Surface pro...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by discocisco, May 9, 2015.

  1. discocisco New Player

    Has anyone tried playing DCUO on either the Microsoft surface pro 3 with I5 or I7, and was it with 4 or 8 gb of ram? I am going to order one of these soon, and I am curious to see if anyone has tried to play DCUO on any of the Surface 3 pro devices. How did it go? What is the performance like compared to a regular laptop?

    Very curious to hear, thank you in advance for any responses!
  2. High Troller Loyal Player

    I was about to post about asking about this. Has anyone ran this on a Microsoft Surface? Is it worst than PS3?
  3. Tanuja Level 30

  4. monaka Well-Known Player

    I have a top of the line surface pro 4 with i7 processer, 16 GB ram and 500 GB SSD. I also have older models from Surface 1 to 3 which are also capable of playing DCUO but at lower resolutions.

    You can play DCUO on the machine but you won't be able to do so at higher resolutions at 1920X1080p or above. Even on the current top of the line model, higher resolutions cannot be used to play DCUO because it will lag a whole lot.

    The problem is not the processor or the ram but the in-build graphic card which is not much of anything.

    So, yes, you can play but not at high resolutions.
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  5. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    If it is the surface pro with the Nvidia card embedded in the keyboard (supposedly simirlary powerful to GeForce 960M) then you only need a mouse and it should run decent.
    PS3 graphics are easy to beat... Don't compare it to that.
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  6. monaka Well-Known Player

    The OP is not talking about the Surface Book but surface pro, so it is not the one with Nvidia card but one with integrated intel HD cards.
  7. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Yeah, it'll technically run, but it isn't anything to write home about. I mainly use it to chat when I'm travelling or run a few basic things like daily stabilizer missions if I can't get to my home PC.
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  8. Toshknight Loyal Player

    they are not made for gaming, if you got the money there are better options. i am a I.t for a living and had one of those a bit back have played DCUO on a Surface pro with 4gb of memory and , it isn't bad, i think it was the i5 as well. its the min for any game is 4gb of RAM memory, IMO, but this game runs in a way like a streaming video, i love it how they do this game, its all server side, and they tested this load style out with Everquest 2 next or something couple years back, the game loads as you play, that's why we don't have long load times and why we can go into say gotham and metropolis such big and large areas and load into it with ease ,i bring this up because. this game relies on a solid internet connection most of all , if you have a 8 gb or a 4gb ram running if you have a 100 meg cable connection on your 4 gb rig vs a 20 meg connection on your 6 to 8 gb connection, yea id pick the 8 gb connection any day , but... you will see faster loading in a lot of playing just cause of how the game is designed to load,

    but if your gonna spend money on a laptop for gaming i don't recommend getting a surface pro at all.... but that's just me. i'm all about saving money and getting the most bang for my buck and spending as least money as possible , Cheers
  9. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

  10. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Troller necro'd instead of making a duplicate thread. I was adding a response to his line of inquiry. Do try to keep up and quote the relevant people.
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  11. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    oh? Intel HD. I tried that!

    Intel HD 3000: Runable, low resolution. chat barely readable, lags often
    Intel HD 4000: Playable. reduce graphic settings for full playability. (all other components high rig of '16)
  12. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    It has no dedicated graphics card. It will run, but not very good. A ps3 would be better
  13. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Top 10 things nobody thought they'd see written in 2017.
    • Like x 3
  14. Streven Dedicated Player

    If you want to play on a tablet look into the shield tablet. Paired with the shield controller it is an incredible gaming platform. I use it exclusively on the road and at home kicking back on my couch. All you need to make it work is a PC running an Nvidia GPU and a dual band Wi-Fi router.

    You could really take any android tablet with a decent screen, get a GOOD Bluetooth controller (shield controller is the best I've tried), and a free android app called Moonlight.

    Streaming my PC games to my tablet is awesome.
    • Like x 1
  15. Toshknight Loyal Player

    sooo since i didnt post right away its too late to give my opinion is. that what you mean.... i really don't understand your trolling of me just trying to give some sort of insight to someones question. i was going through the forums i can't see well. and dont look at the dates all the time at which the threads are created and yet "resolved" if they are... so you win the internet yay
  16. High Troller Loyal Player

    Could be the guy has me on ignore, so he wouldn't know that I resurrected this topic.
  17. Dreadshow Well-Known Player

    I have a sinking feeling Water powers won't let you Surface Pro or not.