An Unstable Guide to Atomic

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Snix, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. The Anxient Loyal Player

    It's still pretty standard loadout wise. Have to swap in your single target taunt for the double bosses but nothing special. Awareness has to be on point but that's about it.
  2. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Hey Snix good to see you stick your head in and say hi. Hope all is well
  3. Del Maestro Well-Known Player

    I dont know if my loadout is the greatest, im still relatively new to atomic and have a nasty habit of switching powers at least once a week, but heres what i use

    Thermo explosion
    beta surge
    nuclear burst
    geiger bomb
    radiation burn

    For that last spot, you can use energize, RSK or even remedy. I use to use energize to get to the aura fast, but i found i can get there pretty quick anyway. For your aura, i hit thermo, combo one time and clip that with beta and clip that with APA. Its pretty quick and i find it much faster than thermo double combo/apa. You can also clip your first combo with burst and jump right into beta surge with your aura. I keep geiger bomb on my loadout because i like having both AM available. With radiation burn, you can clip one of your combos with it then clip that with APA and jump right back into your combos.

    The combo i use is the one from this guide. thermo one tap/beta 2 taps/ back to thermo

    I do think combos are the way to go. What i dont get is why our 1234 AM is so bland. with mental and gadgets you have things like invisibility where you can hide extra powers like buffs and SCs. I havent played Quantum in a while but you use to be able to sneak that SC in during your rotation for time bomb to hit harder. AND the atomic 1234 had no grace period. I love how atomic has two different AMs which is why i think its the best in the game (probably not best damage wise, but with 2 AMs i dont get bored as fast) I just wish there was a little more to the geiger bomb loadout.
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  4. TiGGeR.TSK Well-Known Player

    Hell NO. Get brawlings and u will keep ur power up all the time. Get some vita stats instead of power or restoration. While performing AS combos u'll rise ur hit counter to 3(4 if 2 or more targets) by 2nd combo. If ur powerbar is under 50% - do 2 handattacks and continue comboing (2 times with 2 skills).
    Well, its possible to run thru everything using battletank. I used to tank elite alerts without trolls and heals and it was fine.
    Few more things to state about battletank:
    3200 dom is required, not 3500. With this speccing I have 11.66k might (base)
    If running hard content without a healer (e.g. PZ elite) rise ur dom to ~4.2k (to combo-heal for ~2k)
    U can burn thru hard duoses really fast and safe (e.g. HH with 164 and less cr) with ~2,1k dom (to combo-heal for ~1k).

    My achievements:
    Tanked every single instance, SM r11-13 (except DWFe :( ) with battletank (3380dom) [often not max cr, usually 1 to max] and finishing within 1, 2 or 3 on scoreboard depending on DPS's powers, cr and SPs. Yep, I can't beat best DPSes like BaSiC in tank role, no one can. Heals not spamming heals to keep me alive, most of groups 5-1-1-1 (except DWFn).
    In raids I'm using personal dampening fields, 2 shields (group one goes 3rd if necessary), AS, TcE, APA, pull is optionally when adds is walking like maaaad and i cant jump all around the map like a monkey.

    Fully urs, TiGGeRTSK
  5. gemii Dedicated Player

    to anyone that tanks

    do you use Subatomic substitution? is it really worth getting? so far ive tried it and ive only been using it on my battle tank.. i honestly dont even know if im using it right but as soon as i see someone take even the slightest bit of damage i use it.

    should i just always have that power active or is it like more of a "oh crap" this guys taking damage let me use subatomic substitution to try and help him out.

    can someone help me with this ability? how do you guys use it if you do use it at all.
  6. BigAl Devoted Player

    Myself, I use it the way you mentioned at first..."that player is taking too much damage, time to activate"....then keep it on cool down if more of the same continues. I only use it on battle tank as well.

    And for a good chuckle, group up with a dueler and activate it just after their duel flag disappears above their name. :p

    On a side note, my league mate (very skilled and knowledgeable player) is noticing more damage with Geiger than with combos.
  7. The Anxient Loyal Player

    I have honestly never used it. Doesn't mean there's not a use for it though. Way I look at it if someone back in the group goes down they are usually easier to pickup than I would be if I went down bc I was taking their damage on top of what I was already taking.
  8. The Anxient Loyal Player

    What combo rotation is he using and how is he measuring?
  9. SlipAncDC Active Player


    Just switched to atomic and this guide helped me out a lot, thanks for that.
    One issue though, when i to comboi while tanking rather than performing the combo 9/10 times my toon decides to use a weapon attack unless I jump after casting the power and then perform the combo, what am I doing wrong?
    Seems like a weird/inconsistent window to hit.
  10. gemii Dedicated Player

    this happens to me sometimes to im not sure but i think it comes from either being to low on power or just trying to do the combo to fast
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  11. SkullGang Devoted Player

    This also happens when being interrupted/CC'ed for a slight millisecond so fast that you don't notice it.
  12. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    I have the same loadout except for Radiation Burn. I have the finished beam only because when I need to be ranged I can be safe instead of close range. Though I noticed I'm using more Geiger Blast than Geiger Beam, oh and I also jump a lot lmao -__-
  13. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Could be trying to hit the combo too fast or slow, sometimes if the enemy you're targeting dies it will do a weapon tap instead of a combo input, or just lag. It gets easier with time though. I had trouble keeping my aura up back when atomic first dropped. Now it's just second nature especially in tank stance
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  14. SlipAncDC Active Player

    Noticed this, tried to pace myself but there doesn't seem to be any particular time which im supposed to combo, maybe i'm just over thinking things as it works pretty well when i don't try as as hardo_O
  15. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Yeah I really couldn't tell you when exactly to hit it. I just don't think about it lol
  16. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Getting bored of munitions. Thinking of switching to atomic. I'm not a fan of trolling anyway. Is the damage compare able? I gotta gather a spare set of gear first though because I always need the option to play both roles.
  17. SlipAncDC Active Player

    Safe to say i'm now performing at an acceptable level, just takes some practice and muscle memory really.

    To be honest, atomic is really good both dps and tank wise.
    Personally, i feel as though a very good atomic dps wouldn't be able to out dps a very good munitions dps. . . i could be wrong of course.
    With atomic, your AM can produce insignificant numbers:
    • You're interrupted and try to finish the rotation without starting over
    • Human error/Poor judgement(range etc)
  18. SlipAncDC Active Player

  19. Del Maestro Well-Known Player

    It kinda annoys me that the devs mov at a snails pace. They add grace periods to these ams and atomic needs one. how difficult is it to add a grace period to two powers instead of one at a time? But im getting greedy, just look at electric and nature.all it takes is to simply increase the tick damage for now. and they cant be bothered and just leave a power that so many people want to play completely ineffective.
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  20. AceTheDazed Well-Known Player

    is this still the relevant dps combo loadout? bcuz if i do content without a troll it seems like i run out of power often (when im not in solo/duo with power bubbles). for intance when i run PZR with 3 dps and one heal i run out pretty fast. is this right or what? any help on a atomic combo loadout would be greatly appreciated thx guys.