Revamp sucks or players sucks?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by William Campbell, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    Basically, and how dare we think otherwise.
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    And those that think it sucks, swallow.

    Yeah, come at me!
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    I know its gold.

    Even when we're support role if we aren't top dps then it's broken! :D
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  4. Original Kal Well-Known Player

    The revamp needs revamped. So the revamp sucks.
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  5. CaptainBombus Level 30

    According to revamp fanatics, that's the way the game is supposed to be played. Bosses have to have enough health so they last long enough to display every single mechanic at least 5 glorious times. Any fewer times and we're robbing people of the experience. Either you can be happy to grind out alerts for 35 minutes each or leave the game - you're unworthy. If you have 3 toons to keep up, just forget about it if you have anything else going on in your life. After a few days of that, I decided it's not worth it. I now log on just to get my stabilizer fragments, maybe do a little LPVP and log off. I have about 2.5 months left to my 6 month membership. Hopefully, sanity is restored by that time or it's on to new adventures for me. DCUO was a good 4 years for me, but it's gone in a new direction that was sadly not meant for all of us.
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  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    Not sure what alerts you're running.
    These^ were from the 3rd day btw. Some of my runs were league, others LFG. These 2 above were me and a 1 friend and 2 people from LFG. Did SJ today in 10 mins flat. Did us in 21 mins. JFA in 22 mins also. Clearly there is some exaggeration going on on these forums.

    I guess im gonna post this all over too since i see so many complaining about power issues as trolls/heals. Maybe try speccing into super power focus as support. My league mate did some testing today and right now its better. U lose a few stats but ya have way more power. I guess no one bothered to even try some different specs :confused: Lots of complaint posts. Very little here was my experience post with video or screenshots or trying different things and putting info out there to help people.

    Me and a few others have tried explaining whats going on with the game. Like whats different about it and all of that. But as usual people dismiss it and dont believe it. Funny how we arent struggling at all but so many seem to be. Maybe some players should start listening to others ;) I even a few who spent a ton of time on test and are now saying celestial is too power hungry. Weird cause my league mates have no issues w/it. I guess spending hours on test doesnt make ya an expert on the revamp or a certain power.

    The game changed. Try different stuff. Adapt or die :p

    Btw here is WC from 2day. Dont need to block the names out cause these are friends from a different league. Im cover girl. I wonder if our stats dont matter how im able to do so much more dmg ;)
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  7. Tarif Committed Player

    With as many people pointing it out on these forums, and in the game, theres no need for the proof. Every one of us sees it, and we are upset about certain things this revamp brought into being, even though we are happy about some of it that has been changed for the better. So tired of people trying to justify or side step the opinions of the majority of the people posting because they actually care about this game, when we are saying in critical numbers that the content is do-able, but its very very VERY tedious to do. Its long, and drawn out. Every thing is clamped, including our stats- our stats are NOT mattering very much at all right now. People didnt spend years developing skills and developing our characters through feats, some of us for 5+ years, only to watch our game get set like this. Content needs to be adjusted to its appropriate leveled tier. It was no way, shape or foem set like this before even the cr differential came into place. Even then, our stats mattered a whole hell of alot more than they are being reflected right now in comparison to people that dont have the work put in or the skill points, yet there stats dont give them that large of a disadvantage to those that are in the 300+ range, and in comparison to the content. It needs to be fixed so that people that love and support this game as players and as customers continue to support this game as players, and as continued customers. No wants to see the growth and progression they have paid for and have made the whole time taken away with them with a bad idea of stat clamping and content that is insanely drawn out. Period.
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  8. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    So Superpowered is better than hybrid for support?
  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    As far as power return yes. U lose a few stats tho. For instance i changed my troll today. Lost 200 vit. But my power regen was so much better and overall i had more power. Even tested this in content, while idle, and using weapons at the dummies. Well my league mate did it and recorded all the results. Super power focus was better all around.

