UM has definitely been Nerfed.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by iLoveDCUO, Oct 22, 2015.

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  1. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    I don't have Vid yet. I only ran it on lunch then headed back to work. But Me FAIRYTAILS and some others went in UM today during my lunch break with our same toons as last week and prior to reset. Mind you we don't have any other new gear...and some how we melted the final boss like 5 times faster same gear same mods same CR. Boss was halfway gone before adds even came up.

    It's now probably easily puggable...such a shame. Quit nerfing stuff.
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  2. Leafy Committed Player

    Yay! ..... I mean bad mepps , bad..
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  3. tinoman Dedicated Player

    Where's the dislike button? I want to dislike the nerf.
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  4. Veritasum Loyal Player

    The masses have spoken and then there was a nerf. Unfortunately, I see further nerfs coming as some will probably continue to struggle with it, even after shouting for 142 CR groups only.
  5. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    Hmmmmmmm. I wonder why they would increase drop rates and make the content easier. Such a mystery.
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  6. tinoman Dedicated Player

    Maybe because the completion rates where down and people weren't replaying it as much because it couldn't be completed from most groups. Edit: and the big nerf to most quantums that can't burn it down as fast lol. Nerf quantum, nerf raid.
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  7. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Easily puggable? The horror! It's almost as if the raid was made to be fun. It's too bad there's no elite version for people unhappy with this correct adjustment of UM.
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  8. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    *insert witty rebuttal about something game related I disagree with*
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  9. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    While i'm not gonna say i never had trouble completing it (because it would be a complete lie, my completion rate would be at about 10%), it is Trigon we are fighting!!, it should have been left as a Dox type raid, even as normal version...not happy to hear it may have been nerfed....i can already picture a Darkseid tank and spank raid in the future :(
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  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    It was bound to happen. If you want a challenge go to the Elite version. The completion rate for this raid was very low, perhaps lower than HH launch. Also you have to remember CR is king so if you take away people ability or encouragement to re-run the content you lose profits. Clearly a wise decision to nerf the pull.
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  11. The Anxient Loyal Player

    I know right. The devs should really look into making harder versions of certain instances.
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  12. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    You may be right, but many of the long time players i know just loved it when it came out because of the challenge, what bothered was the loot but the challegge made it fun, added to that, everytime you see less and less of us long time players around :(, while most of the new players come, stay two months and leave, many of them saying that things are too easy (we've even started to see threads about that here) me crazy, but i still think the game needs a couple of Dox-like missions around. (yeah, there's elite version, but you need to gather a whole group, who has it unlocked, and also has the progress point...)
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  13. CdnAtheist Well-Known Player

    The difficulty of Dox and Nexus destroyed leagues and drove people away from the game. It has been mentioned before by many people, if the devs listened to those of you who want all content to be incredibly difficult for the overwhelming majority of the player base, they would shut the servers down because they wouldn't have enough players to provide the product. You have an elite version. Enjoy it. Let others enjoy the regular version.
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  14. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    I really think that people leaving had nothing to do with difficulty, only the divide between who glitched and who didn't. In fact, I'm very unaware of the mass exodus I often read about here. The USPS villain side was the most populated around this time and the exodus didn't happen until WM came.
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  15. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    What happens when those crying about Regular being too hard step into Elite and complain they can't get past the first boss in Elite . Should they dumb down Elite too??
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  16. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

  17. Delta795 New Player

    USPS Villain side.never was the most populated server.
  18. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    Says the guy who cried all over the forum cause he couldn't get past regular lol . #GetGood
  19. Korlick Loyal Player

    You are all aware that there is an Elite version, right? I mean...there is the challenge youre looking for. Or that is too easy also?
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  20. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    People like you are why I stopped playing top tier content. When I played with skilled players like yourself, I completed the content fairly easily. Unfortunately, it was stressful playing with those players because of the attitude that came with it. I would much rather play with poor players who I can help learn how to play the game than with players who talk down to the poor players.
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