Oh My God, I Got You a Cool Idea

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Saturn Girl, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. Saturn Girl Committed Player

    OMG it would be a true love, if we could get a boy friend and boys get a girlfriend and be able to marry and with some new actions like hug :p
    It can be an action of family group too. To have a list of your husband, Children, Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Grandfather, Grandmother.
    This is my own solution.
    So no one marries with who is unknown, we usually request our friends to make a family in the game like a league.
    It would work like this, we go to that page to invite a friend's character to a relationship, then if both sides we're agree they just get married but no that simply, there would be something between relationship and wedding such as some duos and... It is what developers design, like a raid or an alert which happens before the wedding, irk maybe someone evil decides to stop the wedding or...
    Then a group of both characters will be named "Family", if only the husband or wife decides to leave the group, that can requests and the other one accepts to destroy the family, or that group never be destroyed, it would be better, then people can be more
    Careful to choose their soulmate, then that can invite a person to be their son or daughter, and both members (mother and father) must accept it, then the other person enters the character creation and makes the character, but there should be a REAL NAME for each character (not only families) if anyone creates a character, types the Alias which spears on the head and a real name which has first name and last name and can be used for too many character, for example 200 characters can have Alice as their first name. Then the father gives his last name to the new members of family (children, grandchildren).
    And the new members cant change the last name. There can be a base as the family house that all members can enter and use generator and...
    And shared bank For the family, money that all members can use, marks that all members can use, gears that all members can use, family chat, and so many other good things...
    It is greatest solution and change in DCUO. I enjoy using the Family in DCUO like the Leagues.
    Its raids and alerts and duos and time capsules can be a Episode (DLC) too. I like to wear some new Formal outfits.
  2. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    but... most people play video games to get AWAY from family...
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  3. YoCuro Active Player

    This kills the game
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  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    Only if i can adopt other players so they can do my bidding :p Seriously tho i dont want a dcuo wife or children. Im playing the game to run content with friends and league. Not to play house.
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  5. Saturn Girl Committed Player

    We are playing with our friends, you have responsibilities in your league too.
    But it is lovelier and more useful with better option, I really want the names Idea.
  6. Saturn Girl Committed Player

    If you have ever checked the wiki powered by fandom you would see the name of parents and relatives is written too and the relatives are super heroes or super villains with powers.
    It sounds like a friendly league.
  7. Taerie Active Player

    Family.. ? I'd have to leave someone on my friends list longer than a month for that.
    You do you though!

    I'll do ya one better though just in the spirit of never gonna happen discussion

    Rent a wedding / reception instance for a month - its basically a base with pre-stocked wedding/party themed stuff for you to organize, instance use only party favors like fireworks and "stuff" in a soder machine

    and the legends toon's as NPC guests - think of it like your own wayne manor gala - naturally you can pick a few of them to attend, i mean you may or may not want Two Face showing up during the appetizers portion ..

    There's been a few games that have had something usable in that manner to one degree or another. There were raid weddings and stuff in EQ when i played it. Go for the wedding, stay for the loot. :p
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  8. Aquajet Well-Known Player

    Honestly, it sounds like you want this game to be something it's not, and is not ever going to be. Those 'other games' mentioned in that other thread of yours may do this, but it's not why players play this game. Why change this one to be like those other games? It's fine as it is. DCUO doesn't need to turn into SecondLife. The devs have enough of a hard time bringing us content to play, and you want to throw more on their plate that does absolutely nothing for the players and actual gameplay? Again, not going to happen.
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  9. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    That place in Chinatown was obviously made to hold marriages.
  10. Wallachia Devoted Player

    What a great idea! You know how would we call the game if we ever got those?