    Now again im not sure if this is broken atm or correct. But ive seen so many saying they have power issues as a healer and troller. I watched 2 celestial healers in my league change their spec and there was a noticeable difference. Even ran the AoJ raids with 1 heal 1 troll to test it w/out the roleless buff alerts have. Super power focus was better.

    Even for hybrid dps its better. Spec super power focus but play as hybrid. U wont be power hungry and strain the troll or trolls. And when ya do strain em it can strain the group. U sacrifice a few stats but it makes everything a lot smoother. At least from what ive seen. Please by all means dont believe what im saying, go try it yourself and see.

    I wanna add onto this by saying, again, our stats do matter. We dont hit as hard anymore. If your average hit from casting 1 ability is 10k and u get out dpsed by 2 million then how many abilities would ya have to cast that hit for 10k to make up that 2 million difference? 200 abilities would need to be cast while the other dps player does absolutely no dmg at all. And how is the guy who is doing 2mil more doing so much more dmg?

    Because he has higher might and he got that by having better gear, mods, gen mods, more sp, etc. This stuff is SIMPLE math. Its becoming very frustrating watching people who are not testing this stuff themselves but keep repeating our stats dont matter. Its so ignorant. This wasnt directed at u either. Its general speak. Because its gotten so old now. Grown adults making claims with no proof but the "revamp sucks!" Ugh.

    Because i dont see any tests being done by the players who say our stats dont matter. The ONLY test ive seen done was that run someone did by doing old solos with 0 sp specced which was extremely flawed. No proof at all to back up whats being said. But yep keep repeating out stats dont matter :rolleyes:
  10. William Campbell New Player

    I think that the abrupt reduction of the restoration (I suppose the same happened with the vita) is to force to re-form groups (as it did years ago) of 1-1-1-1 in the case of alerts or 1-3 -2-2 in the case of the assaults. To me it seems more inclusive and makes more sense in this type of games. If they just want to come in just to hit, I think they have to look for another type of game.
  11. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Those people who want to scrim on Test Server aren't testers?! :eek:
  12. Lucifercare New Player

    LMAO!!! Damn Tarif! Back at it again with the same posts. I have a suggestion for you, scroll up and look at LIGHT FX post. He has direct proof that STATS DO MATTER. If stats did not matter you wouldn't be able to complete any instance in the entire game! Most are do-able now and some have some issues, that is true. But nothing is impossible.

    Again, back to your wall of text that has nothing to back it up, get some proof from your gameplay in your instances. Get screen shots of your stats, the scoreboard after completing your raids, alert, duos, etc, so you can actually compare and contrast. People that have less skill points than those that have 300+ but perform just as good was intended for this revamp, so that everyone could feel like that they are doing something rather than being carried. Not everyone has the exact same stats and it will be very rare for 2 people or more to have the exact same damage output in an instance. It may be close or far apart, depending on your mods, gear, loadout, your specs and skill points. Again, look back at LIGHT FX posts above.

    Stats do matter, the game is just in a different stage right now and right now you have to play and adapt. Gather some data and share it to the community. Also, if the instances are taking 45 min or more that is normal because back when tier 4 was the highest tier. Raids like Gates of Tartarus would take over an hour if your group failed to play by the mechanics or if your group didn't have all the roles and such. During those times, when I was tier 3 and slightly above the recommended CR I would join groups that had all roles needed (1-3-2-2) but would be stuck at the 2nd boss in the Chasm because they failed to play the mechanics properly. If you are finding your instances are tedious and long, then that means either your group don't have the right roles (or enough of the roles) or your group is not playing by the mechanics.

