NOW AVAILABLE: The Stats Revamp!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. TheDumbNPC New Player

    Hey I accidentally got the free respec token on my low level because I didn't know whait was I I'm not sure how to give it to my villain because I picked it up on my hero and when I want to send it in the mail to my villain it says "an error occurred when sending your mail". How do I fix this? Thanks
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Use the shared bank instead.
  3. The Crysalid Active Player

    Put it in your Shared Bank in WT or HoD.
  4. TheDumbNPC New Player

    Hey I accidentally picked up my respec token and it says I can trade it to my other character who's a villain, but the one I picked it up on is a hero whenever I try to mail it my villain but it says there was an error sending your mail, someone please help
  5. Jayd Gryphon New Player

    its account bound use your Shared Bank to transfer it between characters.
  6. OG party New Player

    After what I just witnessed I have lost all hope for the hero community
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  7. SuwuuBloodGang New Player

    Experiencing difficulties login in. Keep sending me back to play screen
  8. OG party New Player

    Hey every time I leave a pvp instance I get disconnecteded and have to sit through the long que
  9. MrFunktaztyk Well-Known Player

    So glad you guys throttled down the Queue...
    25 mins to get in, got a vault run in and Disconnected Transiting out...
    3 login tries later, with it telling me it was having Authentication Errors, to sit in another 25 min Queue?

    I like this game, and as with every one of your big updates, you broke it again!
    Then said you fixed it, only to see it come back nearly unplayable....

  10. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    Well this is what we get. People complained the game was to hard so jump canceling was removed, WM then AM followed. People complained it was to easy now we get this. As I expected it will take some time for the community to get used to changes and learn how to play.
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  11. Loukhyax New Player

    I kinda understood most of the changes, even liked all powers avaliable (+30), it even got me to doubt how to make my build, but there's one thing bugging me: what happened to armor stats? I think I have lost myself where it changed. I mean, yesterday I had like 6k of health, now I have 4.5k. Armors that I had, like +950, are now +300. Like...why? Do I really have to be updating them with those bonuses in the mail? What would be the point of getting new ones? I'm really confused about this change, it REALLY knocked me hard, and I'm still having hard time understanding it.
  12. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    All of the numbers in the game have changed and are generally smaller. Relatively, things are close to the same.
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  13. Noah Bawdy New Player

    I shouldn't have to spend $500 in game cash to buy what I already had in my armories. I've spent 6 years in this game and now I've lost everything I worked for. My powers and skills are gone. My loadouts are gone. I have to spend at least an hour per toon trying to get even close to what I had. The crap you sent in the in-game email is useless. I have no idea what I would ever use it for. I'm about done with this game after six years of you screwing us over.
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  14. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    If you gonna nerf Orbital Strike to the ground, be courteous and just remove it from game play.

    As a 198 dps as that don't matter anymore, I went into T1 solo and dropped it on The Huntress (villain side) and only 5 tics of garbage of 314, my brawling weapon mastery shuriken storm did more per tic than the Orbital Strike. It's pointless to even stop my rotation to drop a useless trinket as I just lost LOTS of damage doing that.

    This is only 1 of the many things that is pissing me off.
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  15. Noah Bawdy New Player

    Why can't I buy Defense now ? I am so frustrated. Six years all flushed down the toilet.
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  16. Goddesssilver Well-Known Player

    Sp was reset you have to put them back lots of stuff changed all good you would know if you read the stats revamp notes.
  17. Goddesssilver Well-Known Player

    Def is automatically in tank stats tanks are far superior to how they were before. Now you can spend your SP on something you need more
  18. The Crysalid Active Player

    Ok, I'm extremely frustrated now. I've logged on to 4 toons this evening to try and figure out if one power is just unbalanced or something, and I keep experiencing the same negative results. Now before you start jumping down my throat, I do not want the easy road and was fully in favour of a revamp that would bring us closer to the 'good old days'. I've been playing since Nov of 2011, so I'm not a noob. I've done the hard work and at the risk of sounding like I'm bragging (which I'm honestly not), I used to be top of the boards back in the days before AM/WM with most powers I picked up. I don't know if I've forgotten how to spec, but I don't think this is the case. This spec'ing process seems so unfamiliar to me, and nothing like what I remember from years ago.

    This isn't about game mechanics like blocking, block breaking, etc. I'm just completely lost as to how to spec now.

    As a DPS, am I supposed to spend my SP strictly on damage stats? Am I supposed to be trying to balance them in health and other stats? I mean, when I look at the Health stats they say "Recommended for Tank"... so I'm genuinely confused now because I've always relied on those extra stats from gear and mod stats. I'm dying so fast that I tried spec'ing into health a bit, but so far it hasn't helped much. It's not very clear at all.

    Keep in mind that I haven't been "hard core" for years now and play mostly casual on a number of toons, so I know my SP are low... but this simply doesn't feel like I'm doing anything close to the damage (or taking as much) as 'the good ol days'. I'm getting my *** handed to me by mobs at (or just below) my level in solo content. I haven't even bothered trying to run anything with another person, just solo stuff to try and get a feel for what's what.

    Is there a quick breakdown and explanation somewhere on the forums that I've missed on how this new system works and how each role should be spec'ing? Has anyone on here done a breakdown of exactly how to spec for all roles including DPS? I've seen the Server Hotfix thread and even gone to both links, but it's just general info, with nothing in there about how to spec and why. I'm really doing my best not to just walk away from the game right now. Clearly, many of us are frustrated, and it has nothing to do with being noobs or wanting the easy route. I love a challenge, but when it feels like the odds are so unfairly stacked against you, you sometimes have to wonder if it's even worth the effort. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'd respond in other areas of the forums where conversations are going on, but I don't have those permissions because of the new failed forum policies I can't be bothered with.


