Legends PvP guide- Your Favorite Character(s)

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by The Enquirer, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. Rubber Chicken New Player

    Love the guides Enquirer & Co.

    Keep up the good work!
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  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Surprised I missed this. Normally pretty good about getting back to people especially here. Completely my mistake. Thanks for the support :) If you need help with anything feel free to shoot me a pm.

    Even though I'll be updating the updates archive, since this is bumping the thread I figure I may as well include that I've added a few more things to The Joker Guide (though it's pretty basic due to there not being much in depth about his character) and the Wonder Woman Guide has finally gotten a very, very much needed revamp for anyone who wants to go back and take a read.

    Also a few minor updates to Bane and Lex. Probably going to be a few more to Bane. The Donna Troy Guide is mostly done except for a few last things I was made aware of (courtesy of Supreme Monarch) and one last thing I want to test in game.

    Now who to revamp next... Robin or Harley (ugh I hate both of them so much)?
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  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Donna Troy

    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Donna Troy........ Into to using Donna Troy
    Powers.................................. List of usable powers
    Weapon Combo's................... Weapon combos
    General Tips.......................... General tips for Donna Troy
    Advanced............................... More advanced tactics
    The Recap............................. A quick recap of the information found here
    Fighting Donna Troy................ Fighting against Donna Troy
    Closing Remarks.................... Thanks for reading!
    Click here and scroll down for specific statistics


    Donna Troy is a very well balanced character who uses Brawling as her weapon and Flight as her movement mode. She has a small array of support abilities allowing for some interesting clipping opportunities and is capable of some decent damage out. Another plus side to her is that she is also fairly power efficient.


    Reprimand- Hits opponents in front of you in a cone and knocks back those that were hit. Best used when you don't want to risk splitting damage

    Concussive Stomp- A 360 degree AoE attack that knocks back enemies. It is notable that this is usable while controlled.

    Lasso Maelstrom- A 360 degree AoE attack that is vulnerable to block. You can move while using this and cancel out of it by blocking. It will hit for 5 ticks of damage.

    Persuasive Lasso- A single target move that stuns and pulls an enemy towards you. By tapping the melee button right at the end of the animation you use a combo.
    • Tap Melee- combo into a kick for zero power cost. This combo will knock back opponents. The combo is however vulnerable to block.

    Girdle of Rhea- A shield that will absorb 2500 damage or 3 hits of damage.

    Panacea's Gift- A move unique to Donna that will provide a self-heal buff that will heal you for about 1125 damage over the course of 22.5 seconds.

    Weapon Combos

    Lunging right (Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The standard lunge, but one of the fastest ones in the game, and hits pretty hard.

    Stomp Smash (Hold Range) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- Your standard block breaker. It can be jump cancelled allowing you to go into a lunge however does not close the vulnerability window. Useful if your opponent goes to roll away or block breaks at the same time as you.

    Ground Pound (hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An attack that knocks back opponents in a small cone in front of you. A good option for clipping after interrupting an enemy.

    Doublefist (Tap melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Brawling´s only stun. The combo is quite fast, making it a very useful combo.

    Backfist (Tap melee, Hold melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A combo that knocks back the targets within a small arc.

    Hammerfist (Tap melee x2, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This is one of the combos that can start with a lunge instead of a tap, making it an ideal option against hard-stunned enemies. It knocks back opponents.

    Punt (Tap melee x2, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A very strong move that applies a knock back against your target. It is one of the longer animations so it is very advisable to clip. It is performed after hammerfist.

    Launching Uppercut (tap melee x3, Hold) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- One of the most versatile combos for a Legends Brawler, devastating after a hard stun. This is another combo that can start with either a Tap or a Hold, and it will lift the target up in the air.

    Haymaker (tap melee x3, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The most powerful combo available to you and it knocks back opponents. This attack is slow and should be clipped. However it is very predictable so will not be used too often so be ready to land a block breaker on your opponent.

    Special Note on combos:

    After performing double fist, you can then tap melee once then hold melee to combo into launching uppercut.
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  4. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips

    One of Donna's main sources of damage is from her lasso combo. Use that to clip weapon attacks with for some easy, safe damage then clip it again with a power for additional damage.