    It is that simple. Your stats matter, but the WAY YOU PLAY AND THE CHOICES YOU MAKE, MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE. That is the intention of our beloved stats revamp. So get out there and adapt to this new way of playing bud. If you still struggle, then that is on YOU.
  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I wouldn't say either suck, as much as its a matter of people aren't use to how the game is now, and then there are the people that refuse to adapt and learn so they stop playing DCUO all together.

    which I know 2 people who have deleted DCUO off their PS4 since revamp, so I can only imagine how many other people have also done this. That were lower CR then 190+ / 228sp+

    main issue people are having right now is they have to follow mechanics in lower raids, which they aren't use to having to do. lower alerts, duo and solo's you can still carry people through them. As I've done on my alt that is 196 / 285 (now 196 /303)

    Which imo raids should be harder to do regardless of the level as its the top piece of content for any level. Sure a 201 shouldnt going down 20+ times but they also shouldnt have ever been 1 hitting bosses in something like BDR either.
  14. xJenovax Well-Known Player

    I notice the difference too it seems like my heals are weaker, Before one heal all my teammates full health. I adapt either way though. Healing seems to be the easiest role in this game IMO, in alerts I tank and heal at the same time so I can go 3 DPS instead of having to get a tank. I also conserve my power really well so don't need a troll either.

    My philosophy on healing is I want everybody at 100% health at ALL times you take any kind of dmg I'll heal it. Some wait for you to almost be dead before healing you. Some would say I waste my power I use alot of pulse stream combo with hand blasters or whatever they call Force Lightning to keep my power up. So I always seem to have power and on the rare stress heals I don't I usually have supplies or soder.
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  15. Lucifercare New Player

    You make good points. Thing is though, if you are a player who has played over 5 years and you are struggling on Khandaq now, while not following the mechanics then there is a problem. If not everyone, most people should not have issues with that raid because most of the community has done that raid before. It is a Tier 1 Raid (novice) and Tier 2 Raid (expert). If people are dying 20 times or more, that means they aren't playing right at all.

    If you get an 8 man group all 200cr with around 250 skill points or more for Khandaq with a (2-2-2-2) group style, you should not have any issues, unless there are bugs. If your group is getting wiped like 5 times before the 1st boss, that means your group is not playing right whether it be mechanics wise, or their roles.

    I also agree on your point that raids should be the hard to complete. It is for 8 people for a reason folks. TEAMPLAY!! IMO you should never be able to solo any kind of raid regardless of tier. It is illogical to be able to solo content intended for 8 players. I like what the devs did for this revamp. I want to experience a challenge in the older content like I used to when I was at tier. If my raids are longer than 45 min, so be it. I will know what the issue is and if the group isn't improving and learning, I will leave and find a better group.

    This revamp made it so that we are at tier with everything. To those who are tier 8 now, you have to treat anything you go into as tier 8 content. People who are tier 1 are only going to experience those instances at level. If they progress to tier 5 and do lower level content, that content will be like tier 5 content. If you are tier 4, your tier content will be challenging as it normally would be but so will the tiers below you. This is what it will be like when progressing into the higher tiers and doing older content (lower tier). To conclude, If you are at level with a tier that is what you will face. If you are at higher tier everything lower is like that. (Max content is tier 8 right now)
  16. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    And now....Grodd, in SJ, one shots people and you HAVE TO hit the terminals....more than half the people I have pugged with lately; do not want to hit terminals like we are still playing the same game. The more damage you let the JSA take the more it seems that he gets angry and the more one shots it seems he uses...not sure if accurate but it feels that way. SO here I am healing AND flying across the room to both terminals cause people can be tools.
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  17. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    You must be an amazing healer because if I am getting knocked around like in the 1st boss of WC, I cannot seem to heal yet expected to. Weird.
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  18. Measural New Player

    It's the players. It's staggering how different some groups are where people know how to play and don't while rolling in the duty finder. People have been playing on EZ mode for so long some only ever played the game on that mode got all the way to high CR and now are having to actually learn how to play and even the lower content is dismantling them
  19. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    There may need to be some fine tuning of npcs, but the remainder of the revamp is fine.

    Yes, people need to get out of the mindset of AM and Cr different ridiculous damage numbers and spam. The devs took the game back to its original design where you need to think about what your doing.

    Customizing your load out for role
    Timing out your power execution
    Managing your power usage
    Generating your own power
    Using your weapon to generate power
    Specing sp for combat style.

  20. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Well there is a 2 part feat for not allowing him to damage JSA at all and only letting it happen two times. I wonder if you have that feat how you might have got it.