Creation of a new role: Battle Support.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by darkscarletx, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Seeing all the threads at the moment, all I see is about dps universe online, contents too easy, missing roles, etc.

    The solution: Battle support(battle healing, battle tank, battle troll.) Using both roles at the same time.

    People all like to dps, and people need support.
    Some like to support or like me do both, damage and support. So why not have a new role in the game with its own new symbol: Battle support or hybrid.

    I started celestial battle healing and this is how I like to play. I love it!
    Your skills are really tested when you play that way. You litteraly play dps, healer and tank at the same time.
    (Can't say about battle tank and battle troll because I never tried them yet.)

    You do a lot of damage, you heal a lot as well and the adds and boss are often at you. That means you have to stay alive, keep your team healed and do damage, all at the same time.

    People say they are bored doing 1,2,3,4. Well with this role, you won't be because the action is there and high risk. Content won't be easy like they are now. And you will have better survivability.

    People will rarely miss roles and everyone will do damage too. (I know it will means to make the contents harder and change stuff, I don't know how the devs could do it or if it can be done but I think it's worth it. Just giving an idea.)

    Also, battle support need a lot of sp to be efficient. That means: the come back of Skill Points. A lot.

    Yes, the battle healer, battle tank and battle support are already in the game, but there's no symbol like dps and support right now. When I use battle healing, people think I heal but they see my damage and healing out in the scoreboard.

    I think doing this will greatly help the game with diversity, challenge and all roles will be there for each contents. I enjoy Celestial battle healing more than pure dps and support. Wish I played it sooner.

    P.S. I don't mean only have Battle Support but a new role. We still keep the pure support and dps but it might bring something new and good to the game. That is what I think.

    You can all expression your opinions if you think it is good or not. People will probably hate me or some say good idea. I'm just giving an idea.
    I'll keep playing battle healer even if this idea doesn't take fruit. :p Just wanted to share with everyone. Have a great day dcuo! :)
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  2. Simon Phoenix Active Player

    Unfortunately the Dcuo community is not smart enough to pull this off.Most can't even just do their support properly so tryna add dmg to it aswell is just too much to ask.

    It's 2nd nature for me and a cpl leaguemates I run with on the villain side.We are always competing on the scoreboard in support role.
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  3. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Yes, you're right. For new players, it might be too much. Better stick with pure dps and pure support, they need to learn first. That's why keeping dps and support, but adding a 5th role: battle support. For those who play a long time, know the roles and are ready, this role is for them. And who knows, maybe new players could learn both as well with this.
  4. Rejoicer1 Well-Known Player

    I like the idea. You'd probably need a tutorial for it and some sample loadouts though to help make it possible for people to have a halfway decent chance of playing it and not giving it a bad name.

    Also I suspect that having 2 or more battle support types will make a big differnce in how positively the role is viewed. For example if you have 2 battle healers rather than just one pure healer and a dps, it will be easier to get both the needed dps (battle x2 dam = dps + h dam) and healing (battle x2 = 1.5 h healing) and people will start seing its usefulness.

    Because you will have less slots for each function (support/dps) available WM and key powers will need to be well defined.
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  5. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    I suggested this sometime ago in another thread, the responses i got were basically 2:

    1.- No!!!!, DPSing with FoTM is my substitute for actual achievements, i be beast, no one else can be beast!!!!!111!!!1

    2.- Sounds too complicated, doing damage...while supporting...too many things to consider *brain explodes*

    3.- People would try to do only DPS while on role, thus not helpig at all <-this one i can see happening

    So yeah...that's DCUO players for you :/

    (That said, i still would love to see this implemented)
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  6. AverageJoe Dedicated Player

    I'm not putting down what you are saying but aren't those just hybrds, so in theory we can already make those in game. I think DCUO has and is trying to break the Holy Trinity with which Tank DPS and Healer by having a Controller which and many other MMO's could be a healer or range DPS classes. But they have been back tracking as of late with AM's and how players can gain power back without a troller. I think your idea is good I will disagree with people saying the community is too dumb to get this I really think that's over exaggerated. I think you all should give the community of players a bit more credit. I think for your idea to work they would have to design a new Role never seen in MMO's.
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  7. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Yes, they are already in the game, but not offcially. They are like the role in the shadow. No one know about this hybrid role until you dig deeper. I played for 6 months and I just learned about the battle healing and tried it. Like I said I wish I knew before, this is so much fun!

