A New Membership Status

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Danielle_Tgurl, Oct 27, 2016.

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  1. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    really? i always figured you were like 17 or something...

    as for the op it sounds like a wish list. "what I would do if my boss gave me a thousand dollar a week raise" or"dear santa".

    it makes absolutely no sense.

    i would like a sub better than legendary. something with additional perks even if its just extra rbs and lps.
  2. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I think they should drop the membership down to 9.99 the game is almost 6yrs old .
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  3. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    what does the game being 6 years old have to do with the price" i honesty say they shouldn't change it at all.

    Guild wars the very first was made almost 11 years ago and it's still $60 for the game, they shouldn't change it on a simple date
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  4. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i've seen a lot and if that's the case then they should be worried about other things then a game price.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    I neither like or dislike you, my feelings for you a neutral and quite frankly any further conversation about each other on a personal level is probably inappropriate, so with that being said I will not respond to any more comments of yours of this nature.

    I don't need to have an insight in to anyones life to make the comment, it's 50c a day to pay to play with all access, this is a minimal cost. No matter what your personal circumstances if you can't afford this sum of money, I highly suggest your priorities are misplaced and you probably have bigger things to worry about in life than whether or not you're all access or not; with that being said also, some people probably need to re-address and shift priorities if All access is so important to them, perhaps may I suggest one less trip to McDonalds a month etc.

    The lollipop is a perfect example, the lollipop is a product that is a complete product and sold as a whole, you can't appropriately cut the lollipop in half so that someone can pay a reduced fee, you either buy the whole lollipop or you don't buy any of the lollipop; your choice.

    DC is a product not a service, it is a "virtual product", you are buying an "item". A service is not a product it is someone carrying out a task for you usually incorporating a product. i.e. you buy a new stove, the person coming and installing it provides a "Service" the oven itself is a "product". Notwithstanding that point, this part of the argument is entirely irrelevant.

    Again with the hyperbole, I'm not saying "Nobody takes the game serious" I'm saying it is highly unlikely highly, highly unlikely that a 5 year old takes the game seriously enough to care about a cash cap. I have children and have been around a number of children I'm well aware of their interests and mental capacities I can assure you they do not play any video game with the same degree of seriousness, goals or desires that an adult does. I can assure you a $2,000 cash cap is the least of their worries.

    With that being said naturally you'll argue the "rule of exemption"; so as I've stated if you did, by chance, have a 5 year old wanting to play this game it would in my view have to be under strict guidance (because the chat in this game is frankly disgusting at times) and you would make the choice as to whether you could "afford" or even wanted to "pay for the subscription".

    a 5 year old is not a human capable of making their own informed decisions; this is what parenting is all about, they need guidance and they sometimes need intervention.

    Again with that having been said and cutting out the hyperbole, we come back to the adult decision maker, which is what we're really talking about here.

    "sub up or shut up"; it truly is the motto, you need to accept that to obtain membership perks you have to pay for them, not try and take away from them, not try and dilute them, not try and diminish them; you have to pay for them.

    it's a minimal fee $15 per month, if you can't afford it then I'm sorry but that's just part of life and if you can't afford it; it's usually through choice or if its not; again I'd suggest there's probably bigger things to worry about.

    Also as the final point to address, I subscribe to this game; I've been playing it since 2011 or whatever and over that time I've probably dumped thousands of dollars in it; notwithstanding that point, opinions aren't worth more because we "pay more" they're worth more when they're more viable.

    And with that being the case I respectfully make the assertion that in in this particular scenario my opinion may come across as harsh but is certainly the most "realistic and reasonable" opinion; but that again is my opinion which I naturally do not expect you to agree with.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    read my quote again "plays a video game"; not this video game. ;)
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    There is no membership cost at $4 a month, the cheapest rate is $9.99 per month on the annum plan.

    Someone probably told you they paid $4 per month because they recently had that sale on the annual plan that was a good chunk off, I believe it was $80 for the year, which still equates to $6.66 per month.
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  8. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    okie dokes
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  9. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    I'm glad that you players aren't devs of this game.
    These naive little proposals would tank this game.

    Freetoplay/no membership?
    A bum version of legendary?
    Yeah, how about some of you guys quit DCUO?
    Maybe the game will make more money without you lot spouting foolish ideas that could potentially influence the actual Devs into making and executing bad decisions.

    Sub up or shut up.
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  10. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    its simple. make a good game people want to play...and the money will pore in...but, DB does what they do...
  11. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Lol "Sub up or shut up"...im with Proxy on this...dont wanna hear ppls circumstances...kinda like whining to the cashier at the grocery store checkout line and asking for a discount on some of your groceries lol
  12. Tilz Loyal Player

    Not bad, that you wrote down very detailed stuff about how you want it to be done.

    But I'm with the others. Sub up or play premium.
    Sad but true.
    Many legendary members would be upset about those changes, and I can understand that. It just makes the legendary crowd less "special"...

    If they would raise the cash cap, it would help. Now that's a different topic..

    Also if ppl can'T pay for a sub.. ok.. but thats really not daybreaks fault and if they would make those membership options, they would grab that little cash from the ppl that can't pay a sub.. I think those ppl would be more happy without paying for the sub honestly. Let them invest the money more usefull.


