NOW AVAILABLE: The Stats Revamp!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. Skyhunter Level 30

    I would login to play today, but I don't see much meaning anymore. People are barely gathering for bounties, raids and alerts are taking forever to start, the marks and bonds are almost useless now...
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  2. Vanessa33335 Level 30

    Solo, alerts and duo are still good for me the issue is about raids, bounties and etc i haven't tried yet so i cant say for sure my opinion about them. I was so excited about the new power and was considering to buy not only the power but episodes and membership but now....

    I do feel bad about all those old players who spent years of loyalty grinding for points, feats, high cr etc all gone. Feels like all the time you spend to hit a very high cr be reseted.
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  3. NightshroudFujiwara New Player

    I am curious about a particular instance. I have a CR 85 alt. I played the Test Subject solo (you play as Bizarro) - my alt is very weak and has under 60 skills but I had zero trouble with it. I completed the whole thing in around 10 minutes. Has the instance always been so easy or is it meant to be more difficult?
  4. Supreme Monarch New Player

    That mission became a cakewalk when they buffed legend character health.
    Bizzaro didn't need it seeing as he already had mitigation going for him and some good burst damage.
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  5. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I'm not happy.
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  6. Johnny DCUO Well-Known Player

    Ok, I know everyone says the same thing. But I have to speak my mind. o_O

    Pro's of the revamp:
    - There is more difficulty, so players must use proper gameplay of the instances to get threw them.
    - The que doesn't take as long as before cause of more roles que'ing.
    - There are many ways to make your loadout.

    Con's of the revamp:
    - Dps is only 10 to 20% stronger as roles.
    - Skill points are USELESS. (My leaguemate who has 4000 resto less, almost does the same healing out as I do.)
    - Tanks get ONE-SHOTTED all the time.
    - Many instances are too hard to play.
    - Controllers are obsolete, cause I have 75% more powerback without a troll. o_O

    I'm a veteran player (november 2011), and this is the first time I complain about the game.
    But damn... at the moment I only have fun decorating my base. :p
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  7. NightshroudFujiwara New Player

    I haven't seen anything in the revamp update that concerns me.
    7 days in and we are seeing patterns emerging however. Organized groups are completing raids in acceptable time. I ran Unpaid Dues from the queue, not the most complex instance, but now that we need to concentrate on defeating the ninjas properly, it keeps it interesting. I recall only 3 deaths prior to the final boss - the lower players were confused by Ra's duplicating himself but we finished in 31 minutes. With better communication and more practise I think we would have done it 7-10 minutes faster. We also had serious lag to deal with.

    On the flip side, disorganized groups still fail. Khandaq - I enter and for some reason all 8 of us attacked the water keepers from the same direction - meaning the rocks were destroyed. Then we ended up disbanding - clearly there is a knowledge gap on early tier raid mechanics which should be learned through playing with at level groups.

    I don't think the update is perfect nor do I think it was supposed to be. Perfect is boring and worse - produces awful feedback. I think the devs left some items untouched to see them in a volatile, live, uncontrolled environment. I doubt they would have been able to fix everything even if they tested another year. So they got a real test, actual players, aiming to complete content and encouraging communication and discussion. Whichever side you're on with the update, it is obvious we have engagement on the issues.

    Here is some things I have noticed today:

    - pets not finishing off enemies - rare but noticeable

    - health of bounty bosses and raid bosses does seem high, but I guess that can be corrected quickly

    - bad loading screens when teleporting - this was also pre-revamp but the update did nothing to help

    - people crowding teleports - I know it is a community issue but can we find a way to teleport "Away" players back to their base or something?

    Other than these things and the inevitable adjustments that will be done to deal with damage received, the update is good. I especially like no power points. We don't have to sacrifice one power to get another now.
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  8. sweetbabysabes Active Player

    Can't post on the new thread for ideas on how to improve the stuff messed up on the revamp. However, I am a father of 5 who has been playing this game since launch. I don't have hours on end to play, my kids also have ps4 acct. so we invested time and money into being able to enjoy the game and have fun. Since 2011, I have seen many changes. However, no matter what I did, I could always play for a few hours and accomplish a few things. Dailies, solo's, duos etc. Gear would be a bit of a grind, but as I got more Sp, the game got a bit easier. There is no reason for a 199 cr anything to be defeated by a 145 in a mission. I have watched multiple raids get disbanded before a first boss was beaten. I get the idea your going for, however, I don't enjoy playing a raid, or an instance for 25+ minutes to not get rewarded. I know, some will tell me to play another game then or whatever. I'm simply saying that as a father, who plays casually and wants to get away from the real world, it was kinda nice to see my super hero actually become super. Stronger, better, as I completed feats. I feel that has been taken away and I now am grinding with fingers crossed to complete anything with a group. I almost feel there is no reason to play any alts, for it's even harded at a lower lvl. My boys have already stopped playing since the revamp, and I basically am running dailies cuz I do have real life stuff to do. NO offense to anyone, but I truly hope the devs understand that something needs to change before people like me leave all together, 6 year invested, loyalty means nothing to me it seem. I have to pay to collect time capsules to get points for feats that you used to only get for playing and being skilled. Now, its whose going to pay to complete point feats. Some stuff changed is great, however, plz bring back a bit of what this game is about. Fighting like a hero, winning like a boss. I don't play to be frustrated. Sorry so long, and I hope my point is understood. Maybe stop with the cr, cap the damn thing and allow everyone to enjoy the content and let us focus on things like feats, styles. drop the new styles and let players build up to get them. Let's get back to enjoying it!! Thanks.
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  9. ConnerSandsmark Well-Known Player

