Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Ken Spartan, Oct 24, 2015.

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  1. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Really? So when you replied to somebody on the last page who was speaking about damage mitigation Bizarro has and you mentioned mitigation only coming from cr, stats and blocking, you werent completely missing the point that Bizarro can also mitigate 75% damage with 3 of his powers?

    As for CWs shield, just go test it man. Get a friend to scrim you and pop their shield. I think you may be focusing too much on the visual of the shield which continues even after its actual shielding effect is broken. You're also taking legends too literally. Its well know that legends is a simulation, youre not actually playing as the legend you select but your own character basically in a skin if a legend with a loadout that should be taken with a pinch of salt.
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  2. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    My bad Sab, forgot to also mention your legends threads.
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  3. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    But don't those threads explain Bizarro's damage mitigation and Catwoman's shield?
    If already knew about these things then why does everyone have to continue explaining it to you?

    Those were all rhetorical questions by the way, I already know the answer to all of them, everyone is wrong and you're right, or at least everyone is wrong who disagrees with you......
  4. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    It's fine it's the same thread as Enquirer's.
  5. Soul Dedicated Player

    I can't say anything regarding PS because I've never played on a PS server.
    But I can easily attest to how it functions on PC (Both US and EU), just like I said..

    In the future if anyone wishes to make an argument based on ELO, they should probably confirm which server the player plays on.
    (Tho imo ELO based arguments are generally weak to begin with.. Its like a fancy way of trash talking..)

    Just so we're clear tho, I think you're absolutely right and you're wasting your time arguing with this person, you and everyone else for that matter.. all the facts were already laid out.

    It's not even a discussion anymore, It's just the usual pathetic gang-up on one person this forum is so infamous for.
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  6. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    For once, we agree. I think it's clear Ken Spartan isn't getting the message. Leave him be. Not like the devs would remove her shield anyway.
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  7. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    Yeah I already gave up on explanation with the OP, but to address the ELO system, I urge you to try playing on a different account, even with the PC population as small as it is, you'll likely see a difference in queue times and opponents skill.

    The ELO system is still very much in play for members with a low rating, it's those of us that have a high rating that notice extremely long queue times and end up just getting matched with whoever because we're the ones that the server can't find a match for, the low ELO scores are way more common because, well there are way more inexperienced PvPers than experienced ones.

    The newer players, or unskilled players (ones with lower ELO) will share a queue time with each other, the high ELO players also share a queue time, but the ELO matches up players in a few different brackets that it cycles through first before just putting you in with someone.

    So for example sake, let's there is 5 ELO match brackets, let's put you in the top bracket (bracket #5) and me brackets 2 below you (bracket #3).
    First the will ELO try to find you a bracket #5 match up, while it tries find me a bracket #3 match up.
    After enough time, it drops your bracket down to #4 if you hadn't found a matchup yet, mine will drop to #2.
    As the brackets drop the chance for finding players in the lower brackets increases.
    Once you drop down to bracket #3 where I would be, I would have most likely already dropped to #2 or #1 and have already found a match up.
    Now you wait even longer for a player to queue up in brackets #3,4,5, if one doesnt, you drop brackets again and so on.

    Even with less of a population on PC, I find it hard to believe that a skilled player wouldn't notice an enormous difference in queue times and player skill while queuing up on a low ELO account.

    I don't use this for an excuse to "talk trash" as you put it, the system is a real thing, and if a players skill never increases, it's likely the opponents they face will be pretty unskilled as well, it's this system that leads inexperienced players to believe they are doing good because they always have a decent fight with whoever they face, when reality if they faced an actual experienced player they would get stomped.

    Albeit off topic, but I figured this thread is pretty much done.
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  8. Brother Allen Loyal Player

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  9. Soul Dedicated Player

    You don't need to urge me to do anything, I've already experienced server traffic on both USPC and EUPC (I'm pretty sure that's exactly what I said?).

    By definition - lack of traffic means longer waiting time for queues, so whether that's the cause or the ELO, or even both - it still renders the system useless.
    (Both by itself and as a factor in an argument.)

    I know how the system work in and out, when I brought up why you shouldn't count on it to base any argument on, I didn't address you with the disrespect of assuming you have no clue how the system works, why would you do such a thing to me?

    You may find it hard to believe but its a fact, just like those you provided for the OP, if you don't believe me maybe you should try playing on different accounts, specifically on USPC.

    Finally, when it comes to ELO in an argument, it usually boils down to opinions, if you resort to take ELO as your argument it means you're targeting a person's performance, and not their understanding of the matter, IMO that's trash talk, and you can choose to explain yourself in other, better ways.
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  10. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    I think you're taking it the wrong way, or just completely lost.

    I said try playing on a different account, I guess I should have said "try playing on an account that doesn't already have an established ELO", you merely said you played and didn't see traffic, that doesn't mean anything, I'm talking about playing on a completely different account and comparing the queue times and opponents skill level with the ones on your account.