    I think the game T - rated. So little kids shouldn't play it :D
  13. Danielle_Tgurl Committed Player

    And NONE of what you all said is any more than, you don't care about others and you don't want the poor folk in the same parks you have your picnic in. The game is not a "lollipop" and none of you would leave the game because there was a Semi membership. Its all talk from you all. This game has been sold out and distributed in sections for years. Each episode is a section. Either way I know Daybreak would make more money this way due to experience. Some have a lump sum to get the biggest discount when buying in bulk, some pay for the monthly supply and some just want the one hitter express with just enough extras to make it worth it to them.

    So the sub up or shut up motto is just arrogance at its worst. You don't know everyones situation in life and Daybreak can make more money this way. But yet again this is not our decision.

    And Proxy I would appreciate not hearing from you ever, but its forums and not much I can do to stop your little parade of whatever it is you do here. I heard, and seen what you are about. As for "personal"...lol noooooo.

    And yes it is a wish list for something between Premium and Legendary......Because in case you have not noticed those players do not contribute much or anything at all....for whatever their reason. Either way this does not effect your gameplay at all and all your reason are VERY selfish.

    Have a great day leaving your selfish comments as I go to work today. But I keep in mind all the lil dps's getting frustrated at the Tank that they cant knock down....it'll make me smile a bit.

    In the end Daybreak will take the concept into consideration if it valid to make more money, if its good PR for their product brand, and if its a reasonable incentive for the inclusion of more players / customers. None of your "Its Not Fair....They Are Poor They Don't Deserve It" talk is where they want to be as a business and as individual people. NOT OUR DECISION...enjoy your day
  14. Immortal Zoom Well-Known Player

    You most be fun at partys
  15. Immortal Zoom Well-Known Player

    I agree with you, Daybreak are lazy and unskilled devs they have no sense of support or work they only care about money, after daybreak bought dcuo from sony the game has gone to ****
  16. Immortal Zoom Well-Known Player

    Or maybe the premium feature are dumb, since why should we have to pay to have that much money in our account to make it usable you have to pay 5$ like wtf
  17. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    okay no" This is coming from me i literally have had so much drama and stuff down my throat because i spoke for other players so saying that danielle is a lie.

    if i didn't care about others i wouldn't even make threads which if you notice i am doing a lot less now.

    this would back fire think of it as a business move Almost every person who is sub if they make this happen would stop subbing and they would lose more money.

    and your right about one thing its not our decision or yours either if they were going to change the sub at all they would have done it during the downtime for the episodes

    Which in a way they did they put legendary for a whole year on sale.

    Like i said kids can do yard work or chores or get an a allowance from their folks" if not then they shouldn't be playing this game at all

    This is not a charity and the developers aren't going to drop the price in half just so a few kids can come stop by and possibly talk trash on this game.

    like i said before if they are really hurting that much for $ Then they gotta other things to worry about then a game.
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  18. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    then i am gonna ask you a very good question zoom" why on earth are you still here?
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  19. Gimpy Loyal Player

    After you "sugar-coated" an insult where you "paid" for my retirement income with YOUR TAXES and expected a "Thank You Card"

    You are not thinking about the "POOR PEOPLE". No way are you thinking about poor people when you can so easily assume and degrade someone you insinuate is on welfare and living off of YOU.

    F.Y.I. many small business owners live paycheck to paycheck and never make $1000s of extra income to put into savings.

    I was fortunate enough to have had a very nice insurance policy from my place of employment at the time of my injury so my medical expenses didn't eat me alive but I still struggled.

    You know I actually caught a slip-up by you about how much you actually spend when you made a comment about what happens when a sub lapses,

    Kind of funny how a "Legendary Member" thinks everything gets put on hold....for a month...when in reality it's not on hold it's a premium access,,,,, it also isn't a month it is until the sub is PAID. That could be a year or it could be 1 day.
    You weren't sure? Any person who has subbed knows, they don't have to think or are not sure.

    I get it now, this is how a premium who doesn't want to pay the full price operates to get benefits the Legendary Members have.
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  20. Sooner Well-Known Player

    A side of me is thinking are you suggesting a 5-11 year old just sit down an play games all day instead of getting out for exercise and interactions with school friends?

    I wouldn't let my kids play this game at 5 years old just go to the chat box and I think you will see why. When my kids were in the 5 year old range, they were dealing with a mother that just went from being very active to very handicapped so online games weren't even considered. When they got to the 9-11 age range, then they had to make choices. This is how much we will pay for your online stuff and then they weighed the cost vs how much time they'd actually play the game. Yes, we were mean parents and limited their online time. They went through and found out which one they wanted within budget and then we discussed it. They learned how to prioritize and make choices off a budget. My boys did go and get some extra cash now and then doing some yard work, but that dried up pretty quickly with more "professional" companies hiring and able to cut the rates down to the same rates the boys were getting.

    They learned that things weren't "free" and my oldest is appalled at how many in his college are looking for getting things "free" instead of working for them. He just re-upped his membership to DCUO to play with me, but he's paying for it. He did his budget, and found out he still had a little extra for it. He doesn't have a "ton of cash" but he prioritized what what he wanted to do with the wages he's bringing in.

    Now even if they gave price breaks for 5 year olds, how would you suggest they even verify that it's not some 35 year old just saying he's 5 years old to get something cheaper?
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