The 2016 St. Patrick's Day Event

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ShazamFan2014, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    Here is the St. Patrick's Day Event Thread, for 2016. I'm guessing we'll see this added to the game,
    this Tuesday, March 1st.


    The Event Itself
    Just wanted to say THANK YOU for allowing us to skip the dialogue/break free from the camera during the Tour of Metropolis mission. I knew that feature would come in useful somewhere :D
    Rewards Feedback
    Base Items
    I think a lot of people are going to feel this way, but the base items are disappointing. We've had a good Halloween, strong Christmas, an incredible Valentine's Day, but sadly a disappointing St Patrick's Day. Which is a shame as the last 2 years have been arguably some of the best.
    The Barstools just don't work. The Summer event barstool was better, because it was made of wood, meaning it actually went with the wooden St Patrick's Day bar gear. I also dislike how they've got "(Blue)" in the title. It suggests that there will be more of them, but history has taught us that this is rarely the case as in the case of the Presents sets at Christmas.
    They also feel too small. More so the Row version. There's no way 3 people could sit side by side on those.
    There are too many coins, as well. 5 of the 8 base items are coin related. I feel this is too many. Plus most of them are oversized and just don't really fit anywhere. I would have preferred more items in line with the Celtic Knot item.
    I would have also liked to have seen more bar stuff. Perhaps something for the ceiling that holds glasses. Maybe even a completely new, modern and contemporary bar theme with plastic/glass materials, too. Something that would be at home in club L'Excellence
    Style Items
    Where the base items fail, the style items are absolutely incredible.
    I like the emblem. It's a nice touch. Nothing exemplary but it's nice to see new emblems. The tuxedo t-shirt is a cool item, as well. Very much relevant to St Patrick's Day, as much as a Christmas Jumper is to Christmas. Good job.
    The hearts aura from Valentine's Day was great, so a similar one featuring clovers is great.
    The rainbow aura is fantastic, too. Exactly what I wanted. It would have been nicer if the aura was like emitting outwards from the character, but I understand that probably wasn't possible due to tech limitations. I'd really like to see more rainbow coloured auras in the future. I'm interested already to see how it would look with patterns like the Solar, Nimbus and Radiant aura.

    New Base Items

    Style and Aura Additions
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  2. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Thanks for posting my feedback in the St Patrick's Day testing post...
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  3. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Thanks for posting this:D
  4. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    I guess we're looking at a release of this content on Friday, March 4th.
  5. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Is this topic for real lol
  6. Minnion Devoted Player

    Well if they went with a rainbow Nimbus aura they could call it the "Aurora aura"(As in the Northern lights)

    That said, perhaps they're growing something extra special for the spring event... (Here is hoping for a bunny ears headband.)
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  7. Retired Red Robin Well-Known Player

    Might come back for this event than out again too busy playing mass effect 3
  8. Trexlight Devoted Player

    You understand that this "feedback" doesnt belong here but in the Testing Feedback section right?
  9. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    It is there. He copy and pasted Torikumus post.

    Possibly the most bizarre thing I've seen on these forums lmao
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  10. Trexlight Devoted Player

    ....well.....alrighty then lol Tori has many voices!
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  11. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I mean I'm flattered and beyond happy that my videos are well-received and shared... but yeah... this was a little weird. I even put paragraphs in for him and he decided they were too far apart.

    I guess I really am Great Leader Torikumu of DCUO and my influence spreads far and wide..
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  12. Mermaid Dedicated Player


    Anyways, I have to agree with YOUR comments! I wasn't disappointed but these base items are definitely not in the same level as the others. However, I think I might find some great use of that stacked gold coins... And idk I'm also kind of glad I don't have to farm like crazy for this event.
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  13. xhalur Well-Known Player

    This game and forums have enough issues already without having to add blatant plagiarism into the mix.
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  14. iAquamanJLA Well-Known Player

    Did the event start yet?
  15. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Thought I had a sense of deja vu.........lool.

    I think its difficult to make St. Patrick's Day new every year. It's one day, and questionable as to why the event exists in comparison to the other seasonals.

    St. Patrick's Day 2017........I'd be out of ideas on what to add. It's one day, not a period of time or an actual season. Maybe make it rain in your base/league hall? (As it rains a lot in Ireland)

    Spring Event 2016: Lots to add here, more plant themed base items, more plant themed styles - this event has some life still left in it.

    Summer Event 2016: Probably the seasonal that could be expanded upon style and base item wise the most by far. So much Atlantean lore styles and base items - and just think of an ideal Summer Holiday. Tribal themes, Volcanic themed base items, or just base items to turn your base/league hall into a tropical hotel or nightclub. More palm tree base items, maybe something more Baywatch themed. Expand upon the Hawaiian/Polynesian/Fijian themed base items/styles.

    Halloween Event 2016: More to add here, anything dark, spooky and magical. I'm thinking dark blue fire, eerie mist in your base, maybe some Trigon base items/styles to add?

    Winter/Xmas Event 2016: Go more ice themed. Make it snow in your base. Plant a reindeer or Santa statue. Or have more Orange Lantern themed base items. What styles or base items would exist in Okaara? Snowman base item? Igloo base item? (and a large one in League Hall where you can enter Igloo) - or have Flash Museum style sign but with snow falling - expand upon that.

    Valentines Day 2017: Still awaiting the bride and groom styles. (and associated hairstyles). Bride veil might be popular? Also again expand on Flash Museum sign technology, maybe have a sign with the Zamaron violet starry night in it, or a sign with a pink sunrise/sunset.
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  16. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    The Aurora aura? Next Winter event for sure. And that would be a great aura too.
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  17. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    So this event will be added this morning?
  18. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

  19. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    I guess they would have said so in an announcement, by now.
  20. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    They're releasing the new update today as well as the new episode so my guess would be that it might be released today. The Valentines contend was released on 2/1 so releasing this 2 weeks early isn't out of the realm of possibility.