How do you do your feat hunting?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by VintageWine, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Haha! LOL!

    I've been playing since 2012 or so. I was first free to play for a rather long time and then I bumped up to premium. I have six DLCs and I need to save money to get the others. I've been around for a long time but then I wasn't a serious player, also I wasn't that good of a player compared to now, I'm not the best but I'm not as bad as I was before. :p and I took a huge break and now I'm back on a new toon! :D Which is VintageWine! :D <3

    It's fine, really, I was waiting for someone to say something like this! XD
  2. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Personally, I look at what I can get right now before I look at my grind feats. After all of the easy feats are done, I start chipping away at the grind ones by doing something daily. (i.e. Running a few Alerts, Duos, Solos, or farm Exobits) If you run stuff a little bit at a time, you won't feel burned out or overwhelmed. Some feats were easier to get in 2011, because we only received Marks from Solos, Duos, and Alerts so it took time to hit 43 CR. The free Marks that we get before hitting level 30 is causing a lot of problems. Having separate Marks for each tier really helped people run stuff, but people were afraid that it would take too long to catch up. So, we went to 2 Marks, which became one because of inflation issues.
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  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    this is what I tell ppl in my league that Im in to do (which is what I did)

    go to deeds start from general, alert, duos, solos, raid feats get those done, move on to 1st DLC if its last laugh skip it move to the next, and basically go down every DLC feat list get every feat you can alone, then go back to the top of DLCs and do it again for duos/alerts/raids.

    Im doing that now but for raids.


    I also set goals, like atm my goal is 220sp, Im currently at 213sp. The goal before that was 200 which I was at 192 when I made the 200sp goal.

    10sp achieved isnt bad before you set a new goal.
  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    ikr, I assumed she/he was sitting around 230-250sp and 150ish cr lol
  5. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    First focus only on hunting feats!
    Get all feats that are achieved by you alone!
    Amount of feats, styles, investigation, speed, etc.
    And go taking the easy feats to get into every open episode!
    If you like to make PVP (which is not my case). Make a lot of pvp! Both arena as legends!
  6. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Had all of y'all fooled! c:<

    Good news is I finished one DLC which is Fight for the Light. So I have Hands of Fate, Battle for Earth, and Home Turf left to go. Whenever I hit 85 I'll worry about War of the Light Part 1, Sons of Trigon, Origin Crisis and Amazon Fury Part 1 is going to be my last DLC to worry about until I get the rest
  7. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    by tab/epsiode.. pick one - knock em out - move to next one.. rinse and repeat
  8. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    are you in a league?

    if not come xplay can hit me up and join our league I help folks in our league get to 120sp and from there folks at 130-170sp take over (granted I help with feats along the way if needed) but I try to get others involved in helping others :p
  9. MrGT Well-Known Player

    lots of good advice on here. Sometimes it means taking out a little time every day or week from CR progression to work on feats.

    When I started DC I was a complete idiot at this game. 1st MMO no really idea about feats skill points etc. I just put the SPs I got in anything. I joined my league and they explained things more to me and anyway point is when I got to CR 100 I think I was around 80SPs I decided to put some time in and following a lot of what ppl have said on here got to about 130SPs by the time my CR was 110.

    Due to real life my CR and SPs are getting close again. (cr150 sp160) and to be honest I can see with those same time constraints my CR catching up again and maybe overtaking my SPs but for now so be it.
  10. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Single shots (go here do x in instance) first, then fixed location (briefs and investigations, exploration, races) feats, styles - leave PVP and 'do this 10,000 times' feats for last or you'll hate baby jesus before you're done.

    Styles are great because you can pick up like 10 diff. style sets from watchtower and the safehouse vendors alone, plus some of the styles you'll complete accidentally.
  11. Zlohsac Committed Player

    My advice would be to not try and raise your CR but focus on feats for awhile. There's no rush to raise CR, end game will be there waiting for you when you're ready with a bunch of skill points!

    Happy hunting! :)
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  12. Senko Committed Player

    I'd actually disagree with that if you leave the 10k feats till your done with everything else then you'll be looking at grind, grind, grind, grind and then you will as Kimone puts it hate baby jesus long, long before your done. If you start doing them first you can spread them out. Kill a few reapers in central city then go run alerts or the bottle duo's or the other easy feats for awhile then come back and kill a few more reapers and then go off and do something else. That way when you are done with all the non grindy ones instead of looking at a bunch of do X 10,000 times you'll have some of them completed and some at only 422 more times. It'll make things easier because you break them up by doing other things so it doesn't feel such a chore. For instance this week I made it a point to kill 300 odd reapers taking me to 3k then I went and did a few more of the bottle duos (all the secondary missions there are now at around 200 although I do have 66 more times to run it) and the wastelands wrath flowers and the wastelands 5 times for a bonus boss missions and arkham/strykhers and so on. Next week I might do a few more of the wrath plants only need 100 more of those and that's easy before I go on holiday. After I come back maybe another 500 reapers interspersed with the valentines content (if the events still running on Feb 16'/17).
  13. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    well, some of the 'do this' a million times missions are going to be completed as you do other feats anyways, like gathering and salvage, wanted missions in pvp, et cetera. those are the ones you kinda wanna let rest.
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  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player


    (Note: this does not mean in Nature dog form, NTTAWWT.)
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  15. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I would like to say that I'm in a league full of nerds/geeks, I have to carry them through lower content D:


    Just kidding, they are a very helpful league. :) Personally if I don't need their help, I don't ask, even when they ask and it's something I can do on my own, I decline. Unless I really need their help that's when I ask. :)

    And I really appreciate the advice that I'm getting, at the same time I'm trying to figure out what works best for me. I remember how I got 80+ something SP when I was EUPC when I was t5 and going towards t6. Because those feats that aren't grindy and I mean when you gotta do this duo X amount of times. Considering that I need style drops from many different content, I will always be running some sort of duo. I hope what I'm saying is making sense....

    I also realize how for my speed feats, I get them easily now since I am t4. I always preferred doing speed feats at this time in game cause I usually end up in groups with lower cr people and being the highest makes it easier...

    Again, sorry if this makes no sense, I'm trying to figure out what works best for me and also try out everyone's else ideas.

    I'm not in a rush at the same time I really miss Origin Crisis and Amazon Fury DLC. I love them!!! OMG! <3 Like I know there's no rush, but omg...those DLCs....urgh <3 <3
  16. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    OMG! I forgot about SoT! I love love love that DLC! I love doing the feats because of Gotham Wastelands! it's amazing! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 OMG <3

    Edit - I'm getting my solo feats out the way and holy cow, the feats add up quickly if I do it in a specific way
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If the feats are fun do them if they arnt pass, sp be damned[/quote]
  18. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I have a question since we have Shadowlands duo and HoD, is it possible to get the solo feats in the duo or does it need to be from the solo instance?
  19. Ichiro Loyal Player

    You can get the solo feats in those duos.
  20. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    How did I go about mine ? Set goals for your feats that intertwine. Example. I would do my CC bounties. While I was out in Gotham/Metro I would then do the diamond heist and ring war while I was in those areas.