Please remove roleless buffs on new content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PolishEagle, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    Roleless buffs used to make sense back in a day, especially on PC side, but since we have WM/AM and Dps just burn everything in seconds, need no power, support roles are just some ghosts, wasted spots in a group.
    It just terrible what this game's become when you look back how importatnt roles used to be once, a long long time ago...
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  2. MacFuego Active Player

    The issue for me is time, I don't want to spend 30 minutes in a normal alert. Same way with skipping adds in lpve, if we burned everything down you would be adding days trying to accomplish the large count feats. Learn to dps, sheesh.
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  3. Fun Dealer Level 30

    Yes guys learn how to dps! Because dpsing is really really difficult! Its not just 1234ing, not at all!
  4. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    If you remove the roles less buff than it will limit who will be dpsing. For example right now with DWF most groups have only 2 or 3 DPS and most of those groups want their dpsers to be the OP powers. Go try to get into a group as Fire, Quantum or HL most of them will pass you over for a Ice, Munition, Atomic.

    Role-less buff opens up the spectrum of powers to run content, as does having raids that are 1-1-1-5.
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    They censored dick move finally? I was wondering how long they were going to let us get away with saying that :rolleyes:

    Edit: never mind. You either said something else or censored it yourself :(
  6. MacFuego Active Player

    What is the purpose of the thread?
  7. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    Yeah it was 3 DPS and 1 Heal run. The reason why they made this content so easy was to counter DWF complaints. Now you can run this alert and get gear to help out the less skilled players with DWF.

    It's a win win for the population and the devs.
  8. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    That's with skilled players. A lot of players will never get it done in 10 mins.
  9. TheCursedOne Well-Known Player

    I would like to see three different types of alert.

    One is just like normal is now. You can go in, in pretty much any role and beat it. Make the rare drops less cause you can spam it in pretty much any role.

    Two. Take away the roleless buff and make it just a little bit harder. Like make some adds that drain your power or can hit pretty hard. That way you are kinda forced to run with all roles but as time goes on you can run with any roles. Also make to where maybe the drops are little better or maybe give out 2 extra marks or maybe a chose of 2 base items that are not part of the loot for bosses, Something that players will want to run it to get but the alert still has the same progress as the easy alert. Also the easy and normal alert would share the lockout. That way players would not stack marks so fast.

    Third. You have the elite. Make this one hard and force players to run 1-1-1-1 and have no green gear drop at all. Only blues and purples. I say force players to run as 1-1-1-1 because this is how hard it should be. If you go into elite with out one the roles you should die on the adds, let alone the bosses. Hell even after you have out leveled it, it should still hurt to walk in there without all roles.

    I have seen other MMOs do this and it works very well for the player base. It gives player more more options on how they want to play. It will also would help the support player base and also help people learn their role better. Because of more play time in said role. (How is a tank going to learn how to tank if the the other 3 dps are jumping ahead and killing the adds before you can get to them?)

    I don't think it would take much longer to add a third lvl to the alert. It's still the same map, adds and bosses. You are just taking out the roleless buff and adding some special adds into the mix with a better reward at the end.
  10. Kouber Cage Level 30

    There are times when I sit and cry, remembering the good old days of 2011ish when my League would run raids with 2 healers and 2 trolls. :/ It's why I never really raided while I was Legendary- the pressure of having to solo troll while also getting used to the mechanics with a playerbase that has this need to do everything perfectly on the first try and start throwing a hissy-fit if you don't know something. Could someone explain to me how that's fun?
  11. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    About as hard as spamming powers to troll and tank, god some twatwaffles. The only role worth anything is a healer :)
  12. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    It shouldn't even remotely be 20 minutes with skilled players. But I guess they just want us to log off after.
  13. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    very similar one back when my buddy and I were forming teams... We'd try for 1-1-1-1 to give every role a chance at whatever we were playing. Heck most of the time I was on as a Tank, Troll, or Healer and there were times he'd fill one of those other roles so all we'd be looking for was one DPS and one (whatever role we were not playing). There were plenty of times if we couldn't find a tank that wanted to join we'd be 2-1-1.

    So on a Desecrated Cathedral I am on with my Atomic Tank while my buddy is playing one of his DPS. We find a toll and healer and off we go.. except the HEALER is already trying to get me to switch to DPS before we even get to the first MOB. hey .. the group belongs to me and my buddy so I don't HAVE to do anything you THINK we need and ignore him. Hit the first mob and my melee attacks pull the whole mob to the center of the room, My aura is healing me so not only is the rest of the team taking less damage he doesn't need to heal me much at all and the mob goes down quick since they are huddled in on spot taking damage from anything with an AoE attached.