    This happened to me yesterday and I have been told by other players that it has happened to them, something has went wrong with the soda colas. All the sudden my soda colas were not doing anything, and I mean, not doing anything, you go to the vendor and the stats for the soda colas except for the extreme is showing 0%health and 0% power. This is a glitch I think and it definitely impairs trying to play alerts.
  10. azarel New Player


    an't post on the new thread for ideas on how to improve the stuff messed up on the revamp. However, I am a father of 5 who has been playing this game since launch. I don't have hours on end to play, my kids also have ps4 acct. so we invested time and money into being able to enjoy the game and have fun. Since 2011, I have seen many changes. However, no matter what I did, I could always play for a few hours and accomplish a few things. Dailies, solo's, duos etc. Gear would be a bit of a grind, but as I got more Sp, the game got a bit easier. There is no reason for a 199 cr anything to be defeated by a 145 in a mission. I have watched multiple raids get disbanded before a first boss was beaten. I get the idea your going for, however, I don't enjoy playing a raid, or an instance for 25+ minutes to not get rewarded. I know, some will tell me to play another game then or whatever. I'm simply saying that as a father, who plays casually and wants to get away from the real world, it was kinda nice to see my super hero actually become super. Stronger, better, as I completed feats. I feel that has been taken away and I now am grinding with fingers crossed to complete anything with a group. I almost feel there is no reason to play any alts, for it's even harded at a lower lvl. My boys have already stopped playing since the revamp, and I basically am running dailies cuz I do have real life stuff to do. NO offense to anyone, but I truly hope the devs understand that something needs to change before people like me leave all together, 6 year invested, loyalty means nothing to me it seem. I have to pay to collect time capsules to get points for feats that you used to only get for playing and being skilled. Now, its whose going to pay to complete point feats. Some stuff changed is great, however, plz bring back a bit of what this game is about. Fighting like a hero, winning like a boss. I don't play to be frustrated. Sorry so long, and I hope my point is understood. Maybe stop with the cr, cap the damn thing and allow everyone to enjoy the content and let us focus on things like feats, styles. drop the new styles and let players build up to get them. Let's get back to enjoying it!! Thanks.

    brilliant answer you have summed up exactly how i feel about the revamp and the current state of the game
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  11. RoseVonteer New Player

    Just logged into forums wanted to give it a fair try. I do love the DPS side but I feel u messed up support. I haven't healed much so no points there... But trolls u seem to be just a battery which no longer gets the 2nd battery move of pot.... And tanks (I main tank used to run 4 tanks, hate atomic) tanking really sucks I use two tanks now fire and rage.... Rage is so simple alternating between shields as though I'm ice. The thing that gets me is u MAKE us battle tank as such.... I'm no pvper may be my downfall but it really annoys me on my main (fire) that I can no longer turtle tank. I gave this new style an attempt and sure my damage output increased (not my job) but it seems a lot harder to gain immunity... I use bow for the bow> ma wm smokebomb for cc.... And taping square on burning boss for fire soul the boss kept blocking as I was made to do the big hit thereby giving him immunity.... Fine for this tank and spank content but when sm drops tank keeps losing immunity can b fatal.... Bad enough we STILL can't tank alerts now u just want us to be a weak DPS in raids? At least give us the option to turtle or battle tank.. I can 50% extra healing received and 50%def while not blocking... I'm not sure but to me it seems block is in the game for tanks more then anything....

    Rose Vonteer 330 sp 201 cr fire main tank. (Eu hero)
    +alts galore
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  12. NightSpells New Player

    Well one positive on here is a lot of people agreeing that the stat revamp took an important aspect of the game away , fun . I hope they do a redo of the revamp . Cause at the moment I sign in for a few minor things and then I'm done . if the revamp stays as is . I'll adapt but I know I wont be putting in the hours of game time I used too . To all other disappointed and upset DCUO players . I feel your pain . I hope the developers do as well .
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  13. The Crysalid Active Player

    FIX THE GAWDAMN BOUNTIES ALREADY! Central City, Obot and Mbot, Mist Empowered, Dr. Light... all of them are WAY too hard now. Prove to me that you devs even play your own game and know that no one hardly does these anymore, so grouping is impossible. We need to be able to solo this crap starting where we could before the revamp. Get your head out of fantasy world and back on the game and the actual number of people playing certain content!!!!!! This is beyond ridiculous now. It's pathetic.
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  14. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    its like they took everything i enjoyed in the game out.