    SECOND LIFE! >:{
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  11. Backblock Well-Known Player

    Just join an RP league or something.
    Don't worry tho, the devs will consider your idea once they find a way to monetize it and distribute it with "incentives" (SP/styles with RNG involved) :rolleyes:
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  12. Saturn Girl Committed Player

    Oh God, why are you so negative, I have never seen you liking a post instead of ignoring. I'm not saying I want The Sims 3 in DCUO, I'm wanting a last name with some duties of wedding and something evil that happens before the wedding. And I don't guess you hadnt like the idea Of shared money, marks and gears of family group.
    If you say a second life, think about what you say, you are playing a life 4 or 5 hours a day maybe sometimes more instead of going picnic and having fun with your family, these are just imaginations on a monitor not second life.
  13. Saturn Girl Committed Player

    That's just a joke, don't you see the sticker? But actually I'd like a hug action :)
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  14. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I didn't see the sticker. I can't be nice, I'm a red lantern and must be edgy. Graur.

    I could give you a hug tho. A bearhug >:3
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  15. Saturn Girl Committed Player

    No thanks, I don't like to hug a Red Lantern :confused:
  16. Wallachia Devoted Player

    </3 I was simply tryng to show bone-breaking affection!
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  17. spack2k Steadfast Player

    This game aint Sims!

    just name ur league ranks to Husband, Children, Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Grandfather, Grandmother... and go on from there , done.
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  18. Saturn Girl Committed Player

    I don't mind same eyes and hair color, skin and body type or size for the members of family group, and I clearly said it isn't Sims, why do you repeat my sentence for me?! :confused:
    I'd like that our characters had last name and first names and get a wedding episode with some evil plans in a wedding and shared money, please read the comments, don't make others repeat for everyone. :(
  19. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    • Like x 1
  20. Aquajet Well-Known Player

    What you perceive as negativity is simply being realistic, and is my opinion based on the years I've been playing the game and what I think the majority of the community wants. And hey, I like plenty of posts on here, and I ignore even more of them. ;) I'm actually pretty choosy about which kinds of posts I respond to. Like you, I'm a member here who is free to chime in on posts or create my own. You're free to disagree with my ideas in posts I create or respond to as much as I'm free to disagree with yours. That's what a community does. It's called feedback. I'm not attacking you, I'm simply saying these ideas don't fit what this game is about. I think they're poor ideas that should be dismissed because they don't bring value to the game and would be a waste of the developers time. Time that would be better spent figuring out how to keep what players they have, and bring more to the game. I don't see how this idea could do that. In fact, I think it might drive more players away quite honestly, because most would look at it as a 'second attempt' of sorts at a league hall idea, and we all know that the majority of players see how league halls were a great idea that failed in their implementation and have been neglected and left behind to collect dust.

    I'm responding here to represent myself as a player and give my feedback. To have my voice heard to any dev reading this, that I think this is a bad idea that serves no purpose and brings no added value to the game.

    This game is about playing a super powered being and crushing the enemy. It's not about playing house or family, and with all due respect, you've created two threads now with ideas pertaining to marriage and/or family. I'll reiterate what I said above by pointing out that the devs already have their plates full bringing us content we enjoy and want to play. Adding all these new features does nothing to improve gameplay in my opinion, and would only serve to add things we don't need or already have in the game (i.e. leagues, shared banks, league banks, etc. To be perfectly honest, no, I don't like the idea of shared money, marks and gears of family. It makes no sense to me why I'd want to share these things with other players. There's already been plenty of instances of people in leagues who abuse shared banks and literally rob leagues blind of what's in them. Members of my league don't have access to the bank for this very reason.

    You're right about one thing though. I am playing a different life for a few hours a day. I'm playing a superhero who doesn't need to concentrate on the mundane things in life like weddings, or how much money is in the bank, or how my cousin is doing with her new baby. I'm not here for a virtual relationship. I don't need a new system in place to convolute the game. It's crafting system is simple. The broker is simple. It's a simple game and I'd like to see it stay that way without unnecessary additions of family banks or marks.

    I'm sorry if it upsets you, but none of us are required to like this idea you have. I mean no disrespect when I disagree with you. I'm all for new ideas that will enhance the game in any way possible... believe me, I really am!. I simply don't think this is one of them. :)
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