    Keep Donna's self heal active at all times.

    Remember the rules of clipping: Support abilities can clip offensive abilities. You will be able to clip your offensive powers with Girdle of Rhea and Panacea's Gift so use that to get a little bit more out in less time if you need to use either of those abilities.

    Reprimand vs Concussive Stomp: Both these moves have the same average damage and power cost, however, Concussive Stomp's damage range is greater, meaning it's lowest hit will deal less damage than Reprimand's lowest hit and it's highest hit will deal more. The difference is pretty minimal, but keep that in mind.

    In a scenario where you are surrounded by enemies and focusing fire on one opponent, use Reprimand over Concussive Stomp. Due to it's narrower AoE it is less likely to split.

    Donna, while she is power efficient, due to her clipping potential, can go through power quickly so watch that power bar.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against casual players is a completely different game than playing against mid tier players and that is different from playing against top tier players.


    Baiting with Brawling is fairly difficult. It mostly revolves around making your opponent used to you and switching things up.

    Use tap melee attack quite often, even sometimes surpassing the number needed to get into any combos and your opponent will block at some point.

    Lasso Maelstrom can be used to some effectiveness to bait opponents. It inflicts a tick of damage ever 0.7 seconds. In order to be blocked your opponent will need to block one of those ticks. If they don't you may be able to cancel out of it before they stop blocking and score a block breaker.


    A somewhat power intensive, but useful combo to open up with is as follows:

    Persuasive Lasso > Lasso Combo > Reprimand > clipped with Panacea's Gift. It'll allow you to pretty comfortably deal over 800 damage in most cases.

    After a Hard Stun

    The basic rotation for countering a blocking opponent is as follows:
    Block Breaker > Persuasive Lasso > Lasso Combo > other power

    The other power is going to vary depending on your situation.

    If you only want to, or are targeting one opponent, you will use Reprimand.

    If there are two opponents around you will use Concussive Stomp.

    If there are multiple opponents very close to one another you will use Lasso Maelstrom. Due to having counter immunity you will not need to worry about being countered. However, after the second tick of damage hits, you will be vulnerable to blocking again so you need to cancel out of this power before the third tick.

    The Recap
    -Be sure to take advantage of clipping opportunities
    -Keep your self-heal active at all times during combat
    -Use Reprimand or Concussive Stomp in the appropriate situations
    - Manage your power effectively

    Fighting against Donna Troy

    You need to take advantage of the fact that Donna is going to be going through power at a fast rate if they think they have the upper-hand through clipping in an attempt to burst you down. Try to dodge some of this damage through rolling.

    Her self heal effectively gives her a higher health than she really has. However she is still quite fragile due to that low health. The earlier you take her out, the less health she will heal. In short, in group battles, focus fire on her in a fair number of cases will be a very viable tactic in dealing with her.

    Closing Remarks
    Gotta dedicate this to a good friend of mine, Supreme Monarch, who had asked me about this a while ago :) Glad to be of help! Thanks for reading!
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  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Felix Faust

    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Felix Faust............... A brief summary of playing as Felix Faust
    Powers........................................ List of usable powers
    Weapon Combo's (Melee).............. Melee weapon combos
    Weapon Combo's (Ranged)............ Ranged weapon combos
    General Tips................................. Things every Felix Faust user should know
    The Recap.................................... Some of the basic points you should come away knowing
    Fighting Felix Faust....................... How to play against Felix Faust
    Closing remarks............................ Why are you still reading this?
    Click here for specific statistics

    Intro to Using Felix Faust
    Felix Faust is an offensive character using hand blasters as his weapon and flight as his movement mode. He can summon several pets to assist him in battle both to split damage, and deal heavy damage themselves. Learning to use his pets effectively is key as many of his powers have a long cool down.


    Soul Siphon- A power that hits for 3 ticks of damage in a cone in front of you and pulls enemies towards you. It is vulnerable to interrupt so it is highly advisable to jump cancel this. You will primarily use this after a counter.

    Skull Scatter- A 360 degree AoE move that applies a DoT to any opponents within range. It hits for 3 ticks of damage. It also detonates any pets you control.

