Flash Cowl now available

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jafin, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    LOL classic man, classic!
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  2. Skull Collector Committed Player

    It was a reply based on a combination of what I've seen here as well as in game chatter. I guess it wasn't clear enough that my statement was directed at anyone assuming these are gifts.
  3. Skull Collector Committed Player

    *grabs arms of chair and waits* :eek:
  4. Frank Zarjaz Committed Player

    lol no way.
    You picked the right avatar for solving mysteries. :p
  5. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    They'd better not pull this thing down like they did with the BVS stuff.
  6. xhalur Well-Known Player

    Great. My Legendary membership expired yesterday evening and I chose not to renew because of all the server/login issues recently, and now I find out today that anyone that is Legendary gets the Flash cowl as a free gift, probably because of those same server/login issues.

    FML, LOL. :rolleyes:
  7. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    No promises....get it while you can...
    You snooze you lose....now you are kickin yourself for it XD
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  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    Its amazing when people simply question things and try to find out whats going on and/or play devils advocate somehow that is understood as being rude or throwing a fit or whining or whatever else it gets called. We are all typing words on a screen. People can be so sensitive sometimes and words seem to be so easily misunderstood on here.

    With the cowl and the base item pack that is $20 worth of stuff. When has daybreak just given out $20 worth of items without even an announcement? No announcement and an iconic helm is given out that people have requested for years and somehow people questioning it are told to calm down and get insulted and called names? How havent more people questioned this? I personally hope it isnt a bug. I think its a nice thing to do for subbed players. But to act like what has gone on with this flash helm so far is the norm is extremely silly. Someone name me 1 other time where we as players got a free item in our redeem with no announcement at all? Ive been around 4 years and in all that time i cant remember that happening even 1 single time.

    If its a free gift then that is awesome. Well done daybreak :):D:) Has to be the best gift u guys have ever given out, at least in my eyes. And im very happy to get one right before my sub runs out in a few days :) I hope u guys do some kind of announcement later today clearing things up on this situation.
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  9. Starburst Active Player

    Quick question: If we buy legendary today and so-on, would we receive the gift still or is it only for those who were subscribed at that moment?
  10. light FX Steadfast Player

    Np i hear ya. I also was surprised more people havent questioned it.
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  11. Beauwight Well-Known Player

    New costume of the day:

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  12. PhantomBulletPT Well-Known Player

    After a week of not being able to play I can now give them money !!

    Not gonna happen.
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  13. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    I can it see it being true especially if it has a weekend only deadline and then after you would have to buy it full price if you didnt redeem in time. I feel this in itself is a way to make even more revenue from legendary membership by making a promotion like this to spike those membership numbers.
  14. Skull Collector Committed Player

    I'd certainly wait for Mepps to show up and clarify what's going on before even thinking of giving these guys your money again if it's just to get a cowl, even if you play one of the hundreds and hundreds of Flash toons in the game. I wouldn't be surprised if people are subbing up right now just to get the cowl. It sure would be a shame if it's a glitch and DBG take back their property.

    In my experience, all our free gifts come with a message letting us know what we got and why. I personally find it very suspicious that no such message has been entered into the Welcome message or the MOTD. ;)
  15. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    OK I don't usually get into this but I have to ask. How does calling people ******** and dumb get "misinterpreted as being a derogatory statement" when you are using the terms to insult people? And I am not talking about you but the person you quoted. I am neither saying it is a gift nor that it isn't because I don't know but I do know when you insult people they tend to get insulted.
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  16. Skull Collector Committed Player

    Hehe, I had that exact same thought process and tried to go back and edit my initial response but it was too late. I actually just mentioned that in another reply to someone here, in hopes that they don't go subbing up just to get a cowl that might be taken away again.
  17. JoKeR_3_7 Well-Known Player

    What feet are these? thank you!
  18. Skull Collector Committed Player

    You could chance it, but keep in mind that if it's a glitch (which it almost certainly is) then DBG would be well within their rights to take the items back from you, and likely will. So you'd be subbing for nothing. I'd wait until Mepps wakes up, strolls into work, has his coffee, and then spits it all over his computer screen when he realizes a ton of people just got an $18 to $20 item for free, and starts doing damage control on how to tell people it's a mistake.
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  19. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Enhanced Qwardian style. It is the crafted version of the Qwardian Style from the Capsules.
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  20. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I'm in love with Flash Cowl, thank you so much!
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