So we're in need of a new episode very soon because

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dr Nastiobous, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Once upon a time, players would have PVP to keep them occupied in between releases.

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  2. Dr Nastiobous Well-Known Player

    I'm going by active players and yes we help people everyday, thats mostly what i've been doing, so basically what i'm saying is I want new content cause I am bored but yes theres stuff to do but I would like something fresh .
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  3. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Those too.

    See, so much stuff to do. Who has time for new content. :)
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  4. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    Along with the fact that a lot of people don't feel the need to grind skill points anymore either. All of the current content was doable at a lower cr and lower sp's. There's nothing to work for unless you're a completionist because it isn't necessary to play the game at a high level or at any level. Personally, it all just goes back to that thread about Elite content a few weeks ago. :rolleyes:
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  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Not Quite that many LOL But I now have 7 alts all between Cr 219 and 221 and most have over 300 of the 500+ needed for a full set of gear from the E# Vendor. let's see.... I spent all of January doing the Anniversary stuff and E3 stuff. And by next week the Valentines'd day stuff will kick in. When I run out of other things to do... i just run anything to grab more Nth metal to get all three artifacts all 7 of them have above 80 and working toward 100.

    Now add in feat runs.... add in catalyst runs ( what you DON'T need those.. run them anyway and sell them on the Broker).

    Way too early to get anything official but as a wild guess with the Valentine's day event in February your gu7ess at some time in march could be a good one. It has been 2 months since we got Earth 3.
  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Not sure how long you've been playing, but never in this game's 7 year history have they ever promised or alluded to ever try to get full DLCs (now called episodes) on anything shorter than a 3 month schedule (this excludes the Monthly episode thing because it was only 2 pieces of content per month)....and we haven't fully completed 3 months yet since the release of Earth 3. You and your leaguemates may be personally done or tired of playing the content, but you're far from done if you're not sitting at cr226+. Maybe a break is in order, while you keep watch of announcements for the Valentine's seasonal and word on new content. And considering that last year Amazon Fury 3 was released at around the same time as Earth 3 and we didn't get any new permanent content until July, March is by no means too far away.
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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Who says you have to throw money at the screen??? Just run the damned content. Why is this concept so hard to understand???
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  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    They never specified any particular timeframe, and certainly nothing as close as every few months. At best, look at a 3-4 month schedule...tops. They wont be cranking anything faster than that. They have never had the resources to make that happen even when they had a larger staff. In another post you suggested that maybe they should make the regular content harder like it used to be. That is the answer to the longevity issue.
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  9. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    :( we so need this right now.
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  10. Skandov Well-Known Player

    Let's not forget that pretty much 50% of all the feats in the game, are now locked behind a paywall... So I can also get 300+ SP if I spend more money on TC, but guess what, I haven't bought a single stabilizer since amazon capsule. THAT is how you survive the cash cow crisis, just don't buy them and you'll be happy. No need to rush. :)
  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    This right here is the reason why PvP needs to be prioritized a lot higher than it currently is, so that it can get fixed and give people an outlet in-between Episodes.
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  12. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    Bring back Rock Paper Scissor please to PvP....

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  13. Dr Nastiobous Well-Known Player

  14. Multiverse 15000 Post Club


    The Top CR is 228.
    So... still plenty of room for your Leaguemates to to work to improve their characters. ;) ;)

    Not to mention farming for the Valentine seasonl... which should start Soon. ;)
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  15. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    non-replay spamming semi-completionist here who is definitely not ready for another episode yet. Speak for yourself OP. :)
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  16. inferno Loyal Player

    To be completely honest, i do sometimes would like to see a new DLC or maybe some hints or news. Then, i start to remember the grind that i just finished with the event and i just want to relax, play only on my main toon for 30 min or so, clean up and arrange the inventories and banks on all my alts, maybe decorate a base or two or my league halls.

    I think what we need now is maybe some news, hints or glimpses on what's the next DLC or something new to chew on. The devs are pretty much keeping things close to their vests right now.

    By allowing some trickle of information spread out every couple of weeks, it should be enough to satiate the "need" for something new. At least, until they are ready to release the next one.
  17. bull425 Well-Known Player

    Why not make all CR's able to get marks for all content. Then still plenty to do. And raise the cap from 200.
  18. Turnt UP New Player

    THERE ARE 9 jobs daybreak needs to fill for DCUO giving them a little break to do backround checks on the people who apply lol

    make DC great again my degree is in electrical engineering so i cant help them:oops:
  19. Proxystar #Perception

    But I like the fact there's nothing to do it means I can just log on run the vault then log off and then do more meaningful things with my life :D

    The only reason I run the vault is because it makes every day feel like my birthday. Presents!
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  20. Greenghost2212 New Player

    GTA V does this perfectly.
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