Hard Light

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AverageJoe, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    Light Claw has a mid range level of range as a combo. From the Tray it can land from further out. It's around 13 M as a combo. It used to be Melee distance and was extended back in GU 36.

    Line of sight is a issue with our combo's. Most are ray beam type category attacks so they can be blocked by debris/pillar type stuff.

    I do think it would be fair to extend the Melee AM's basic tap attacks out to 7 M(min) possibly up to 13M for range of distance. That would ensure that they would be hitting the enemy. It would of course be tied into the AM and wouldn't effect PvP because of that.

    I know that balance isn't based on Solo/Duo content but in that content we can push an enemy out range of the follow up attack from BG/CS very consistently. In Raid/Alert type content it would be the Controller/Tank that would be knocking them away from attacks.

    I'm not saying we should make a huge stink about it. The update is still pretty good. But that would be a fair consideration(I brought it up in the test thread and got nowhere as well).
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  2. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    The cycle's are still the same. The range now does increase damage within 13 M. The Melee cycle still has the highest damage yield. It takes more skill to use effectively(from both the user and the group).
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  3. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    You realize that would make HL OP compared to other powers right. They changed things because they determined it was a unfair advantage.

    You call the clipping method difficult when it wasn't. A player only needed ST>Fan>PT/GH>Fan>PT etc. Yes more combo's we're capable especially when Omaar was really in game showing people whats up with possible combo's.

    HL has more combo options now. They've added much more. It's illogical to look at adding a extra combo to almost every power and say there's less options.

    Advanced Mechanics dumbed down DPS for EVERYONE. Its like that for every power. The Pet classes are probably the closest feel to old style play.

    I am all for having a 2nd Clipping AM. Partly because its supposed to be that. I also would like the added wrinkle of an additional way to deal damage. It would bring a new level of expertise to the power.

    That said we've brought it up. The dev team has no intention to work on this right now. Maybe in the future when they've finished sweeping through powers.

    Edited to include - Your unfairly stating we have two combo's. Those combo's use multiple chains that can lead into many different pathways.

    And if your only getting 37 K on a sparring target with the Melee rotations your doing something wrong or are not comparing apples to apples DPS leveled toons.

    The Melee rotation is at the high end of the balance spectrum for parsing. It's actual results in game vary due to skill by players.
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  4. Delta796th Loyal Player

    What combos were you running?
    I ask because the damage from was increased and I haven't seen issues besides what was already known?
  5. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    I respect everything you've posted when it comes to hardlight... in fact I've learned so much from your trolling aspect... ive always been a fan for hardlight.. this update is definitely better then all the others... and honestly it's the best it's ever going to get as far as damage... but I'm very disappointed with some changes and what tunso had wrote on the forums... unfortunately hardlight will never be as near as strong as other powersets... to me it's really not about who is on the top leaderboards... shoot if I was hardlight dps I probably be the best at it compare to all others .. I know from experience the damage isn't up to par... at one point it was there on test before they change some things around... I don't think I could go back to light knowing what potential hardlight had... I think it's great that trollers can dps most stuff as hardlight which would mean I rather have a hardlight troller over any other troller! I'm taking a break soon hopefully I'll get over what hardlight has become
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  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    thats all fine and dandy MeBegnal, but what of those who enjoyed that style play? We got the finger no? As far is jump cancels being exploit I call BS, look at the pre-30 lantern mission all those top lanterns jump cancel even to this very day.

    as for which power are now? none before they screwed it up sorcery and HL.
  7. Xibo Loyal Player

    Obviously that every melee damage have risk but comparing Ice melee with Light melee, the risk from Ice melee is low.
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  8. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Ice, Mental, Gadgets, and Atomic have a lower risk at melee compared to Rage and HL.
  9. ChillCat Loyal Player

    All the powers you've both mentioned above are subject to interrupt and position so there's no difference there.

    Ice's Arctic Gust is a locked channel power which can't be clipped or block canceled which means you can't stop it once you start, so it has an extremely large vulnerability window. I can do high damage but I'm a sitting duck while I'm doing it. High risk if you try to melee for extended periods.

    EMP is not target based so you have to be standing in the right spot and it's contingent on getting through Battle Display and 3 other powers FIRST (depending on your rotation), so it's effectiveness window is very short. Stand too far away or get interrupted without recovering quickly and it's useless. High risk if you try to melee for extended periods.