    Soul Shield- Your basic shield that absorbs 2500 damage or three hits.

    Necrobiosis- A single target power that hits for 2 ticks of damage. If your target is below 35% health it will deal massive damage. It is vulnerable to interrupt and is only advisable to use when an opponent is low on health and you have a minimal or no chance of being interrupted. If you KO someone with this power it summons a pet. It has 619 health.

    Summon: Ravenous Soulless- Summons a pet to attack your enemies. It has 929 health. You may not have this pet and the Savage Soulless pet out at the same time.

    Summon: Savage Soulless- Summons a pet that can provide some crowd control on your opponent and damage them. It has 619 health. You may not have this pet and the Ravenous Soulless pet out at the same time.

    Weapon Combos (Melee)
    Leap attack (hold melee) Interrupts, vulnerable to block- Your standard lunge. It deals high damage however is one of the slowest lunges in the game.

    Fist slam (tap melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, vulnerable to block- This is a 360 degree AoE attack. Keep in mind if any one person near you blocks you'll pay the price.

    Uppercut (tap melee x2, hold melee) interrupts, vulnerable to block- This move hits for three ticks of damage.

    Weapon Combo's (Ranged)

    Charged Blast (hold range) Block Breaker, vulnerable to interrupt.- Your basic block breaker. Don't resort to using this up close however. Power discharge is far superior.

    Solar flame (hold range, tap range) Block breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- This is the follow up to Charged blast. It hits everything at range in a cone in front of you.

    Meteor Blast (hold range x2) Block Breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- A narrow cone AoE that knocks back opponents. That being said this does have it's uses. It hits in a narrow cone in front of you. Solar flame is a better alternative to this move as it's damage is generally higher and animation time shorter.

    Pulse Beam (tap range x2, hold range) Block Breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- This is your attack for regenerating power. It can be useful for baiting enemies into lunging at you due to the ability to quickly cut off the interrupt window but is not useful for direct offense. It is good for power regeneration though.

    Power discharge (tap range x1 tap melee. Note: Also works with tap range x2, hold melee) Block breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- A close range block breaker. Unlike charged blast it can be clipped immediately to receive full damage.

    Arcane Blast (tap range x3, hold range) Block breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- A mid-long range attack that hits targets in a cone in front of you. There is very little use for this attack due to how long it takes to reach it.
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  6. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips

    Felix Faust relies heavily on his pets to deal damage. Detonating the pets at the right time with Skull Scatter is key as they can heavily increase your burst damage.

    Watch your power. Between summoning pet's every so often you're going to run out of power pretty quickly in a sustained fight.

    You're primarily going to want to save Soul Siphon and Skull Scatter for after you counter someone if you can. That's where your primary burst damage will come from. However, you will use Skull Scatter on occasion when your opponent is not hard stunned if you see an opportune moment to detonate your pets. It's a situational thing.

    The only powers you should be clipping attacks with is your shield or pet summons.

    While you have handblasters, Faust functions best up close. He has high health and a shield so you can take a fairly large amount of punishment. You can also have multiple pets out at once to assist in splitting damage

    Try to use your finisher when you know you will get a pet in return for using it. You can detonate that pet and the other one you've summoned at the same time to deal very heavy damage so it will make your fight the next time around much easier.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against casual players is a completely different game than playing against mid tier players and that is different from playing against top tier players.


    Baiting is the process of tricking your enemies into blocking or lunging at you so you can effectively counter them. Baiting an enemy relies heavily on knowing their reaction times, so it may take a few rounds before you learn to bait an opponent effectively.

    Baiting with handblasters seems to rely largely on making use of the tap range attacks. At close range they look similar to your tap melee attack. You can combo into power discharge (if safe) if your opponent is blocking and get a block breaker.

    At range, players will often lunge at you thinking that they can be interrupted. After the 3rd tap, they do become interruptible though, so keep that in mind. Depending on your opponent, they may lunge at you. Figure out their reaction times and you should be able to block the lunge very easily.

    Pulse beam can also be an effective attack to bait with as it draws some attention to your self and the interrupt window can be closed on command.