    I'm sure the community could do it too. Of course, the devs need to add some sort of tutorial instance so we learn our roles.
    And having a new symbol and role in the game will be something new and exciting. A new way of playing dcuo.
  8. AverageJoe Dedicated Player

    I'm all for it I don't see nothing wrong they just would have to work on it. i wouldn't mind seeing combination like healer/controller where you can heal but have like defuffs or better CC effects.
  9. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Why introduce a new role if there are 3 roles that can actually do that? Granted right now support damage potential is at an all-time low but as of the last announcement the devs seem to plan on a major damage buff to supporters and even enable damage AMs in support role for all powers. Making up a new role for that purpose is completely pointless and way too much effort for zero gain.
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  10. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    I think the days of new roles have passed. Just be glad you can log in
  11. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    So the solution to saturated Damage players is to add more damage in an officially support role? Makes sense if you want DPS Universe Online... So many of these thread these days. lol

    The better option is to meter how much damage could be done before a mechanic "explodes" or triggers (for a lack of a better term). A very good example is in the Gorilla Island Normal Alert where you get mobbed if you simply ignore the boss' Health. The boss' Health triggers waves of adds. Players hate this and say "it is too much" though even though it is a blatant mechanic.

    I'll just add this to the bucket:

    1) Devs......Really.....I didn't subscribe to play DPS Universe! | 07/09/2015 |
    2) Best dps powers atm | 09/09/2015 |
    3) Why stay as DPS when damage is maintained when switching as Controller? | 14/09/2015 |
    4) Role Option Why does it exist? | 14/09/2015 |
    5) Creation of a new role: Battle Support. | 14/09/2015 |
  12. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    no new role needs to be created as you can already create hybrid builds the only thing is you will have to run with league mates to be able to play that way as any pug group or basic community in the game will kick you if you know what your doing or not as most are clueless as to whats really required to get through the content and only feel safe if they over gear it
  13. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Back before there were armories, this was not uncommon. Now with their inception {armories} "battle roles" became pretty redundant for the most part. Not to say i don't aim at increasing off stats as well but its much easier to do either or IMO.
    for instance, in duos, ill add a healing move/ shield on my sorcery character to be a "battle healer"
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  14. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    This is not a dps or support thread I wanted to make, but combine both dps and support. Trying to find solutions to all these threads. Both roles are important in the game. I'll keep battle healing too. Just gave an idea. But to be clear, this is not a whining thread.
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  15. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    I don't understand ''just be glad you can log in'' ?
  16. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    I guess I wasn't clear, sorry. What I mean is a new class.
    We have:

    It could be:
  17. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    ...which is exactly what our roles could do if their damage output was buffed, which seems to be the immediate plan the devs have.
  18. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Yeah, I guess pug is over for me. I know too that when people see a support and want damage, they kick. I gave this solution with a new class so it can be avoid and people can play the way they like it.
  19. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Really? You mean the midrange?
    Well if they plan on buffing the damage for support roles then never mind this thread. lol
  20. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Not sure why you continue to feel that support doing damage is the issue for DPS Universe online. When clearly the issue is the damage roles. The gap is the issue, just like in wealth inequality.

    If support did 50% of the damage of damage roles, the benefit of stacking dps is reduced, greatly. It's certainly then a lot easier to balance content, if there is less different in damage output from dps stacking to balanced group. We wouldn't get fights with mechanics that can be ignored by stacking burn, as you wouldn't be able to somehow delivery 400% more burn by different group composition.

    The massive difference in damage potential IS a major problem with content balancing.

    Stacking DPS is seen as desirable because there is a very significant benefit to doing it.

    Battle support is how support should be, it's a super hero game, to my knowledge no superhero sits at the back and spams heals and power.

    Disclaimer: All of the above assumes equal skill, and not carrying weak DPS that barely do the damage of a support role.
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