An Otherworldly Guide to Celestial

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Remander, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Depends on the situation, I generally spam RcW on bosses and save WoTPcCS for adds, but I find myself alternating between them both out of boredom, you can use either or the damage difference is practically non existent.
  2. Heal up 96 Level 30

    Hello I just stop by to check and see if what I read the other day is right about Celestial along with all the other Precision powers. I heard all powers including the ones that are precision now are later on going to be might based powers when the stats revamp hits so I just wanted to know if this is true or not because if it is I'm not looking forward to re modding all 3 of my Precision characters to Might thank you
  3. Tilz Loyal Player

    It could happen, but we don't know.
  4. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I really hope precision powers don't turn into might, thats one thing that makes them different from other powers and imo should stay that way. This make everything the same stuff is gonna really kill the game. :(

    On the other hand celestial is tearing it up right now! I'm 2 cr lower then some ice dps i know that used to beat me before i took a break and i come back and i'm beating them.

    I added blight into my loadout as the dot i clip in with my buffs and i've been having good results with it. I pretty much got what i feel is the best loadout/rotation down after always going back and forth trying things over and over in every situation. I'm finally at peace with my loadout....well except for this thing i'm trying with hand blasters that looks slightly promising but i won't know for a few days yet lol.
  5. Pults Loyal Player

    How exactly would it kill it if the intent is to make it easier to balance out damage values and powers in general?
  6. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    The formulas they have now work just fine theres no need to make prec powers into might. Even at this moment Celest and light are right up there with the top powers so i don't see a need to change something thats not broken.
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  7. Pults Loyal Player

    That still doesn't answer the question, what's being killed exactly?
    Powers are being completely re-done and it's a fact that might and precision don't equally scale. Having precision taken out of the balancing would reduce workload needed to balance things out - power wise that is. Having celes and light "up there" doesn't make things easier to balance when practically *** of the game mechanics are being completely overhauled.
  8. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Whats being killed is prec damage is one of the things that makes the powers different. The formula for prec vs might will prob be the same so its no problem to do some math and figure out how to balance the powers. If they need to make the powers might cause they can't figure out some math then this job might not be for them. Anyway what was on test would never work in this game, not only would they have to change all the powers but all the content and mechanics as well and thats a lot of work that doesn't need to be done.
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  9. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    The concern I have with making Celestial all might, and this would affect Rage in a similar fashion, but it would change the whole McB mechanic and the computations for all the healing values. Unless Combos won't heal anymore...
  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Celestials core functions are built around precision. McB, for example. If they change it to all might, it may kill battle healing if they keep McB as is, or they may remove the damage heal function from McB which will kill the core functionality of Celestial basically. I don't want them to change how celestial is played, and making it might based will do that. Also keep in mind, anoint would most likely be changed to the power back ability since precision would be useless.

    I also would be pissed if I have to remake all my gen mods to might. I don't have the material to redo all my mods and I'm sure many others are in the same boat.
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  11. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Actually, because there was Critical Anoint mod, I think it will be the Weapon/Precision Buff and something will happen to Dark Pact, Benediction and Malediction. The signs were there all along.

    Not that this is the forum for it, but I noticed for the original TC I received a Mod for Shielding. That hasn't been a power in the HL trees for over a year. They had plans what they were going to do for a while and the madness is far reaching, returning old powers, etc.
  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Benediction doesn't have a crit mod because it's considered an offensive power, not a buff, due to the combo aspect of it. I think they may take the combo portion away of it and make it the 33℅ weapon buff, that's if they choose to go through with making everything might
  13. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I realize it doesn't have a crit mod, which mean they will likely do something else with Benediction. Menace does have a crit mod currently and right now it doesn't affect crit percentages. However on Test, it lost it's proc and became a 33% precision weapon buff. I surmise that any power that has a crit mod from the time capsules, is/was set to become a precision buff in the revamp. I'm ready to write a post on this and how I am onto the devs plan and if I get banned from the forums, oh well.
  14. Apollyonx Active Player

    I am really hoping they leave McB the way it is. If all these cd's stay in place then it could be the most efficient way to heal. Would just have to go to using weapon attacks instead of powers probably.
  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    Just checking in. Yikes! Not sure I like what I'm hearing.
  16. Absolix Loyal Player

    They said the stats matter update was only going to be a Dps update for the removal of the AM and WM bonuses, but then we have gotten a bit of a mess of an update to support roles to put it lightly.

    I don't know where the heck the cooldown idea came from either. They don't really seem to have any idea of what their goal should be, which was a big issue with how we got to this place to begin with.
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  17. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I'm just looking into base numbers for power and healing just for efficiency purposes and to understand why those long cooldowns were added.

    Looking at power, the costs are supposed to be static, which is alright by me, but the stronger the Ability is, the more power is drained.
    This is strictly talking base strength. The strength scaling has no bearing on the power costs.

    bio capacitor got a buff from 68-83 on the safety nets up to 86-126. And the initial burst got buffed to 68-83
    Galvanize got a buff as well as Electroburst.

    Not liking celestial's future. Plague and Divine Light might see that same buff for healing but it may have long cooldown.
    This scares me for other huge burst healing abilities like McB (which may see complete removal) and abilities like Blight and Admonish may see long cooldowns. (I hope not)
    Renew might see the same Nerf Bio Electric Surge got..

    Truth be told longer cooldowns do not help the forcing of 2 healers. It just makes game play awkward.
  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I would prefer they just nerf restoration than adjust cooldown numbers.
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  19. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I was hoping restoration would have been reconfigured as well. Not the case and it's kinda upsetting lol
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  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, the long cooldowns really kill the dynamic game play, and if they have the same in store for Celestial, it will turn the whole powerset on its head. I hope they come to their senses.
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