150 cr 80 sp...bad?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Marvel117, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I have to say there are far more players with less than 200 SP than there are with 200sp.

    In fact, according to your logic, having no skill at all mean that you should be CR189 with 50sp, because you couldn't block for the 1 piece feat, couldn't stay alive for death proof feat, heck even the reapers owned those for catch22.

    The only thing these skilled players could get was a participation trophy, yay...They can run the latest content or whatever!!!

    Again seems rather odd with so many with low SP having a very high failure rate in content is due to the even small number of high SP players who can't seem to block or do any of the things you listed despite having feats that actually calls for those said things.

    Strange and very odd, if true.
  2. Sooner Well-Known Player

    Just a quick thought on this.....when I saw this on test the first thing that came to my mind was "0/175" in 8 items. That's 1400 SPs. Now that's not counting all the other "iconic" and the 20-40 ones on the stats point page. This gives the idea that the design teams are probably thinking about ramping upping SPs dramatically beyond the "2##" point we are now. Which leads to the possibility that we'll be seeing more "SP" feats come out in the future than we have in the past thus giving the "non-elitists" a chance to come up pretty quick in SPs. So yes the "SP" fan base will have their SPs but it may come at the cost of a ton of easy SP being unleashed for the others to catch up. BUT we won't know until it all hit the fan sometime this year.
  3. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    What are you trying to say?
    What point are you trying to make?
    You clearly have zero understanding about how CR differential works or how the game has been functioning for the past two years.


    Go here and look at the % of players that have over 200-250 SP and get back to me.
  4. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Look your character up on the dcuobloguide census then click on suggested feats. It is a list of feats you don't have ordered by the number of people that have the feat. Those are likely your easiest feats to get.
  5. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    Go here and check for yourself...........specifically go to the XBOX1 server and check. There you will get a legitimate % new players and how they play. Less than 1% of the new players on the XBOX server have over 200-250 SP. Catering to the 1% is going to kill the game. I believe in some SP but there needs to be a limit.

  6. Sooner Well-Known Player

    Using your application:

    Skillpoints>200, All (Active/nonactive), Current: 30,291 Characters
    Skillpoints<201, All (Active/nonactive), Current: 18,560,937 Characters

    Your source for info definitely shows that there are a ton more with 200 or less skill points than those above it. ;)

    I still think the devs are going to deliver a bowl of Tomato Soup Surprise and start having feat points handed out easily to average the player base out when we go to an SP based system. :rolleyes:
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  7. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    For characters over 175 cr (endgame roughly) there are about 15k over 200sp and 17k under 200 sp. For endgame the midpoint looks to be around 192 sp.
    • Like x 1
  8. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Lol, what 30,000, hmm, laughable.

    I wasn't even using that site.
    What is really funny is when you change it to 100 it goes to 100k.

    The CR differential, is and has been what it is, a way for the unskilled to do good damage without actually putting in work on there toon(s).

    Smh, and to think many will agree with you.
  9. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    They are basically with Time Capsules, which is there way of doing that.

    What's really crazy is it's not like the feats are that difficult to get, well, some can be difficult, talking about style feats attached to drops.

    That RNG is a beast, many seem to fail getting styles.
  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Technically you're right...the reality says otherwise. People can't even line up in GoM, or block in NGN. You may be an ok player (like myself), but we're superstars compared to the below average player.
  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    still doesn't provide 'factual' proof ;)
  12. STARGARD Well-Known Player

    SP do matter . Now that you're a higher CR get the knockout feats all done also get the easy styles done. Go to war room in watchtower and buy there then go to the loyalty vendors in each wing and get those style feats 1 MOV each . Some stuff needs to be ran daily and is worth it for gear for styles and various feats. If you are not in a league find one that is helpful and will queue up for stuff just to help. If interested follow my sig and we can try to help. Skill points are a definite grind but needed .
  13. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Welp my CR is at 182 and I have 182 SP so please no hate I'll get to 200 SP soon lol
  14. Earthjim Well-Known Player

    i think stats matter more in AF3 content especially the solos, you'll get KO
  15. Voaxghost Well-Known Player

    Facts? Were we're going we don't need facts.
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Facts will always be needed regardless of where this game is headed or your opinion of a person on the interwebz ;)