    But the healer isn't happy and when I continue to ignore him..... He switched to DPS. FORTUNATLY for him I am not one prone to kick even though I have every reason to do so. Man was recruited to be a healer and now is NOT healing and its not HIS team its mine and he's trying to tell me how and what to play. Well then bright boy rushes ahead of everyone else, included the totally worthless TANK (ME) and attacks the next mob solo and is dead in like 5 seconds. Let him do that two more times and he rage quit .. he rage quit because he died 3 times running ahead of the TANK that could grab and hold agro to help keep him alive and because, SINCE HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE HEALER, we didn't have a healer anymore.

    After he left us we recruited a new healer and amazingly the alert went smooth as could be after that. The thing that truly amazed me was it wasn't a DPS with BURN<BUIRN< BURN on the brain doing all of this .. it was a Healer (supposedly a SUPPORT role screaming to get rid of another support role). We can't even get support from other support types let alone DPS.

    Usually when we formed those teams things went off fine but we had several incidents like that where some one we had invited to join OUR team was trying to tell us what to do and how to play ...when everything was going just fine doing exactly what we were doing. We gave up even trying to form raids because GOD HELP us if we recruited 2 trolls and or 2 healer .... Half the DPS would quit because "Oh my god they aren't planning to us 5 or 6 of us! This will take forever" Its one of the reasons that "FORM YOUR OWN TEAM answer to every issue gets under my skin from time to time. REALLY easy to suggest if you belong to a huge league and never have to hunt for team mate or roles. Here's a challenge for you.. TRY to exclude league mates and friends on line and build one from scratch on the LFG and try for 2-2-2-2 and see how long it takes and how many people join and quit before you even get inside the mission because you're not building the team THEY want to be on.. But have no intention of building themselves.
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  14. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    RIGHT Tell that to anyone that has ever teamed with my Atomic Tank on a Phantom Zone and during the Jor El battle alone I kept him agroed on me and so far away from the crystals the rest of the team didn't have to deal with taking damage or getting knocked down at all. Almost every single mob wound up huddled around me taking damage and getting stunned while my team devastated them with AoE attacks and on the final battle against ZOD I have lost track of how often I have helped teams get the feat for NO supplies leaving the room because I not only had Zod and which ever other boss agroed but all the adds as well.

    I have a Quantum TROLL with a POT that leaves adds stunned and held so kept supplies leaving there as well OH and since most Healers (or is that all healers?) don't get AM and go through power like crazy my TROLL keeps that healing actually healing... Oh and let us not forget I swear there are just as many DPS out there that have no clue how to use WM or AM to generate power themselves and are totally out of power in no time without a troll just constantly using a power push.

    YEAH Trolls and Tanks are useless.

    Oh and one last thought.... If tanks are so useless why is it time and time again on the LFG you see "Group looking for tank to help with Last boss battle on (NAME THE RAID)?
  15. Ichiro Loyal Player

    LMAO, I was just stating the facts. Alerts are not designed for tanks and trolls. At best these can be run with 3 dps and a healer. If you don't think so just shout tank on LFG for RITr and see how fast you get in a group. Hell I been shouting for a while to tank elite without getting in group. My healer on the other hand instant group.
  16. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Ummm no sorry EVERYTHING in this game is designed to be playable by every role. Fact is its this community obsession with being done in ten seconds so they can spend another X number of replays that has created the BURN mentality that excludes roles from certain things like ANY other role besides DPS on duos (and yet it took my TANK to keep an idiotic DPS that insisted I switch to DPS on a Demon Pit duo and then proceeded to die every time we turned around until I switched to tank and kept the damage away from him. Just because its the TREND does not make it the FACTS. My old league mate and I used to duo with one in DPS and the other in Troll, Healer or Tank role so all our alts had the chance to get the new, better gear.

    Oh and just so you know I have TANKED Ra's Al Guhl on the Demon's Plan alert with 3 DPS. Not a soul died and we raced through the thing because all the adds were huddled around my tank taking HUGE amounts of damage from the AoEs from 3 DPS. And when I manage to get some decent DPS that know how to use AM my TROLL has been the lone Support on that same alert and since I didn't need to play Ever Ready Bunny from start to finish I was able to hold, stun and debuff every single mob we faced.. had no deaths and no problems on plenty of those as well. And you know what is real interesting? I have been on PUG alerts where we all walked in as DPS and before anyone took a single step toward that first mobs three players had switched roles and we actually ran the thing 1-1-1-1. FACT is there is nothing in this game that any role can not join and help complete. Its the community that wants 3 to 6 DPS on everything and NOTHING but DPS on duos that THINK those roles cant help out. And most of that consists of the SCOREBOARD chasing dopes that think if your Damage out isn't high you didn't do anything.