    Mass Terror is similar to Gadgets with EMP...you have to stand close enough and you have to get through the buildup powers first. Any interruption or stand too far away and nothing. High risk if you try to melee for extended periods.

    Looking at all that....if you think Ice, Mental and Gadgets are low risk melee powers, then we'll have to agree to disagree.
  10. Pults Loyal Player

    Mental and Gadgets offers some movement while going through the rotation, you can stand in a safe distance with your PIs and jump in action for the big gang - MT/EMP.
  11. ChillCat Loyal Player

    True but you have to keep yourself from getting interrupted during the buildup and you have to jump in at the right time in the middle of the mess to be effective. Not low risk.
  12. Pults Loyal Player

    With the windows AM is active it's not a problem at all. Not to mention the shortcuts that skip the build-up completely.
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  13. MuTeDx Committed Player

    Hmm, I "like" the update, but I'm not impressed at all. HL still can't compete in real content, elite raids, so I'm not coming back. I've tested, tried it, saw how the combos are even slower now. #ninjaspeednerfs are real against HL. Gadgets can be turned away from nekron and still do more dmg. The combos are too slow now and every move feels like it's through syrup. Can we get a speed increase and dmg drop? Earth is more fun now, I would rather the dmg be dropped back and get my speed back.

    Overall, yes hl does more dmg now. But it feels slower than Amish internet.
  14. Veritech Loyal Player

    Devs just make all powers absolutely identical, with color as the only difference.

    These people will complain forever, there will never be true balance in the eyes if the community.
  15. GT Bana Active Player

    You do not need battle display to get the dmg from EMP. Anyone thinking the risk for Ice, Mental, Gadget etc.. Is close to HL is just wrong.
  16. GT Bana Active Player

    What build up for Gadets or Mental are you talking about? You can go 0 -100 almost instantly with both.
  17. Xibo Loyal Player

    But there's a difference....

    Gadgets melee is 0-7m
    Mental melee is 0-7m
    Ice melee is 0-7m
    Light melee is 0m
    Rage melee is 0m

    At least, you can keep a safe distance from the boss and reduce the risk to get K.O. but a Light/Rage can't do this. If you're on BN you can't do Light Claws-Swing-Boxing-Chainsaw against Nekron, even against Stompa, Lady Al Ghul, etc.

    Another reason: More easy to get interrupted using Light Claws than Arctic Gust: You're on PZn, the add block, if i'm Light i'm interrupted, if i'm Ice, i rather kill the add and so on. In the end of the alert you get damaged out by over 2.000.000-3.000.000 :(
  18. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Same thing with my celestial toon. I didn't delete it because those devs won't get me with their stupid fotm. I did FOS2 and guess what? I had a hard time doing the crystal key to open the door. I was even 159cr and people was like all 50 to 100cr. No healer and troll too. I tried my best to kill all the sunstones trying to destroy the crystal but with the combos I had to do, there was always one not get hit and destroy it. Tried with my weapons and there were too many too.
    This made me look so bad, even got an insult, and I knew my power, but just wasn't fast enough because only midrange matter now..
    They will probably go to another cycle again for the powers. I'd like the devs get smarter...
  19. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    It`s the stupid mind of the devs only doing the sparring targets and no content tests. You'll never do balance like this Tunso.
  20. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Ran with a league who is Sorcery using Flip Slash in PBR and BN. I did all mechanics in PBR and in BN I went troll for first boss about half way through the fight due to the troll going down. Both runs I was less than 2 million behind him.

    Light is better. It is not OP and it is not broken like other powers have been when updated. There is no way to exploit it as all possible exploits were fixed from what I can tell.

    Light vs. Any other prior mid range power: You cannot beat these powers when the players of these powers get in the 7M range. Playing against good Sorcery and Earth DPS you will not produce as much damage either. Light is decent and ok for mid range and range damage.

    To many variables impact melee damage.

    As for melee damage, when the devs announced the new ranges I asked for them to change melee to 0-3 and make mid range 4-12. But that did not happen and now threads on Light and Rage about melee damage not being fair are coming in the pipe.

    Ramp up time. Use Chompers on any new set of adds if you are out of combat, otherwise, just use any AM combo and you are golden.

    If I was to rate this update it is a solid 3 out of 5 stars. If the devs would have given Light a 3-7M melee rotation, allow SC not cancel the AM the update would have been 5 stars.

    For now, I will take what Light has, it is much better than what we got with GU50. At least now we have mid range damage.