    Some players have very fast reaction times and are able to block attacks such as the handblasters lunge very easily due to its slow speed. However you can use that to your advantage. If you clip a lunge with a power, soder, or breakout trinket, you can quickly chain that into yourcharged blast block breaker, catching them off guard. If you get too close to your opponent, or activate the power too late, you will be blocked by your opponent.

    As stated earlier, Faust doesn't have much in the way of clipping due to his powers having slow cool downs. However, one of the most useful things you can do is as follows:

    Weapon combo > Clipped with Summon: Ravenous Soulless > Skull Scatter

    As tempting as it is to reverse the order so you can clip Skull Scatter with your summoning power, this actually puts you at a slight disadvantage. Using them in this order will result in your pet detonating almost as soon as it is spawned. This will can heavily decrease the chance of your pet being KO'd or knocked away and dealing 0 damage.

    After a Hard Stun

    The combination I'm using here is as follows.

    Power discharge >clipped with skull scatter > fist slam clipped> with soul siphon which is then jump cancelled.

    The Recap
    -You are a pretty tank like character, use that to your advantage
    -Keep an eye on your power bar
    -Keep an eye on your pets. Detonate them when the timing is right and keep summoning them if it isn't too power intensive.
    -Don't be too clipping happy. You need to save some of those powers for your main burst damage.

    Fighting Felix Faust

    Felix has no notable weaknesses other than possibly going through power quickly and not being able to use his pets effectively. One of the most effective things I've found in fighting against Faust is to watch for his Skull Scatter. While not dodgeable if you roll out of the way it's possible you may cause him to waste one of his pet detonations.

    As above, trying to keep his pets away from you can lessen his damage output immensely. Every time a pet detonates you will take over 600 damage in addition to the damage from Skull Scatter, which can easily result in over 1000 damage.

    Closing Remarks
    Felix is one of the more unique characters to play in legends, so I'm hoping this guide taught someone a few things with him!
    • Like x 4
  7. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Thank you for the Donna Troy Guide Enquirer and Company :)
    Tis greatly appreciated

    Also, it's worth mentioning: lasso can be jc'd
    • Like x 1
  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I'll mess around with it some more. For whatever reason I couldn't seem to jc it, just clip it.
  9. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Working on Kyle Rayner? ;)
  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    So I have started updating this guide again since the devs managed to get me to log in and actually have some fun with legends PvE. Right now everything in the guide should be, at the very least, up to date. If anyone finds something that isn't, feel free to let me know what guide and section. Man I type a lot for these :p Thanks in advance :)
    • Like x 2
  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    The Huntress

    Table of Contents
    Intro to using The Huntress.................... A brief summary of playing as The Huntress
    Powers................................................ List of usable powers
    Martial Arts Weapon Combos................ Weapon Combo's
    Dual Pistols Weapon Combos............... Some more weapon combos
    Fighting as The Huntress....................... How to fight as The Huntress
    Advanced............................................. Advanced tips for using The Huntress
    The Recap........................................... Some of the basic points you should come away knowing
    Fighting Against The Huntress............... How to play against The Huntress
    Closing remarks................................... Thanks for reading
    Click here for specific statistics and scroll down

    Intro to using The Huntress

    The Huntress is a high health character who uses martial arts as her weapon and acrobatics as her movement mode. She is very well balanced and is the easiest character in legends to learn how to use. She is power efficient and can put out some good damage as well!


    Spinning Backhand- A multitarget power that hits enemies in a cone in front of you and knocks back opponents. This has a fairly lengthy animation. It is worth noting it is usable while controlled.

    Wrangle- A single target power that stuns your opponent.

    EMP Canister- A 360 degree AoE move that can stun enemies.

    Forward Flip- A single target knockdown that moves you towards an enemy. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your regular weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost and is a good power to clip with.

    Backflip- An attack can knock back your opponent and pushes you away from them. It deals increased damage to helpless enemies. It is usable while controlled but you will not move if you are crowd controlled.

    Equip/Unequip Crossbows- Switch your weapons to dual pistols or to martial arts.

    Weapon Combo's

    Axe Kick (hold melee) Interrupts, vulnerable to block- Your basic lunge move.

