. Not. Get. Better.
    There is not a single reasonable and good argument for printing ingame currency in this thread.
    What does also not work? Capping the broker. If the broker was capped players would start only trading items instead of selling them on the broker. If they cap the money there as well, players will start to measure the vaule of their items with other items.
    1 Phoenix Material will suddenly be worth 2 Chrome Materials or 1 Void Material and 2 Time Warp Auras. Good luck with that. You can't win this with a "print-money-idea".
    What you can do is simple: Look what players want and farm it. You get a feeling of what stuff is worth really fast. Then look when something is sold under value. Buy it. Sell it at higher value. Sell new stuff early at a high price. Buy it later at a much lower price (I sold my first Atomica OP collection for 40mil. What is it now? 500k?).
    This is logic, you don't have to be a banker for this. And yes, this is a part of this game. In every game where you can trade items between players there will always be valuable and cheap items. Broker or not. Adapt or leave it be. I have not seen a single multiplayer game where you can trade stuff where there was no supply and demand. Never.
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  19. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Bottom line, and the thing that people aren't getting, is this: no matter how much money is available in game, whether exhorbitant amounts of cash or very little, ultra rare time capsule items will always be extremely expensive, and out of the reach of most people because of their rarity. There's no way to avoid that, simply because of supply and demand.

    The devs could wipe out everyone's cash tomorrow and start us all at $1000. People would still sell the materials for 1,000,000 when most people only have $1,000, or 10,000,000 when most have 1,000,000, etc. etc.

    Letting people buy currency from the devs doesn't solve anything, except for the first 5 people to do it, lol. The next day, when prices skyrocket, everything is the same as currently, just with an extra zero.

    The solution to the problem of gold sellers isn't to add another problem on top of it. It's to actually punish severely people who buy cash from goldsellers (other MMOs actually do this).

    If you have an infection in your foot, the solution isn't to cut yourself in the other foot to balance out the pain.
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  20. lukelucky Devoted Player

    You understand the solution is drop everything in the market place as non tradeable

    Time capsules
    Booster bundles
    Replay bait and shared loot locks (shared loot locks been removed sure)


    GTA sells in game money and does just fine. Selling in game cash is not awful IF handled correctly