Now Available: Artifacts!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    So.... Has Anyone Gotten the New Thanksgiving Vault Base Item, Yet? What is it?
  2. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Day ONE... and already the Constantine in the Hall of Doom should be placed elsewhere.

    Some losers buried Constantine under a truckload of repair bots making it inaccessible. :rolleyes:
  3. light FX Steadfast Player

    Can i ask why? Nth metal drops all over the place. Why is the same nth metal from the vault somehow different? Also how does the overwriting of the artifacts work? I know the higher ranked one comes out on top but is only for the same artifacts? Meaning does a tank one overwrite a dps one in the tank 1 is higher?
  4. Noah Bawdy New Player

    The Nth Metals aren't stacking properly and are filling my inventory fast. I have for instance, two stacks of Processed Nth Metal, one stack with 1 and another stack of 13. I can't merge the two stacks.
  5. kingservant1 Well-Known Player

    I received something during the stabilizer event and I cannot claim it.
    There is a green orb hovering by my head and I have empty inventory slots.
    I cannot get the thing to move or "come to me."
  6. kingservant1 Well-Known Player

    what does it mean in the artifacts inventory window where it says "Select a Catalyst for its location information"?
    Select a catalyst from where in order to find out its location information?
  7. MistahMartini New Player

    I got to wrong one..... I am a controller.. and I got damage :(... is it possible to undo?
  8. DaReal_Flaconman217 New Player

    it only took me 10 mins to DL
  9. Sugr Bear Committed Player

    I have to say I like the intro mission, it was a fun little change of pace. I'm looking forward to see where artifacts lead and it gives me a reason to run old content other than salvage. I also like the way the upgrading of artifacts work. Good job.
  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The only thing you can sell is the Catalysts you receive from running various content. Prices were high during the first two hours of the servers being up, but the undercutting has begun in serious earnest. It seems that some of the Nth Metal can be transferred via the shared bank, while others can't.

    The LoA glitch I have no clue about. I've experienced that before but I don't remember the circumstance nor the variables of that incident, so I have no way of reproducing it in order to report it.
  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The vault Nth Metal is not tradeable so that the vault bonus cannot be abused my players with many characters.

    A tank one will stack with a dps one. If there are two tank ones, for example, only the best one would take effect.
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  12. Harley808 New Player

    Keep trying to download it keeps telling me to retry any suggestions i have all ready retried several times and restarted ect
  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You can select the catalyst needed in the Artifacts UI to see more information about where to go get it.
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  14. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Membership should have it's privileges.
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  15. light FX Steadfast Player

    Ok thanks.
  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    2 cornucopias. 1 is the bountiful cornucopia and the other is the plentiful cornucopia table. They are both tables but different colors. On the broker for pretty cheap.
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  17. Sugr Bear Committed Player

    Oh good. Just like every single good collection in the last year, my luck is awesome. Can't break through on a 95% chance. I'm about over it.
  18. light FX Steadfast Player

  19. EP Ice Loyal Player

    A couple of questions.

    1. How do you use the seal of preservation?

    2. Which catalyst do you need for the might artifact?

    The tutorial really doesn’t explain this
  20. ChillCat Loyal Player

    When you go to the artifacts tab and place the artifact in the lower slot to upgrade it, it will show you at the top of the screen the catalyst(s) you need to break through the next milestone. If you hover over the catalyst types, it will also tell you where they can be found.
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