    Knee launch (tap melee, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A quick attack that does somewhat low damage, but is good to interrupt people.

    Cartwheel kick (tap melee x2, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Another quick attack that has a chance to stun the enemy. It is a very good move to clip. This is often a martial arts users "go to" attack.

    Elbow drop (tap melee x3, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A longer move that is best clipped but provides good single target damage.

    Spinning Punch (tap melee x4, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An AoE attack that hits for pretty high damage. Be careful because if anyone near you is blocking you will be hard stunned.

    Smokebomb- (tap melee x5, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A 360 degree AoE that stuns and deals massive damage. It is easily blocked so you will not use it too often.

    Heavy Shuriken (hold range) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A very quick block breaker.

    Shuriken Storm (hold range x2) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A block breaker that hits in a wide cone in front of you, and can stun opponents as well as hits for multiple ticks of damage. The number of ticks of damage it does varies.

    Enhanced Shuriken (hold range x3) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A block breaker that can knock back opponents.

    Dual Pistol Combo's
    Dual pistols are currently the worst PvP weapon in the game. The only time you should be using these is if you want access to the flight movement mode, or you are losing so bad using a weapon that your opponent isn't familiar with may help.

    Lunge Strike (hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Your basic lunge. It hits for 2 ticks of damage.

    Slip shot (tap range, hold range. Can combo into jump shot by holding melee during the combo) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- An attack that hits for two ticks of damage while flipping you away from an enemy. Good to get out of an AoE or away from an opponent in general.

    Jump Shot (tap range, hold melee.) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An attack that moves you slightly closer to a target and hits for 5 ticks of damage. Good for regenerating power in a moments notice as it gets the hit counter higher. This is one of the very few attacks that actuallyinterrupt an enemy from a distance.

    Lifting Strike (tap melee, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An attack that can send your enemy airborne and set them up for another attack.

    Loft Shot (tap melee, hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The follow up to lifting strike, this attack hits for 4 ticks of damage. Decent for Power regeneration.

    Full Auto- (hold melee) Block breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- An attack that attacks enemies in a cone in front of you. The angle of the attack can be altered by using the movement buttons while attacking. It is good for power regeneration, but leaves you open to easily be interrupted.

    Sweep Shot (Tap melee, hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An attack that will hit all opponents in a cone in front of you for 3 ticks of damage. Be careful of blocks as if any person in a group hit by this attacking you will be hard stunned.

    Magnum Round (tap melee x3, hold range. Can also be performed after jump shot and slip shot by holding range during that attack) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A good attack that hits for 2 ticks of damage. It can be done after multiple combo's to increase damage or punish someone who was blocking too late.
    • Like x 1
  12. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips

    Understanding the basics of clipping is key to using The Huntress.

    One thing with the Huntress is that her fighting style has no really distinctive strengths or weaknesses a player can work with, so you are going to need to know how to counter and adapt to situations accordingly.

    To open up combat when your opponent is at a distance and closing in, start a melee combo and clip it with forward flip. You will lunge towards the enemy and deal heavy burst immediately from both the power and weapon attack. This will work with every combo except smoke bomb.

    You can also clip an attack with forward flip to rapidly change targets in the middle of a fight.

    Backflip deals increased damage to helpless enemies, so if you happen to see one of your opponents has been countered or under the effects of crowd control, clip your attack with this power to deal some increased damage to them.

    If you are fighting a single opponent, it is best you only clip your moves with forward flip. It is the most power efficient move you have with a quick animation.

    If you are fighting multiple opponents in your area you can clip with EMP Canister as it will damage all of them around you. Just remember this is slightly more power costly than forward flip.

    EMP Canister vs Spinning Backhand: Unless you really need to hit enemies only in a cone in front of you, it's all around better to stick with EMP canister due to it costing less power and having a shorter animation without giving any less damage.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against casual players is a completely different game than playing against mid tier players and that is different from playing against top tier players.


    Baiting with Martial arts typically revolves around alternating between tap melee attacks and tap range attacks as at close range they can look very similar.

    Additionally baiting can be done very effectively in making it appear as if you are going to use a certain attack again and again. Depending on your opponent you may simply be able to use that attack to it's fullest.

