Time Capsule Resurgence!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 8, 2017.

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  1. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I'm just going to comment on this current idea, not the whole TC thing because I've already explained my view of them in past posts.

    1. For the Anomaly Capsules, I can understand how people who collected the motes and crafted their gear (I feel more sympathy for the ones from the Amazon TC, since the qwardian were purchasable from the vendor anyway for a nice price) are upset. One thing to keep in mind is these shiny styles are not going to be common drops by any means, lol. If you want to open 80 capsules to get a pair of shiny pants be my guest.

    2. For people against the idea of the Anomaly Capsule as rng inside of rng, just remember that as was pointed out they're over and above what you already receive in the capsules. Why complain about something extra? If you were gonna buy keys before, go for it and you'll get a little something extra when you open. If you weren't (like me), just keep doing what you were doing. Rng inside rng is a pretty lame argument for an EXTRA bit of anything (who cares what it is, it's free) included.

    3. Some people argue that including the Elite pieces devalues what customers have paid to get them, and then proceed to insist that the drop rates be increased on rare collection pieces. Now, I personally am totally for increasing rare collection drop rates personally (especially since they indicated that the drop rates were abnormally low because of wrong probability calculations on the way the TCs were packaged) don't get me wrong. But it's totally hypocritical for someone to say, Thing A takes away all the hard work I did, reduce the price of Thing B that someone else spent a ton of money on because I don't have that yet. Lol. At least be consistent guys.
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  2. KEN_Oracle_of_Delphi Well-Known Player

    This update is for Whales, big spenders..... NOT for the average player. Thanks Devs for giving the normal players nothing.
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  3. KEN_Oracle_of_Delphi Well-Known Player

    Devs : money talks, not players
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  4. Xibo Loyal Player

    Just to be clear, we want a menu to CHOOSE what options we want on Time Capsules.
  5. Elite DamageX Well-Known Player

    I agree with you but when feats are involved and it's a limited time event, that makes it hard not too. The devs and marketing know this and this is why their are so many feats in them. When new Time capsules come out I can drop 80 dollars and go up 4+ SP in ten minutes.
    I forget what I have for SP now because it's been a couple months since I've logged in, think it was 297. I am a feat chaser or i should say I was a feat chaser when I played.
    I for one would be willing to sacrifice the feats if everyone was on board to basically protest this, I'm not even playing right now so I guess it wouldn't really be a sacrifice for me.

    Just waiting for stats revamp to see if I am going to delete game from system or start back up membership. I have 14 friends that I game with that are in the same boat as me on this, they also spend the same money I do, 60-100 a month on this game. If this stats revamp is a fail, they will be deleting game also.
    I can tell you right now when they hear about this Time capsule crap, it will make them hoover over the game and think about hitting delete.
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  6. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    It's time to put a Stabilizer inside Each Time Capsule.
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  7. Korvyne Committed Player

    Best idea I've seen on here in a long time :)
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  8. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Opened up 3 Qwardian capsules today. All 3 were crafting supplies only. These capsules are the biggest scams running. Again, if you're trying to entice me to buy stabilizers you're doing it wrong.
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  9. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Mepps replied numerous times on Discord, he says time capsules are the most successful thing they ever done. Despite the negativity, people still open their wallets. If anything, this just proves the forums truly don't speak for the entire player base.
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  10. ChillCat Loyal Player

    OK, this reply is SUPER GREAT!!!!

    As for the OP....yeah, I got nothin'
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  11. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Whoa, You know it's a bad idea when ChillCat doesn't leave his "Super great" slogan....
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  12. ChefHe;;esvig@outlook.com New Player

    So the plan that comes with the emblem i s what makes it glow right??
  13. Roocck Committed Player

    I can see 0% drop rate and 100% of your money...
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  14. KEN_Oracle_of_Delphi Well-Known Player

    but what it does say, is that devs only cater to the whale base, not the average legendary or non member player.... which is called....GREED. .. which is also called... SUCKS... which is also called... BORING.
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  15. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I'm pacing myself
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  16. Elite DamageX Well-Known Player

    The only response he/they give is how great they are. He also means by most successful.....money. This will only last so long and has already made A Great majority of the people mad. Everyone I have asked said yes, I spent 40-60-80 dollars on opening them but still need rare ones. Then right after that they say ( NEVER AGAIN)
    As you can see, most people dislike them an think feats should not be in them, or have you not looked through the last 7 pages of this forum.
    Just like a car salesman that sells lemons, sure he can sell them but he won't get many return customers unless they are gullible and word of mouth will destroy sales.
    Myself I have spent 100.00 dollars on them an have got 2 rare items that go for 10's of millions on the broker and I say Never again.
    Your better off just going to EG pal and buying 100 mill for 80.00 and just buying them from broker and let those gullible people keep on buying them.
    Basically comes down to buying feats.....How much you got....money money money$$$$$$$
  17. CTCFirebird Active Player

    So, I seen this just recently. I never thought that Mister Styes had it in him to attack someone (or vice versa) in the WatchTower

  18. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Still No answer to my Question :/ :does the anomaly capsule contain enchantend versions of the Lantern emblems??
  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    No - nothing that's not already in the capsules themselves originally.
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  20. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I get people are made about selling feats. I'm talking about this specific announcement. Nothing has changed except the Anomaly Capsule, which is a sub-capsule, not a TC within a TC.

    People complaining about it being "unfair" to those who spent resources making the upgraded styles. This is kind of par for the course. What about people who had to grind for exos before they dropped like candy and you could remove them from gear. Or people who farmed feats, but now you can get them by skipping to CR 100. Things change. I always hear about how grinding is part of an MMO. There will always be something to grind here. If you don't like, or if you're afraid they might "give"* things away in the future, don't do it. If you're the type of person that "needs" the newest thing right away, and have the ultimate stats, that's on you.

    *And they aren't "giving" these items away. It's still a random chance for a limited time. After that, they have to go and use materials to upgrade the items, too.
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