    Edit: I'd like to add that for people in my situation getting ganked like I am by mobs 'at level', repairs are simply out of the question for Premium players. I'm quite certain that wasn't taken into account with increasing damage from ads and our lack of survivability and damage out. Yes yes, I recognize that DBG wants to try and get more folks to sub up, but driving them away with such rapid fire bum poundings by ads isn't the way to do it.
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  19. nakamura New Player

    Eu realmente estou muito triste com essa revamp!!!!O que vocês fizeram com o jogo?????Vocês apenas favoreceram quem tinha mais de 350SP!!!Nao tenho uma super liga pra me ajudar a fazer feat,nao tenho o tempo todo do mundo pra ficar correndo atras disso.Entramos no jogo pra nos divertirmos,agora essa revamp esta uma tristeza!! Quem foi que disse a vocês que aumentar a saude dos npc e tirar o dano dos dps iria ser legal?????Apenas favorecem os poucos players e eu tenho certeza que o dcuo nao vive de poucos players,me diga e os que entraram agora no jogo?que acabaram de criar conta como fazem?E as criancas que tambem querem jogar?Nem todo mundo aki tem +de 30 anos e tempo e liga pra correr atras de SP,sem contar que algumas sao quase impossiveis de se fazer sem uma liga com players disponiveis,principalmente quando vc nao e um americano e nem fala ingles.Essa revamp so teve melhorias pra alguns,meia duzia de caras q foram no teste e deram suas opinioes,a maior parte dos players q eu conhece estao indignados com tudo isso.Eramos pra estarmos felizes com a nova chegada do poder agua q foi tao esperado e com as novas capsulas,mas infelizmente essa nova revamp estragou tudo.Com certeza os mesmos players que foram la no teste dar as suas opinioes apenas para se favorecerem vao fazer um mimimi no meu post,apenas por nao se conformar de muitas vezes terem mais SP q alguns e ficarem pra tras em dano em uma instancia.O que na verdade os players deveriam focar mais em passar em equipe do que ficar disputando quem fica em primeiro.Foi legal terem igualados os poderes?Sim foi muito bom.Mas aumentar a saude dos npc foi uma pessima ideia,pois quem nao tem SP point agora tera menos ainda.Os mimizentos vao vir dizer mais eu jogo a tantos anos,e Dai??????E quem chegou agora????Fica como???isso ai e so pra agradar quem e antigo???Eu ja jogo a 3 anos e realmente eu estou decepcionada.Eu vi um comentario ai em cima q dizia:acabou o modo easy!!!Vem ca q modo Easy?????Eu gasto dinheiro no jogo,eu pago membro todo mes,eu corro atras da minha gear,dos meus mods,do meu cr,pra que???pra vc dizer q eu jogo no modo easy????Eu tenho cr200,pq eu nao poderia passar um t7 mais rapido e mais facil????Minha epoca de ter trabalho com uma t7 ja foi,agora vem a revamp e me diz q eu nao posso pq eu nao tenho os SP suficientes pra isso???Voces me desculpem mais se voces queriam mais players no jogo simplesmente voces erraram,apenas visaram deixar o jogo pra players adultos,americanos ou fluentes em ingles,e q tenham uma boa liga.Pro resto apenas sobrou se lamentar.O traballho q eu tive pra deixar minha conta como estava e agora com 246SP eu nao sou nada e um grande desgosto.Muitos amigos meu pararm de jogar pois ja estavam decepcionados com o jogo,eu nao quis parar insisti e acreditei que o jogo iria melhorar,sempre fui a favor de igualdade de dano nos poderes pra parar com essa palhacada de disputa em instancia,mas nao dessa forma que voces fizeram.Nem todo mundo e aposentado ou tem tempo disponivel pra isso,voces deveriam ter pensado em uma forma q agradace a todos e nao apenas alguns que foram reclamar pq tinham 300 SP.Tem criancas q jogam esse jogo sabia???Muitos vao desistir,vao parar de era player s q voces queriam realmente voces erraram.Deram ouvidos apenas pra player mimizentos e antigo no jogo.Eu so acho q deveriam agradar a todos e nao apenas alguns.Porque se e que voces sabem o dcuo e um jogo grande e nem todo mundo baixa o servidor test,nem todo mundo participa.Eu mesma quantas vezes fui pro test e nao conseguia fazer quase nenhuma instancia porque nao tinha players,era quase impossivel jogar la,um vazio.Bom deixo aqui minha insatisfacao.E que comecem os mimizentos querendo defender apenas uma classe do jogo,eu sou apenas a favor de um jogo pra todos e nao apenas baseado em quem tem mais de 300SP. SKILL POINT e uma forma de melhorar o desempenho do seu tonn e nao qualifica-lo.Repensem nisso.Voces favoreceram uma parte do jogo e esqueceram de outras.
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  20. RoundLittleArms New Player

    So I've got a few toons not level 30 yet and I have lost powers due to going from a tree to a - of all possible things - a linear, level-specific power gain?

    In other words, my loadouts are partly gone and I cannot restore it until I hit level X. I don't care if it 'only takes X hours' to hit level 30, this is a really restrictive and un-creative way to handle powers.

    Years ago I stopped being a subscriber due to the styles being messed with and I'm just glad I don't actually subscribe now, because this is overall three steps back, and far from an 'open tree', but indeed a railroad - one choice only is no choice.

    Disappointing and not making me want to play, having slowly returned to play the last few months.
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