Why slow down must go

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Helderman, Jul 31, 2016.

  1. Helderman Dedicated Player

    1. When you are overwhelmed by enemies you have three options:

    a) Fight to death and take the most enemies you can

    b) Block and die a slow and painful death

    c) Be a coward and log out

    Other MMOs give you an option d) Hit and run! Now, thanks to the slow down, hit and run is not an option in DCUO. I know the PvPers complained about the hit and run being abused, so the slow down was implemented as a "fix" to this. But, like many PvP fixes, the slow down totally broke PvE.

    2. Nothing more frustrating than having a race screwed because you drew aggro from an unseen enemy. I got sick of redoing races because an NPC slowed me down and stopped doing races at all.

    The devs don't hesitate in removing features that benefit the players, like the linkdead. Instead, they should remove features that don't benefit the players, and the slow down doesn't benefit anyone at all. Or at least, rewrite the slow down to work only with the PvP flag ON.
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  2. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Slow down has been in the game before "PvPers" complained. It's actually been a good thing when ill-equipped Tanks tried to go head on into a Bounty and eventually flee but of using things to keep them alive which kept taunting the Bounty. This slow down, as you call it, actually helped knocked such Tanks out so that the Bounty did not reset which may have meant it fleeing and the entire server (not just phase since this could date before MegaServers) waiting for the Bounty to spawn again.

    This was no different while the Hands of Fate bosses were in the open world and those that go into a leveling area, aggro everything and flee. Those targets reset and any progress gone. Thi was particularly annoying during the Spectre missions.

    Also last but certainly not least this prevents exploitation of instance bosses where Acrobatic or Super Speed characters (not just Tanks) would be able to indefinitely kite bosses in larger rooms that do not have grounding effects.

    All of this illustrates why it is actually in place - to actually make you face the enemies you engage whether it be PvE or PvP. Or if you don't get knocked out.

    As for how other MMO's don't limit combat movement speed it'd be nice to list them since I could also, and I'd happily explain, say that "other MMO's" do indeed slow and/or limit your movement options while in combat as well. It doesn't help since it doesn't give context concerning why they don't or why they do.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Run your race without getting hit that's the whole point bro
  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    sorry but C is never a option. Further more why is there no tank, no healer, no troll? As fair as PvP open world goes, cant handle the ganking there then stay in PvE phase.
  5. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea i have never done C and never seen another player do C. Who exactly does that? And there are many times i drew aggro and was hit by an enemy and was able to run away to where i didnt have to fight em and lost their aggro too. So that 100% can happen and i dont even understand what the problem is tbh.
  6. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Funny enough you can't actually do C unless you are in combat but not being attacked (or attacking). If you are not being attacked (and not attacked) but in combat you don't move slow. So... yeah.

    * Assuming "log out" actually means /logout or Settings -> Switch Character. You could, I suppose, intentionally crash your game but that won't actually prevent you from getting knocked out and hence suffering a repair cost. ;)
  7. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    There are ways to circumvent this "slow down".

    Anyone can change direction and lunge dodge away.
    Acrobatics users and roll and go into rocket assisted glide at full speed.
    Flight users can use swoop attack regardless of being in combat and fly away at full speed.

    If it's that important to you to get away, try these methods.
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  8. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

  9. Helderman Dedicated Player

    I have played Age of Conan and Lord of The Rings Online and in both games The only stance where you are slowed down is when you receive fall damage. DCUO on The other hand... Got hit? Slow down. Casted a Power? Slow down. Uses a weapon attack? Slow down.
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  10. Hraesvelg Always Right

    The slow movement in combat has been around since the start of the game. Why try and blame the PvPers?
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  11. Backseid Devoted Player

    I honestly cannot believe anyone can argue FOR the slow down. It's one of the absolute worst mechanics in this game!

    Completely useless and breaks immersion instsntly.

    Gotta love how people always follow the first responses. If the first response here was positive, all others would be calling the slow down awful as well.
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  12. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    That's the forums for ya.

    People tend to agree and only a select few have unique opinions.

    Honestly I'd love Slow down to be gone entirely, especially considering It's gonna be a much more noticeable issue with Weapons Dropping AM's.
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  13. Backseid Devoted Player

    If nothing else, they gotta remove it when not in combat. By that I mean, when you use a power or weapon but are not attacking an NPC.

    That alone would be a big help.

    They really do all they can to make movement modes useless anymore. The constant grounding effects are ridiculous.
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  14. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Think the slowdown has always been ingame. I don't ever remember a time when it wasn't
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    Tera and other games I've played have an "In Combat" stance. It's how they designed the mechanics for the content. It's not because of PvP, but so you can't breeze past enemies. (Though people still do.)

    Does it make sense thematically? No, but at least there is a reason for it. Do I think it should be sped up slightly? Yes, especially for flight. You can walk faster than you can fly in combat. lol
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  16. Backseid Devoted Player

    I've played many games where you can "run away".

    I do get the general point though. But like you said, it needs adjusting. Speed and the where n when need to be looked at.

    If I'm flying around, and hit a mouse key by mistake, I shouldn't slow down. I didn't hit anything. It shouldn't count as any form of combat.

