What's your favorite seasonal and....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by coldchilln88, Dec 5, 2017.

  1. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    What seasonal would you most want or like to be turned into a full blown DLC. Ive always wanted them to expand on the seasonals so just throwing it out here.
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  2. GL4ever Well-Known Player

    The current (winter) is my favorite. It just puts me in a Christmas mood :)

    Don't think I'd really want any turned into a full blown DLC, By the time the seasonals are over, I'm usually about ready for it to end and move on. I would be interested in them coming up with an alternate version and maybe switch them out so it's not literally the same one each year.
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  3. majosea Dedicated Player

    I would love the devs to make all the events like earth 3 , 1 duo 1 alert 2 raids and a bunch of open world content . but no as a dlc , they could do a winter inspired dlc not tied in with the event I'd cool with that
  4. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    If the Anniversary Event counts then it's easily my favorite. Otherwise, I would say the Summer Event.

    I would like for the Anniversary event to be permanent but not as a substitution for an actual episode.
  5. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    It doesn't have be the actual seasonal in the dlc. I meant more along the lines of a poison ivy swamp thing dlc or a halloween magic inspired dlc or the obvious aquaman. Could just be inspired by.
  6. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    What's my favorite seasonal event?
    Christmas by far.

    What do seasonal do I want as an episode? None.
    We had that with Riddled with Crime and RWC was quite terrible in my opinion.
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  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Halloween event is by far my favorite. Maybe cause Halloween in general is my favorite holiday, but that's besides the point lol.

    I'd love to see that as a full blown dlc. I don't think we had a haunted/horror type dlc yet anyway (except maybe sons of trigon).
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  8. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Maybe combine that with Valentine’s for a really twisted tale? :)
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  9. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Uhh what seasonal is RwC based off of? Im not talking about events. I said seasonals. As in the ones we've had for 6 or 7 years.
  10. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i always spend a week or two accumulating marks on the toons i select to grind out seasonals. then i go on a shopping spree. i'm assuming the winter speaker plays the open world holiday music. i'm hoping.

    i love them all but after seven years they need a serious refreshment. would be nice to see some additional duos and alerts added into seasonal content with its own chance to earn extra marks and base items. much in the same way they turned an old unfinished map into earth 3 gotham maybe they could rework the original valentines and halloween content.

    i've always fantasied about sillier themed content that features mr.mxy, bizarro, and the toyman. a trip to bizarro earth. giant toy robots. titano. tying it into an april fools instance during the st patricks day seasonal could work.

    i posted my idea for an instance featuring the Calendar Man. Each time you queue in the alert will change according to what seasonal you draw (it should always be random) with ads and bosses based on that seasonal. you'd earn seasonal marks and at the end a vendor would appear allowing for the acquisition of base items. you can even make it so theres no vendor and you'd have to wait to spend all your marks when the real seasonal makes its round...
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  11. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Oh my bad then, I said Anniversary Event. I guess my favorite seasonal is the summer one. I wouldnt care for it as an episode though.
  12. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    my favorite seasonal is always the summer seasonal.. i hate everything else cause i have to roam the city to find event item while summer seasonal is all group to a single place... it's more fun to just goto a place and complete the event then roam aimlessly in the city..
  13. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    People have a favorite seasonal? Seasonal s are the most monotonous content in the game. Second to LPVE of course. I'd prefer no seasonal.
  14. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I can't say I have a favorite seasonal. They are all awesome IMO, but I think the OG Valentine's day was maybe the most unique. Never gonna come back, but it would be interesting if it did.
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  15. Dwild50 Well-Known Player

    Seasonals are pretty much ok...I admit by the end of each one you've pretty much gotten bored with the iconic music involved; perhaps a switch somewhere along the line so we don't hear the same tune droning throughout the whole month. But I'm kinda looking forward to this 12 days of Christmas thing...and glad they give you the special tree for free. Best thing about ALL the seasonals is that you can take them or leave them or just do enough to get the new feats or obsessively try to get every possible run thru...everyone gets to do what they want, as much as they want or just let it go. (And I like the recent inclusion of sound related furniture bits...the new Christmas one that looks like the old Console Radio from A Christmas Story is really nice looking)
  16. Vesper Dedicated Player

    St. Patrick's Day, no question.

    One coin collecting mission, one quick run of the tour stops with Myxy, DONE. 4 minutes a toon. I can do every toon in my stable in barely an hour.

    I don't want challenging content in seasonals. I don't want instances where I have to make sure 3 other people aren't stupid. I don't want to spend 20 minutes in Carol Ferris because people insist on fighting and dying on the stairs.

    I just want to snag my seasonal marks and GO. If they would cut EVERY Seasonal instance and just leave us with whatever open-world collecting mission for ALL the marks, I would NOT be upset.
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  17. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Which is my favorite.. I would say Halloween. Now no one asked but least favorite would be St Patrick's .. just seems like they put a lot less effort into it.. I mean come on we get no alert at all and they replace that with a tour of Metropolis and a "special race?"

    Which one would i like to see turned into a full DLC.... First vote would go to the Summer event.. Not like we have not seen countless threads on here asking for an Aquaman based DLC to begin with.. and fighting an all out war with Ocean Master.. Duo(s), alerts and raid or two could be a lot of fun and a definite change of pace.

    In second place I'd go with Fatal's idea.. A really good DLC revolving around Klarion and Lords of Chaos battling it out with us and the Lords of Order would be very cool. Could give us a chance to work with Constantine and Zatanna.. Justice League Dark :D
  18. Eve YouTuber

    Christmas, definitely.
    And I would love to have new Mission & instances, if possible. And just get the old feats
    like they did with valentines day, So we can move on to new mission and Instance.
  19. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Halloween event. Though you can't beat running through Metropolis with Xmas seasonal up and that music.

    Spring event always consistently delivers the best rewards imo, both styles and base items. Summer has had good moments and Halloween has too, especially this year's Halloween base items.

    It would be Xmas seasonal if there were better base item rewards, but overall Halloween gets my vote :)
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  20. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    My favorite is the Beebo Day seasonal event, we have yet to have our own Beebo base item to pray to. A full Beebo Day DLC episode would certainly better than the Earth-3 one hands down.