    Hard Stuns

    Normally you are going to want to use the simple combo:
    Elbow Drop clipped with Backflip. That will provide you with the best damage to a single target.

    If you are fighting with multiple enemies surrounding you use this following combo:
    Elbow Drop clipped with EMP Canister. This will provide you with the best damage on a group of people.

    (While outstandingly simple I will film videos on these two combos shortly as that's something I've been meaning to get around to doing for all of these characters)

    The Recap

    -Learn the basics of clipping
    -Learn your basic rotations
    -Learn to out fight and adapt to varying situations

    Fighting The Huntress

    Often times The Huntress is mistaken by new players as being extremely powerful. I'm going to go out on a limb here and take a wild guess as to why that is:

    The Huntress's fighting style has no notable strengths or weaknesses. Unfortunately the best way to out fight The Huntress is just that, to out fight her. You're going to need to get good at reading your opponent and trying to predict their actions. That comes with time playing and experience, so don't get discouraged, just keep at it!

    Closing Remarks

    To be honest, this was probably the easiest guide I have ever written and most likely ever will be, which is reflective of the character. The Huntress is the easiest character to learn how to use in legends and is the best starting off point for anyone looking to get into the game mode. Hopefully this helped some of you!
    • Like x 3
  13. Harold Saxon New Player

    ohhh this is a very beautyfull guide for a wonderfull pvp legends, tnx you!
    • Like x 2
  14. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    By Sabigya

    Table of Contents

    Intro to using Bizzaro............. Intro to using Bizzaro
    Powers................................. List of usable powers
    Weapon Combo's................... Weapon combos
    General Tips.......................... General tips for Bizzaro
    Advanced.............................. More advanced tactics
    The Recap............................. A quick recap of the information found here
    Fighting The Good Friend........ Fighting against Bizzaro
    Closing Remarks.................... Thanks for reading!
    Click here for specific statistics and scroll down

    Intro to Using Bizzaro

    Bizzaro is a character with slightly less than average health who uses a modified brawling as his weapon and flight as his movement mode. He relies on damage mitigation to outlive enemies and deals above average damage. Bizzaro excels against characters who rely on burst damage as he can reduce their effectiveness through the use of mitigation.


    Overhead Smash - A conus attack that knocks down enemies. Grants 75% damage mitigation for 0.5 seconds.

    Jump Smash- A 360 degree AoE attack, that deals 2 ticks of damage and knocks down. Grants 75% damage mitigation for 2.5 seconds. This will mostly be used when you are outnumbered or being focused on.

    Annihilate- A conus attack that hits for 9 ticks of damage and pushes back its targets. Grants 75% damage mitigation for .75 seconds. This power is best used up close if not much of the damage from this attack will not apply.

    Swoop Attack- A mutlitarget knockdown that moves you towards an enemy. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your regular weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost and is a good power to clip with.

    Freeze Vision- A single target power that hits for 4 ticks of damage and roots enemies. You will not be using this power.

    Heat Breath- A DoT that hits for 19 ticks of damage and knocks down opponents in a cone in front of you. The damage over time effect does not apply until the 4th channeled DoT so you will not be using this power.

    Weapon Combos

    Lunging right (Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The standard lunge, but one of the fastest ones in the game, and hits pretty hard.

    Stomp Smash (Hold Range) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- Your standard block breaker. It can be jump cancelled allowing you to go into a lunge however does not close the vulnerability window. Useful if your opponent goes to roll away or block breaks at the same time as you.

    Doublefist (Tap melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Brawling´s only stun. The combo is quite fast, making it a very useful combo.

    Backfist (Tap melee, Hold melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A combo that knocks back the targets within a small arc.

    Hammerfist (Tap melee x2, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This is one of the combos that can start with a lunge instead of a tap, making it an ideal option against hard-stunned enemies. It knocks back opponents.

    Punt (Tap melee x2, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A very strong move that applies a knock back against your target. It is one of the longer animations so it is very advisable to clip. It is performed after hammerfist.

    Launching Uppercut (tap melee x3, Hold) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- One of the most versatile combos for a Legends Brawler, devastating after a hard stun. This is another combo that can start with either a Tap or a Hold, and it will lift the target up in the air.