    Let's look at it this way: Every single time EVERY single player get put in slow-mo (outside actual combat) they are screaming "God dammit!" inside their head.

    This means, several times a day, each n every player is pissed off by this one thing many times over.

    Yeah, we're all used to it by now. But just think how many "a God dammit" 's we could save daily :p
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  17. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    It already is like that... If you are not attacking or getting attacked you do not get slowed down even if you are in combat (flashing red).
    Without comparing combat if you have two games I also have 2 games: FFXIV and Neverwinter. Both of these games slow you down if you take too much damage. FFXIV is the worst though. In FFXIV you get a Heavy debuff that makes you extremely slow and cannot be cleansed. In Neverwinter you are kicked off your mount allowing enemies to catch up to you and you have very little in the means of sprint. There sprinting (comes in a lot of orms) mechanics are not unlike the 3 ways DCUO movement modes can clear your slow down. FFXIV has a sprint mechanic too but on a cooldown.

    Now regarding DCUO's escape options:

    In addition. and this was not a very good change, Acrobatics is "supposed to" use Backflip, Super Speed Dash Attack and Flight Dustoff/Swoop Attack. The problem? They were changed to Supercharges. Dustoff was always a Supercharge (25%), Dash Attack (25%) was changed due to exploitation in PvP and Backflip (50%) changed to give Acrobatics a way to provide Power.

    DCUO follows suit with some other games and penalises you for using "enhanced movement" which is typically a mount in other games but in DCUO is simply a high speed variant of the existing movement mode. Then in combat that allow for ways to sprint giving them enhanced movement like capabilities. If you think DCUO should improve its sprint mechanics I agree. If you want it improved you should be asking for these adjustments:


    Do nothing. It already has a non-Supercharge (Swoop Attack) and a low cost Supercharge (Dustoff, 25%) to use.


    Revert Backflip to a regular trait and take away the added Power benefit. Instead add the Power benefit and Supercharge to either Grapple Line Attack or Throwing Knives. I'd pick Grapple Line Attack since Throwing Knives has some (though limited) use in a Weapon Mastery rotation if that were ever improved.

    Don't change the Supercharge (Perfect Poise, 25%) since it matches Flight's Dustoff.

    Super Speed:

    Change Phase Dodge to attack similar to work like Swoop Attack or non-Supercharge Backflip. Keep the Defense increase if you stay in it but clear slowdown effects if you cancel it.

    Don't change the Supercharge (Dash Attack, 25%) since it matches Flight's Dustoff and Acrobatics Perfect Poise.

    Now regarding combat. DCUO is not a RPG that many like to say it is. It is actually an Action game. In typical MMORPG's the game play is either "point and click" and "target and click". Movement is equivalent to DCUO's non-movement mode speed. There is a sprint mechanic but it is on a cooldown and usually takes up either all of resource or has a large drain effect on that resource.

    In DCUO combat is more, well, Action oriented. Instead of walking out of danger you can dash, zip or swoop away respectively. You can lunge across the room or roll (Dodge mechanic) out of the way. You can "roll" in the games I mentioned above but this is typically just a skill (though not always). It usually does cost mana or is on a significant cooldown.

    If you allowed for high movement speed in combat while you are attacking or being attacked this would break the game PvE and PvP included. In PvE you could just kite a boss in a large room with no drawbacks in doing so. You wouldn't even need to stop moving and you would never get hit. This is a bad thing since all Tanks would be doing is taunt every 10 seconds once and move so fast that they never get hit. If this behaviour did become viral it could lead to the extinction of Tanks completely and anyone who has aggro would just run away across the room. Either that or all instanced content would take place in very small rooms. So imagine all Survival Mode instances forced to be run in a room smaller than the Trigon Survival Mode. Where you can't escape either boss.

    I should re-emphasis that "being in combat (flashing red)" does not automatically slow you down. You can be in combat while also being able to move fast. You simply cannot be attacking or getting attacked (or more specifically not taking damage. Using a shield would also lead to fast movement which is why Perfect Poise provides a shield as well).

    So instead of trying to break general combat how about you ask for sprint mechanics as described above to be improved? Especially considering your main gripe seems to running racers where such mechanics would help out tremendously. In fact if you are running races you should probably have, and be using, Dash Attack, Dustoff or Perfect Poise. All three are minor Supercharges and all 3 get you out of the slowdown effect, block portions of damage, give you control immunity, etc.

    You can do this in DCUO too. Super Speed just simply runs and, if you want, use Internal Flywheel. Flight and Aerobatics simply fly directly up. Acrobatics can also just zip to/up a wall.
  18. Helderman Dedicated Player

    The highlighted quote is an interesting point. In DCUO you don't have to take "too much damage" to get slowed down. If you are dashing around Gotham a simple shot from a level 1 cop is enough to change you from Speedy Gonzales to Slowpoke Rodriguez. The slow down completely defeats the purpose of fast movement mode.
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  19. Morcra Committed Player

    Wait. Are you ******* serious.are people actually defending the useless fun deflating non immersive slow down. Are you serious.
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  20. VariableFire Loyal Player

    For those trying to defend it with saying that movement modes have workarounds...that might work if players had any spots for movement powers. Many powersets simply don't have room on their tray.