    one of my favorite things to do in the Age of Justice is draw the "blow up 5 planes or tanks" mission. I loved it. I just get this flash when Im doing the mission what it would be like if my characters were in a comic crossing over with the golden age jsa. I hear a soldier on his com telling his commander that a young girl is running across the strip ripping tanks apart and no its not the amazon. it was smooth, it was seamless. it was fun. it would take a couple of hits of my tk bolt to blow up a tank.

    now tk bolt doesn't effect them at all. I can walk up to one of the tanks, unload my full power bar spamming tk bolt on them and zero damage registers. What makes it worse is that targeting in game which has always been a little off is now very now when i make my dash across the landing strip my powers are targeting objects they cant damage while ads i'm trying to hit are hitting me.

    its not all about damage.

    this update pretty much !@#$ed most of my characters.

    i hated Ams because they didnt play into the concept of my characters.

    I hate this update for the very same reason.
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  15. A Player New Player

    I have rarely posted, but this Revamp has so ruined the game, I feel I need to say something.

    Just because some one post often and earns the Forum Rank of well known player or active it does not make them right or worth listening to.

    Two things that could be done to restore some enjoyment and satisfaction to the game are:

    1) Take the caps off of the low level content, since every four person and raid is now a grind requiring skilled players to play regardless of their CR, every raid and four person should offer something for playing not just a mindless grind with no benefit.

    2) Consider adding an effectiveness factor for stats for players with a high CR, the higher the players CR the more effective their Defense, Might, Precision, ect. Consider something so 10 cr is say 10% effective, 50 CR is 50% effective, 100 CR is 100% effective and 200 CR is 200% effective. Players will still need skilled groups to succeed but they can actually feel like they are playing a Hero in stead of just another piece of "Zerg Rush".

    If there is no difference between Batman and Batmite what's the point, it isn't for fun.
    If Jimmy Olson has the same chance of success as Superman, even Lois Lane would loose interest.

    One Definition of Hell is an endless, pointless, reward less grind where effort makes no difference, and anything you do accomplish can simply be wiped away without thought or reason. Which is what many of the post on this forum are saying is what the game has become after the Revamp. I don't know anyone who wants to go to Hell, let alone stay there forever.
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  16. DarkskyJetmen New Player

    Alright, i know my grammar and such will be horrible its early... Im tired..Ok so to alot of you players i get it, youre unhappy with stat revamp thus far alot of players being who came in after AM release. However im seeing alot of these players whove been playing 5+ years complaining about the games to hard its no fun bounties legends raids to hard. Really they are more challenging they are forcing you to use roles again, BUT i will admit that support roles are not exactly how they should be and need some tweaking. Now to my point with older players. Ive been playing since mid 2013. I was around for the hybrid before it was hybrid. Back when WM was at its peak. And if Players remember, a similar incident happened after AM release. Effects being the game was down for over a week and 107+ cr players were being one shotted by Mbot OBot and the central city bounties.(brittney by weather wizard). After a little time though, they tweaked it up and got it fixed. It happens. Welcome to the world of tech where software and people dont always agree. Obviously the game has some issues. It always does after a big update. Disconnect universe. Its been the joke for yrs cause of updates. All im saying is, Give the workers time to fix it. Its only week 2 of release. And instead of criticising the game of how garbage it is maybe write in the gameplay bugs and other post to explain what usee wrong like alot of players do. Its a new start. Cant have perfect on day 1. Remember we are all relearning and mmos are meant to grind as well as have fun even if dont think realize it.
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  17. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    how much more time are we supposed to wait patiently?

    I understand all of what you're saying. if anything the transition went a lot smoother than i anticipated in terms of dc's and lag and general bugginess but the more i play the less finished it all feels.

    this time last week my friends list blew up with dozens of players i met over the past six years anxious to come back to the game and now its "see ya wouldn't want to be ya".
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  18. Stogho Active Player

    I pretty much never post in the forums but do read them often. I have been playing since the beta and likely this post will make no difference, however I am compelled to post it. Devs I don't mind making the game more challenging, it wasn't for some of my toons who could solo through the game extremely easily and it was almost comical with the damage they could do.

    So challenging is good...challenging is interesting and fun....however the new revamp is not challenging, it is nearly impossible to accomplish tasks that before were super easy and quite impossible without a lot of experienced support from players to get through some of the other tasks. You should go back in an dialed it down on the NPC so that we can at least accomplish rather than grind for hours.
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  19. Vanessa33335 Level 30

    Making the game more challenging is something but now make the game's some instances nearly impossible and remove the power of those 'OP' players who spent years(and cash) of effort grinding so they can enjoy the game and their high cr level is totally different.

    And before you guys release any new power or episodes i suggest rework in game instances again because i think most players won't spend their times grinding or buying stuff for this game the way it is now, at least no big stuff. Though small things will always sell.
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  20. sweetbabysabes Active Player

    Glad I hit home with you and maybe a few others...I am really happy to hear people saying that they have that same feeling. Thanks
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