What is it with this game and the creepiness towards female characters?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Jul 2, 2015.

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  1. Circe New Player

    This has to be the worst game when it comes to creepy guys getting all over female characters. I can't even log in without being bombarded by guys. Some guy in the Hall of Doom was following me around the other day, another was asking me to come back to him where he was standing (and he was staring at me the whole time I was there and sending me "messages").

    It doesn't stop there, though of course. The worst is I made a little girl plant character (supposed to be Poison Ivy's protegee) and the nasty messages I've received is astounding. I mean flirting with an adult character is one thing (most of my characters) but a little girl character? Really? And I think you know what I mean by flirting, not cute lovey dovey.

    Why can't a person make a female character without being treated like an equal? This is pretty horrible, and I'm betting it has turned away players too.
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  2. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    This is every game. Especially in MMOs where there's detailed character creation.
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  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

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  4. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Simple. The game is populated with adolescent boys who haven't figured out what a girl IS yet, in the real world and fully grown males who have never actually had a DATE in the real world.
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  5. Antwoman Dedicated Player

    Not only that I would get people on Mics saying weird things to me which is why I don't play this game with a Mic anymore,after that I wouldn't like my 10 year old niece play any more because of people hitting on female characters its really bad in this game for some reason, they don't ask if you are male or femalethey assume I remember my boyfriend was playing on his female character some guy said something to him and he went off on that and made sure everyone knew got the guy banned too since he recorded it. Look to any guys who read this an MMO is not a place to try to find a girlfriend, most girls are gamers just trying to have fun and fit in, not hit on its wierd and creepy and unwelcome.
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  6. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    I hope you meant, "Why can't you make a female character, and feel like an equal." Cause that made no sense.

    As for being a real female in the game, I can tell you that it is not as bad as some other games. I get a few a week, but that is what /ignore is for. I play on PC, and I RP Power Girl and Supergirl, and I can tell you the things people tell me would make you blush. But it is not always like that. In fact most of the time, I stay out of WT or crowded areas. That keeps the level of creepiness down, on its own. If they send me tells, I /ignore , and never worry again. Also, if you feel harassed, please make a report. It is the only way to really let them know you are serious.
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  7. bartngaue Well-Known Player

    Its human nature to procreate, hence males attracted to females. Guys are just doing whats written in their DNA, regardless of being horn dog, pervs.
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  8. Grid Ion Committed Player

    Some people need to get over themselves :rolleyes:
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  9. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I love using my toon DirtyWonder and getting into a raid. I'm quiet for most of the run and if one of the guys in there starts to hit on me and calls me sexy...I state in my manly voice..dude, you may enjoy other guys but I don't....

    I find it interesting that about 70% (just a rough estimate it could be higher) of the female toons in this game are male players.
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  10. UltraVillain Committed Player

    tbh its more an internet thing than DCUO in particular, though oddly here I havent had any real problem in this regard (and mostly roll female toons), where it does begin to show itself a quick 'btw I'm a guy' is usually more than enough to nip it in the bud (a tactic I'd also suggest to any female player that finds it a problem)...... whether my character is a guy, girl, alien, insect, rock the only true statement is that none of them are really me, sadly I also find I haven't got super powers but thankfully my income isn't constrained by a cap and collar that follows me for the rest of my life - in contrast to DCUO the real world actually offers a progressive reward for puting effort in, but thats another story.
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  11. kawe Loyal Player

    While these type of guys are a problem, I also have seen enough females that are very keen of stressing the point that they get male attention. It's almost like they enjoy it and want to make sure ppl know they are getting attention and see who would white-knight for them. ;)

    This type of negative attention is easy to ignore, the more we ignore it, the most likely they will stop as they learn it wont get them anywhere. Besides, it is fun to have a guy creep on you and then tell them you are male or whatever. xD Learn to have fun with their ignorance.
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  12. Illuminating Heaven Well-Known Player

    Unless proven otherwise all toons are considered male to me.
    So if you state you are a girl I'll trust you...but if I find out you were a boy trying to be a girl I'm sendinga a scrimmage.
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  13. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Btw I never encountered this on PC servers hero side. Must be a PlayStation issue :p ;)

    (hint: think trice about what certain smileys could mean)
  14. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Welcome to MMOs and online gaming in general
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  15. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I used to get that on my PS3 main a lot. I would come back with the line from the Jake from State Farm commercial, "I'm a guy so...".
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  16. Captain Domino Committed Player

    I have the same issue on my male toon on the villain side. My dude is magnet for both sexes lol...I don't particularly care, though.
  17. Backseid Devoted Player

    Welcome to... the world.
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  18. Nawtae Well-Known Player

    Call them bruh back and say you have a *****. This is how I remove myself from these conversations.

    I don't have a ***** though.
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  19. MrGT Well-Known Player

    Amazing what can happen in game. My wife and I were running something, cant remember what, she may have been levelling a toon. Anyway I'm running on GT she is on MrsGT in the same group. I presume this should be a certain dead give away as to what the toons are to each other. We get a shout out from some random guy for help. So the wife and I say why not we are clearing it quickly anyway as I was way over powered. The guy joins the group and ignores me and starts straight onto my wife with weird questions ending with hey I have a nice base wanna ditch this other guy and come look. Must admit other then that she has not had any real problems. Maybe everyone else caught onto the GT / MrsGT thing.
  20. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Hmm the OP seems to forget about the time he made a topic, explaining how he went back to someone's lair and started sexting with some guy, while pretending to be a girl.

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