Where are the VETERANS of the game?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scypher6, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. hoaxone Committed Player

    Kool Katz
    True legends

    Was camping a collection node for respawns before anyone knew there was random spawn locations.
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  2. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    im one of the vets tbh its not the changes it the way the game is holding up and in some ideas are used like people with good ideals are pushed to the bottom of the forums so quickly but im a vert still here
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  3. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    I have been playing since beta and am still in love with this game
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  4. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    I have screen shots in my usb from like 2010 haha
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  5. megamanzero Loyal Player

    why would you WANT to see circe on here...
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  6. Elusian Crowd Control

    Rumors say Gotham City sub-forums turned into a serious complain thread spam without Circe.
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  7. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    5 years now. But that Cr chase is brutal. I only get on 1-2 times a month now.
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  8. Scypher6 Well-Known Player

    Wow! Thx for the update! Why did Circe get banned? Banned from the forum or game? :eek:
  9. Scypher6 Well-Known Player

    Hahaha! You've been getting banned from the forum? Lol. Well, avoid getting a perma-ban!
  10. megamanzero Loyal Player

    it was always like that even with them around.
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  11. Scypher6 Well-Known Player

    Wow! I stI'll didn't unlock all of them! :O
    I'm not too big on feats! I have about 150 sp or so, but I think I need to get back to the the feat chase just to keep the game interesting.
  12. Scypher6 Well-Known Player

    I feel your pain! That's why I started this thread, lol
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  13. Scypher6 Well-Known Player

    Lol! Can't fake it, everybody knows you already. Also, I've been in the same raids as you before, your heals aren't crappy! Stop it already ;)
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  14. Scypher6 Well-Known Player

    I salute you!
  15. Ra7ie11 Well-Known Player

    Circe's banned for what ?
  16. Scypher6 Well-Known Player

  17. Scypher6 Well-Known Player

    Btw the character pictured in the left, what game is that from?
  18. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Prepaid preorder for the disc when it was a PS3 exclusive game from a Gamestop in Nashville, TN. Played until my PS melted...got the PC download...(by that time free to play download)...subbed on PC (Thank You God!!) not the PS for years now...just made 2 villains...doing the villain side again
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  19. Falco Committed Player

    I was a day 1 player and got the most enjoyment I ever had from a game for a very long time. Played until stat clamping, pew pew > thought/ teamwork, lame AMs for most power sets, and the mad rush to spend replays on monthly content. I recently became legendary again, but might as well have burned that money to light a cheap cigar.
    I'm not here to trash the game or the devs and I hope players are still enjoying it, but it's definitely not for me anymore.
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  20. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    Started in beta, countdown server. Took a long break and started over about a year ago, been grinding eversince. Upon my return, I can see why many left.. extreme power imbalance, pvp, the glitches (invisible players/linkdeads), and new players speed leveling with little to no skill learned. But this has always been a great game despite all that. Kinda wish sp mattered way more and showed up like your CR.
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