What is it with this game and the creepiness towards female characters?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Jul 2, 2015.

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  1. ThatsFatal New Player

    This exact type of thread has popped up on every forum of every MMO I've ever played.

    Short answer: It's not just this game, it's online gaming in general.
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  2. Van_Gho Committed Player

    I use the overall creepiness to my advantage, learned this in PSO (phantasy Star online WHAT WHAT)
    Make a female character play occasionally with it,watch the rares and money roll in, then block the creep
  3. X-zero Loyal Player

    It is only really annoying if they use your psn. But this actually happens anywhere with a good enough character a creator.

    My favorite harmless flirting was a hero in the pvp phase when I was getting a bounty off the nightclub. And while he was mid blow kiss motion two villains rushed from behind me to proceed to beat that guy down.
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  4. Msstat1c Committed Player

    If I wasn't so lazy this morning, I would have found a "GOT EMMM" GIF for this. I remember the exact thread you referenced.
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I am NOT defending circe at all on this one. Circe is straightforward on his sexual preference, and has created a thread in the past to shame a unnamed player that he lead to believe he was a girl agreed to be their girlfriend the dropped the "im actually a guy bomb on them" then asks what the forum felt about it

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  6. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Sadly this is very true. I played City of Heroes/Villains for almost 7 years before coming here after that game shut down for good. I had over 50 alts and about half were male half female. I won't go into a huge amount of detail here but I had one character that was a Taxibot (a league in that game that provided free teleport to and from missions to help other player.. yes in COH we could teleport as a form of movement and could also teleport team mates).

    I had just joined the league (actually we referred to them as Super Groups) and showed up in one of the zones that required a lot of teleport to survive if you were a low level character to put in a few hours providing rides to and from mission locations. After a few minutes I became aware that I had like 9 or 10 players crowded around my character. When I asked my league mate what was going on I was informed "they are all probably teen agers and are staring at you". Now to clarify I had not created a costume I considered especially sexy .. while on duty we actually had a color scheme to follow and needed to wear the League crest on our uniform but apparently those kids did. After my shift ended I went back to the character creator COH had and changed my look completely going for even less sexy. LOL

    Story number two always sort of makes me cringe a little. I was running around soling and got an invite to join another guy doing the same mission.. Hey two heroes is better than one right? So I accepted and we entered the tunnel and started beating up mobs. Then it started... This guy was talking about how he wished we could see what our characters looked like naked and a whole line of other BS I don't even want to go into here. Now at some point (VERY EARLY ON) in this conversation I tried to explain to this creep that I was a GUY playing a female character.. strangely that didn't seem to make any difference as he continued to hit on my TOON. Finally I just told him DUDE I'm here to PLAY a game not have cyber." I quit the team, completed my mission solo and logged off in disgust. Now that was bad enough but as it turned out this sleazy pervert has put my character on his friends list and almost every time I logged on I immediately got a PM from him I finally juts deleted that character completely.

    This next one is just sort of funny. On COH we didn't have the TRADE menu like we do here so it was possible to simply walk up to another player and give them stuff by clicking on them. I was playing one of my female alts and a guy arrived in the same area I was in. Never said hello, never sent a PM but out of no where I suddenly got a 1 million dollar gift. I finished what I had to do in that spot, said thanks and moved on. Not sure exactly what he expected in return for his money but THANKS was all he was getting from me. LOL Now in and of itself that isn't bad at all but you know what.. in 7 years of game play I never had a GUY walk up to a single one of my male toons and just hand over cash.. any cash much less a huge amount like that. My theory is that was his idea of a pick up line.

    I've been pretty lucky here no horror stories to report in over three years of game time BUT you still see the usual stuff associate with any game that has a fairly large teen male population. Not sure if he's still there or not but for a long time there was a guy in Metropolis that was constantly asking every female too he saw if they were a real woman and if so were they looking for a boyfriend. I saw another guy on LFG, in SHOUT and on the trade channels advertising he was a new toon and looking for a wife... because the game instructions YOU got said you cant play UNLESS your married? :confused:

    Its the same everywhere .. I actually think it may be better here than it was on COH because the character creator that had allowed you to alter body size and shape. The running joke was in most cases you could tell if a female toon was being controlled by a guy .. the CHEST area would be as large as it could possible be and they be wearing the most revealing outfits available. LOL not that I was trying to fool ANYONE but after some one told me that my female toons got much slimmer above the waist. I knew females that played COH and knew the sort of crap they went through in game dealing with some guys.. and lets be honest. Most of it is the teenagers but there are 20 and 30 year old guys out there that still THINK they are 14 when they hit the internet so not all of it is being done by kids just hitting puberty.
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  7. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Oh just figured I'd add this one. COH was almost famous for Role Play and there were areas where that role play was decidedly exotic and sexual in nature. At one point one of the leaders of the League I ran there formed an alliance between our league and another.... Nothing out of the ordinary league did that all the time to increase the number of players available for teams. But this entire league was into erotic role play. Shorty after the alliance I visited there base and the bases of all the other league they were allies with since we now were technically those league allies as well. Every single base was set up like a disco lounge and included smaller "private rooms" with just a couple pieces of furniture and a bed. [just to clarify on COH you built a base room by room and had a LOT more furniture options than we have here]. Anyway in short.. all those bases were pretty much set up for Erotic role play.

    Well NOT MINE. LOL I had a base designed to help my league complete missions. Now after about 2 days I got tired of dealing with the constant stream of sexting coming over the alliance chat and turned it off completely.... I don't care what you do in PM but I don't need to have it flashing across my chat box while I'm on a team and trying to see what the team leader JUST typed in about strategy for the next room we have to enter. Then one day while I was in base building some of enhancers (the COH version of a MOD) I had 3 or 4 visitors from a couple of the allied league including one from the MAIN league. the NEXT day we'd been kicked.. LOL probably because my base didn't resemble a sleazy lounge for Sexting. You know.. I never missed those people one bit. Oh and the goof that accepted them as allies was demoted for a while until I explained WHAT to look for in an ALLY and it wasn't ... "They look so sexy and cool"
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  8. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    Show them a picture of yourself in real life I'm pretty sure seeing what you look like will make them loose interest in you really quickly,lol. #100-0realquick
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  10. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    Is it wrong that I used this as a advantage when I'm on my female toon? Lmao
  11. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    I hate simp guys in dcuo so much, in fact not even in dcuo but in general. I'm in a league with 3 women (like in theirs 30s-40s) and the a lot of guys just bend over backwards for them in the league. And especially on of the girls has a field day exploiting the simps, making them do what she wants. If I need a feat, I get ignored but if she needs the feat like 10 people are ready to help. I'll be lying if said I'm not hating just a little bit.
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  12. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Make them give you all of their money and exos.
  13. Quantom Boy Committed Player

  14. BlueLionSven Well-Known Player




    Kudos to the guy that posted the prior thread ITT.
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  15. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    Roles need for ngn pm me pls, no replies.

    Roles need for ngn pm me pls (I'm a girl), get spammed with pms.
  16. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    People just see my name when im shouting and offer to carry me lol
  17. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    First of all - this:

    Second - as someone else already roughly remembered the "Did I do something wrong"-thread - you are too much into character. I personally do not think the majority of players expects a little girl as the player behind a little girl character, so the flirting is actually not much creepier than the idea of people to hook up with someone in video game is in general. By statistics, those people risk to hit on a 40-50 year old truck driver named Bernard every time they start this BS.

    Third - roughly a third of my toons are females, not counting the ones made to squat names as those are all female (I just click fast through the character generation screen in those cases, and female is the standard choice). I have yet to expect any of the stuff you describe, no text at all, just a blowkiss or flirt-emote on occassion. Granted - I have voice speak turned off as I can't stand the not fully developed voices of pesky teenagers in general and have long ignore lists on my mains, but the toons I speak of here are secondary to tertiary toons and the ignore function does still not work account wide nor can we export and import our ignore lists yet. The normal /tells I receive go "um, what's that style?" and the pesky ones go "can you give me an aura???". I answer the second kind with addignore and a response that indirectly asks the offender to die quickly.

    Either people have found a way to determine the ingame cash value of the account behind a character to help them decide between begging and flirting or for some reason we are on completely different ends of experiencing this game. Or maybe it's time zone related and the creeps are gone when it's prime time for gaming in Australia.... yeah, that's it: Australia is full of cool people, so I just have to deal with that beggars from NZ when I'm online :D

    Apart from that, it's - as pointed out by many - not a DCUO related problem. But look on the bright side of it: people moronic and desperate enough to try hooking up in a video game will in majority never score anyway and thus be unable to spread their genes - so mankind will get rid of those losers in the gene pool and thus may have an opportunity to develop further.... so from some future point of view, these people are not even part of mankind anymore :D
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  18. Redman_x Well-Known Player

    This is just plain crazy talk. Do I think that some of this goes on in any mmo? Yes. But not to the extent that the OP is saying

    I mean, c'mon... how the heck can u tell if someone is staring at you?
  19. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

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  20. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    MMO without any kind of chat. Solved, 100% save for children - except for the ingame violence maybe :D
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