    I've done this MANY MANY times, and it's an extremely noticeable difference, I can guarantee you'll notice it too, so take you're conspiracy theories about insults elsewhere when you don't truly understand how the ELO system works. (Or at least seem like you don't if you think it's being used as a way to insult, rather than a way to identify a player's skill level).

    Let's also not forget that unless you did some background research and testing you would never know how the system works because the devs specifically stated that they weren't going to disclose the details, I apologize if you feel I was out of line for explaining it to you, but not very many people know how it works.

    When a players skill level NEVER reaches a point high enough to fight players in the top ELO then all of their experience comes from fighting other inexperienced players, that makes the system useful for sake of argument (contrary to what you said) because a player could consider themselves great by their own personal experience, and use that as a basis for their opinion about buffing, nerfing, etc.......but in reality they never played anyone in the top "tier" so they really don't have a clue about what should be buffed, nerfed, removed, fixed, balanced.....and this is why we have so many inexperienced PvPers acting like they know everything. The ELO is to blame for this.
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  11. Soul Dedicated Player

    I played on completely different accounts, 2 different accounts on EUPC, and over 10 different accounts on USPC.
    (Some fresh new, some old, some act as "Mains", If you want I'll gladly name the toons for you in private.)

    I hope my point sinks in.

    You call it a conspiracy theory (A snarky comment by itself) and in that same breath you insult me by saying I don't know what I'm saying.. You don't see how that's a pattern with you?

    You may say Skill has some importance when it comes to understanding, but you'll be surprised by how many people posses just one of the two.

    Don't apologize when you don't mean it, It was obvious I knew how it worked or I wouldn't say what I did, and match it up with personal experience.

    Acting like you know everything is bad for both experienced and non experienced PvPers, Skilled and unskilled.

    What matters are the facts, and those can be provided by both skilled and unskilled players.

    If you distrust someones opinion that's fine, but ruling it out just because their performance is bad wont get you anywhere, you need to base your arguments on facts - Let that sink in aswell.
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  12. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    You're just extremely hostile, I was stating that not many people know how the system works, your points are all over the place with so I won't address any of that, you were just trying to make out everything I said as an insult to your, and everyone else's intelligence, attempting to make me out to be the bad guy while you "defend" whoever it is you're trying to defend, I wasn't trying to insult you but it seems that no matter what I say you'll take it that way regardless.

    I didn't realize there was an argument going on that involved me needing to defend myself, what did I say was a fact that I was basing my "argument" on?

    Like saying "Let that sink in as well" somehow clarifies that you said something wise worth taking note of, while those may be wise words, they dont fit the scenario in slightest, when exactly did I "rule out someone else's opinion because of bad performance"?

    Once again you're just trying to act like you're defending someone to make it out like I'm the bad guy.
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  13. Dr DeviI Active Player

    And this thread has officially gone the way of all PvP threads........nowhere.
  14. Soul Dedicated Player

    The only insult to anyone intelligence is that you're trying to run away from an argument you obviously made..

    Did you or did you not suggest ELO is basically a way to measure whether someones opinion is valid or not?

    You did.

    I'm not trying to defend them, I'm trying to correct the way you're thinking.

    Your opinion is valid not because you're a good/bad player, but because you provide facts.

    How is this hard to understand or "all over the place"?
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  15. Karasawa Loyal Player

    I'd like to point out that the original statement was this, which is correct:
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  16. Naudia Nyce Well-Known Player

    It's a way to measure the skill of players people fight, thus their knowledge of the game, in turn their knowledge of the mechanics, so yeah I'd say the ELO would be about the best measure we have to determine player skill, a skilled player would most likely know more than an unskilled player, thus they would have a more valid opinion.
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  17. Soul Dedicated Player

    It's a statistics program, It doesn't measure skills - It measures wins/losses.

    And like I said before:
    Moreover, by your logic, if I beat you repeatedly, my opinion is more valid than yours.

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  18. Karasawa Loyal Player

    So high ELO equals high IQ now? Haha..
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  19. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    Basically in a sense, but more-so an experienced player's opinion is held in higher regard than an inexperienced player, I could get into this more with you but I'm gonna move along.

    That's where the discussion began, I was just saying that the main reason the queue times are so crazy long for all of us is because of a high ELO, Low ELO players have far faster queue times and I've seen this first-hand several times.

    At this point, and with the lack "traffic" the ELO is doing more harm than good and they'd be better off removing it entirely to save queue times.

    Otherwise we just queue and wait for it to try to find a match forever until inevitability dropping us to the next bracket down.
    Well, if you beat someone repeatedly using the same weapon and power, then I would say your opinion on that power and weapon is more valid, you're vastly generalizing when you're using the word "opinion".

    You act like I'm saying if you beat someone often, then you're opinion about dolphins is more valid.
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  20. Karasawa Loyal Player

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