Ah, the good ol Nexus of Reality mechanics

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Balistical Ice, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Anybody miss and wish they would bring back mechanics like the one in Nexus? Man, i remember when me and my league were screaming and getting excited about trying to get everyone in the circles so we didnt get one shot.

    Those were the days for me. Anyone else?
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  2. Kzinti Committed Player

    I thought the revamp may bring them back, but alas it didn't :(
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  3. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Its a new generation of players. Challenges and mechanics aren't welcome anymore.
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  4. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    I was hoping so as well
  5. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

  6. Ringz Dedicated Player

  7. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Yeah I enjoy a challenge and mechanics that are more complicated. Sadly most others don't seem to feel the same way.
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  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Man I swear you guys can make anything into a "content is too easy!" thread huh?? If you want a challenge just take off your gear and stop crying!

    Figured I'd beat the other guys to it.
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  9. stärnbock Devoted Player

  10. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player


    Content like ANB was my favorite, actually requiring support roles to stun the manhunters/blue lanterns. Actually needing to grab your mist container and run away before the sinestro or green lantern folks get you, And the split up mechanic.

    Sadly, this community prefers quantity over quality these days; and feels like they should be able to beat any raid day 1 because ya know"I don't wanna spend 30 minutes in a raid, I wanna log off DCUO and play another game; so just let me beat this raid quickly" That mentality right there is why we'll never have mechanically challenging content again. It's a Raid, supposedly the biggest and challenging content the game's supposed to offer; but the playerbase of today doesn't see it that way.
  11. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

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  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Sorry to double post guys but I have an actual question. I started playing Nexus and AnB when Halls Of Power 1 was the top dlc. To what extent could 104+crs have been carrying me? Because I don’t remember either of them being that bad to be honest. I have no idea how many of them were actually in my runs because this was before it was displayed.
  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Nexus and wave were both already nerfed to ground when HoP 1 came out. They were a lot more brutal in 2013 when they first released.
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  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Aw, there was me hoping it was going to turn out that I’m better than I thought I was -_-
  15. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    30 min?
    Those sweet hours in the Batcave, Fos, Prime...
    ...at level when released...


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  16. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    FoS2 was the high water mark for me. The amount of knowledge, skill, communication, role-specific duties and teamwork required just for the Bridge section alone made strong men weep.

    Nexus and Paradox were indeed difficult - but since my initial experience of Origin Crisis was on the awful, glitchy PS3 (where NPCs, players, effects and perhaps most importantly the freaking SHIELD were invisible 75-80% of the time), I never truly embraced what those raids were supposed to represent.
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  17. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    AnB when first released had many fail groups. Those that knew how to troll and who didn't would be very obvious at the end of the raid. It definitely wasn't easy, until later.
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  18. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Same. I took at break to play final fantasy when nexus and wave were released. Between the lag, invisible stuff on the floor, and lag. I couldn't do it. Even the green balls in nexus were invisible sometimes.
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  19. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I remember queuing into inner back in the day. In there for a few hours. Left, ate lunch, and two hours later. The same group was still in there. Was crazy, lol.
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  20. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Fixed it for you xD
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