    Haymaker (tap melee x3, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The most powerful combo available to you and it knocks back opponents. This attack is slow and should be clipped. However it is very predictable so will not be used too often so be ready to land a block breaker on your opponent.
    • Like x 5
  15. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips

    Bizzaro at first look is a rather easy character to play but has some advanced tactics people need to keep in mind.

    Bizzaro works best against character with a high damage output as he can cut their damage down by 75%. It is VERY important to remember that you using the first 3 attacks will severely lower the damage done upon you, so you need to be ready to use it if you suspect a strong attack coming your way.

    Two of Bizarro's powers, Overhead Smash and Annihilate can be clipped by simply tapping melee. It is always advisable to do this as you will still get the damage mitigation from them. While less advisable, you can use Jump Smash and clip it with your breakout trinket or your soder and still receive full mitigation. This is to be used if you are expecting a large attack or are outnumbered.

    Be very careful with your power. It is very easy to lose track and suddenly find yourself without any due to how power intense Bizarro can be with his clipping.

    Take note that Bizarro does not have access to ground pound. Normally this move would be executed simply by holding the melee button again after you lunge. So keep in mind Bizarro can rapidly lunge from one target to another, something that many brawlers cannot do.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against casual players is a completely different game than playing against mid tier players and that is different from playing against top tier players.


    Baiting with Brawling is fairly difficult. It mostly revolves around making your opponent used to you and switching things up.

    Use tap melee attack quite often, even sometimes surpassing the number needed to get into any combos and your opponent will block at some point.

    On occasion you can tap your ranged attack which may cause your opponent to try to lunge you.

    As discussed earlier, you can use your tap melees to clip a couple of his powers. You can use that to hit your opponent many times in quick succession and sometimes they will block, leaving them open to block breakers.

    Hard Stuns

    Please note that for right now this is subject to change. Some more testing needs to be done.

    After a hard stun, one of the more damaging combos you can pull off is as follows:
    Block Breaker > Overhead Smash > clipped by a tap melee > into Punt > clipped with Annihilate

    The Recap

    -Bizzaro relies on Damage Mitigation to stay in the battle-field for long periods of time while dealing considerable amount of damage.
    -Remember to clip your powers where you can to save some time.
    -Excellent against characters with Burst or one time heavy attacks.
    -Watch your power.

    Fighting The Good Friend

    -Up and frontmost, most of your damage to Bizzaro will be from counter punishment. A good Bizzaro user will try to keep up his mitigation at every chance. Countering him will mean he is not able to activate his mitigation.

    -Using an attack right after stunning him is a great way to deal quick damage to him.

    -Brawling is slow, but effective so you need to be wary of a strong combo coming and block him, as his Annihilate is a form of channeling ability if that ability is clipped it can be blocked in order to get a counter.

    - In certain situations you can force Bizarro into unformfortable situations where he has to use a lot of damage mitigation, including jump smash, this can cause him to burn through his power.

    -Due to Bizarro's odd clipping abilities, it can seem like he is hitting you a lot of times in a short period of time and that may cause you to instinctively block. Be careful though because it is very possible he is not actually hitting you with anything that can be countered and you just let yourself open to a block breaker.

    Closing Remarks

    Major thanks to Sabigya for this guide! Hoping this helped at least one of you learn about my favorite genetically corrupt Superman clone!
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  16. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    A note about Bizzaro, due to breakouts, especially after annihilate, you may accidentally block when you're trying to break out from it's kickback. This happened to me a lot when I sparred with Sabigya.
  17. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Ahhh so that's who he was scrimming :p

    Yea, happens with quite a few powers if you aren't careful. One of the issues people had with Amon Sur originally was that they would over compensate the breakouts.
    • Like x 2
  18. Absolix Loyal Player

    Any particular reason its not mentioned that jump smash can be clipped after the first jump with another power?
  19. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    SAB. HELP.

    Sab wrote the guide, not me :p I'll get him.
  20. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    It is better to clip it with a trinket rather due to the extra seconds of mobility.
    You can clip the 2nd smash with a block.
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