Dear Players who que for endgame

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Glacial Breeze Well-Known Player

    I feel your pain, I've seen alot of new folks disrespected for no reason. Not knowing is not a good enough reason to treat someone like crap and boot them . It really does not take that long to kindly explain certain things to people, or point them in the right direction so they can do some research themselves. I remember a few years ago when we would get into FOS 1,2, or 3 someone would always start doing inspections on each group member. Every single time I got in with my troll I would get kicked because "I know someone with a P.O.T. of 200, lets kick that guy cause his is only 190".

    Every high level player in this game aren't a-holes, Ill admit we all have bad days, but we aren't all elitist $@#&*!.
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  2. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Well I have never completed happiness home because of something along those lines. I was asked to tank, didn't know **** about tanking, I even told them that much. At the time I only had tank gear because I hadn't learned that you shouldn't do two roles in one gear. I was told I was squishy and now I out dps alot of players. Not because I am good, but because I memorized the patterns in the game. I can solo alot of stuff and up until a couple weeks ago wouldn't stay in a league because I didn't want them to tell me I am not good. I don't care if I am great but I am good enough to do the job. I am not saying that all the older players are a$$holes but there is enough on the forum that turn the beginning player away with their negative bs that it's funny when they say why DC is supposed to be dying. This game will die with the attitude that the voice of the older player says in here and in game.
    You go in youtube to look up a raid or instance and all you get it some blown up parody with dubstep music and no real explaination of the instance you are trying to find out about. Al that is a show off of the "Oh look how good I am"
    But I believe that you are not that way and I don't believe they are all that way but from the Casual stand point I stand by what I said.
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  3. metalfenix Committed Player

    This, sir, is one of the biggest problems that newbies face on this game. I haven't found good sites that actually offer explanations of the various mechanics that may appear in a raid, alert or even a duo (if there is one, point me to it), and the youtube vids that one finds are only an UBER/BEASTLY/LOOK_HOW_AWESOME_I_AM showcasing his ability to one shot things.
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  4. slickpulla915 Active Player

    This guy gets it. Don't que for raids that you just became available for. Easg.
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  5. light FX Steadfast Player

    Ikr. There used to be youtubers like kaiser007 who explained how and what they are doing so it would help people. I personally could care less about some random guy on yt "beast earth dps" vid. Imo anyone who calls themselves beast usually isnt. I so wish i could record, i would put up guides on every power/role and feat/raid guides. Not everyone plz look at me garbage. Some well known players that still play have youtube channels and i never see any videos that help people or guides. Its just look at me and how fast i can do this raid or how far i can get in SM with blasting music :confused:
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  6. Saami Loyal Player

    I only queue to raids that i can solo. Works fine and no complaints.
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  7. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    People should blind queue in reality that is the best way to learn mechanics to anything. Success comes from learning through ones failures.

    This game has really lacked on mechanics since t4 but that's a topic for another time.
  8. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I haven't run any raids since Happiness Home. I have thought about trying other raids, but I'm tired of people telling me to watch a YouTube video. I'd rather spend 5 minutes reading a guide than watching a 30 minute video multiple times to figure out what people are doing because it's not explained. I miss the Odyssey videos with walkthroughs on mechanics.
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  9. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I think people missed the whole point of the thread. Do y'all actually know I'm talking about blind queuing?
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  10. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Really? I thought you were talking about parenting with your comments about whining, children, and babies. I guess I was confused. :confused:
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  11. Helderman Dedicated Player

    Dear endgame players,

    Stop kicking players who want to LEARN the instance just because they are too low CR to CARRY you.
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  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    Thats what im saying. When i was new i went to youtube for help and a few on there were great and very helpful. And yea the walk throughs some people did were excellent. Like i said i wish i had some recording software.
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  13. light FX Steadfast Player

    I agree on success/failures thing. But me or anyone else can also do that with a LFG or league run right? Maybe i just have a different opinion. I always tried to learn the mechanics with league/friends and then teach others after i know em 100%. But i dont ever blind queue.
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  14. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    Personally I prefer blind queues since most the time I rarely know the people in there. My mentality had changed since t4 days though.
    However I get wanting to learn the mechanics with friends.
    Me personally I don't like using guides.
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  15. Legion_of_One Well-Known Player

  16. Magg Redd Well-Known Player

    Amen to that. The senior members of my league are discussing that point right now. We rushed a newbie through, and well now we are beating our heads against walls trying to get him to comprehend the games, the game's mechanics, his powers, his role. Another issue though is leagues not wanting to help new players. Yes, sure there are a few that do, but there are more that only want players at top CR and top SP...if these players are that "good and that elite" and complain about other players...share the knowledge you picked up along there way, cause I am quite sure not one person picked up the game and just knew how to do everything perfectly, everyone had to learn somewhere.
  17. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Allow me to retort! (ok, not retort but i always wanted to say that)
    *stands up*
    Hello my name is IIThe QuestionII and i'm an elitist
    -crowd:hello Question-
    Anyway, i am an elitist, I'm the best at what I do and what I do isn't very nice...(Mainly because jumping ahead and getting killed is a good part of what I do)

    But the point is, I take pride in what i do, i love clockwork groups in which every member does it's part, if we have a first timer, I love it when they say "first time here" BECAUSE that means we can advice on all the details that sometimes you can only learn when someone tells you about them (i.e. ToTD, Ingrid, etc.), this is why i also recommend for first timers to let the group know they are first timers, that said, yeah, people can play however they want but let us not forget that we are part of a team, there's no "i" on team, there's "tea" tea is good, incidentally, there are several "i" on IIThe QuestionII, which may explain my elitism.
    but i digress...
    I think the real issue here, is respect. Anyone would be hard pressed to find a person that can say i've been offensive or rude towards them on a raid, depite of my elitism. I will stay with you and wipe time and again because that's what the game is for. I'll have the same fun on a 5 minute clockwork raid or in a 1 hour wipe fest.

    But "casuals" are guilty of the dirt treating too, what i think the OP meant (And i've seen this happen a lot) is that far too many first timers queue for a run, get killed, get informed of the mechanics but completely ignore their peers and often flip off the guy trying to advice, then get offended if the group kicks them because a person that stays alive and respectful is better than someone who dies because of sticking to their guns, and the next day you get on the forums to them complaining on how their group was awful and elitist and demanding and they were super nice people.

    That said, if there's respect between players, for all i care i will run with you wheter you are Elitist, Casual, or a filthy Rorschach ...or whatever other nonsensical tag people finds for players that play different to them.

    Respectfuly IIThe QuestionII, i won't hide my letter behind a collective...because im elite af...come at me brethren, doth thou even hoist! (ok, jk, i do mean it respectfully)

    This i blatantly disagree with, I am a well known legend to the point that my very name had to be included into the english language. /flexeswithelitism
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  18. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Good to meet you Question, we here at Casual MMO applaud your courage in joining the ranks of the elite and think it is great that you joined into our group discussion. As there is a limit on time I paraphrased what we felt was important in the interest of the casual forum dwellers and their lack of time. Please accept our reward for your commitment to the cause, here is a trophy in order of your elite status as well as name.
    The Grumpy Old Man known and ChromeWarriorXTC

    And here is your trophy :)
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  19. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    If ur below min cr trying to do instance. U get the boot. There is 0 reason why u should be below.
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  20. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Is that possible? I mean being below the minimum cr?
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