Stop With The Carry System!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lord Jareth, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Sbel Devoted Player

    Yeah. It's kinda hypocritical of me to suggest it, 'cuz if the only way I could ever get a raid group was by forming my own group, I'd probably just quit doing raids instead.

    If he doesn't want to make groups, the OP should really focus on solos, duos, and alerts until he gets to 120. It may be stupid and unfair that people are asking for 120+ for Necro and Arti, but you can't change the community by whining about it. Either make your own groups, or join a good league, or stop trying to do raids, or put in the work to meet the community requirements.
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  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    You're danage isn't impacted in lower content for being above cr it's your health I believe ... I believe you're a tually puttin out more damage when you're abive the required cr
  3. seek76 Committed Player

    The people making those requests don't care about the rest of the community. They are only interested in helping themselves out. If you don't gear up when everybody else is doing it, you get left behind. Once left behind, your only options are to pug, hope you get a group good enough to clear whatever instance you are trying or earn your marks through solo/duo content to buy the vendor gear to get you close to the required cr to get into groups. When everybody is shouting for 120 plus, you can't really form your on group. A league or well defined friends list could potentially solve this problem for you, but in two years on here not to many people seem to want to be friends.
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  4. ssvillae New Player

    Yes my damage and my def is cut drastically. But thats not the reason id run it if the group knows how to communicate but you know how that goes in pug groups. Was in nexus the other night helping a friend i was the tank and so was the troll 2 dps and the healer. they were cr 92 i believe. We kept telling them its not that hard if they just listen to the strat but you know how that goes also. So we left
  5. seek76 Committed Player

    If your cr is higher than the enemies you are facing, you will do more damage while taking less damage. The reverse is true if the mob you are facing is higher cr than you are. You will do less damage while taking more damage, hence why everybody wants 120 plus now.
  6. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I don't believe damage is cut In Lower content I believevyour damage is increased when you're over geared...

    Your health is cut but not damage

    I did strikers not long ago and I was pumpin out 200k numbers on a wm combo alone you should be able to face roll the content below you still you just take more damage then you did before
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  7. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Ah gotcha
  8. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Yeah it is something you see from time to time.

    Someone will ask for the lead so that they can "invite" someone else.

    Then once the lead has been passed... the original Leader is gone.

    If someone ask you to pass them the lead... say no.
    Ask for the name of the "friend" so that YOU can invite him yourself.
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  9. ssvillae New Player

    Okay maybe im wording it wrong my damage may increase but npcs def gets a significant increase as well coz that same night we ran brothers in arms and i wasnt one shotting them but my damage output was over 13mil at the end of the alert but it took twice as long to finish it. Simply put the npc scaling update broke the damn game
  10. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Well single's and duos is not what i paid for. So with that being said since it seems that i cant even get in one raid I think its time for retire from Dcuo.
  11. BumblingB I got better.

    That's a bit extreme. If you are talking about hero side, I've been in groups that I was 111-118 and did fine in NGN. Villain side is under populated. If you ignore the people shouting for high numbers, there is a lot of other groups to join. LOL, HOH, Necro, Artifacts are all in the CR that you can run just fine.
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  12. BlazeChamp Committed Player

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  13. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Ive never seen anyone shouting for 120+ to run necro. Then again im on ps server so there are many more players. To threaten to quit the game isnt going to accomplish anything besides get you the typical see ya later or bye felicia responses
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  14. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    If you can't even get in one raid maybe it's time to make your own group? No?
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  15. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Sorry for the trouble you are having.

    Have you thought about trying on the PS4?

    We have way more players and most are not DBs...if you know what I mean.

    You will be able too pug or LFG without so many elitist freaking out over numbers...just an idea.

    Good luck either way!

  16. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    I never had a problem to enter LoLS or HoH at your CR. When you read in LFG adds for cr 120+ for these raids, do what I do: write them something like "cr 112 healer, #SP (If you have 120 or more, otherwise omit this) and power set (Celestial, Nature...). Call me if you can't find any better.".
    Usually I get automatically invited. It works only if you propose yourself as support role, not as DpS. You might also want to add that you are expert of the raid (If you are not, find a guide online and learn it by heart - youtube is your friend); that will increase the possibility of being invited by a lot.

    P.S.: don't spam healing pointlessly, this will target you as a noob.
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  17. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    He's a healer. Damage is of no interest to him.
  18. ssvillae New Player

    I thought he said 112 dps and healer on op?
  19. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i am a dps and a healer i started dpsing but no one wanted dps in groups so hoping that my luck would switch i got healer gear and became also a healer. but sadly nothing change still got the same luck
  20. ssvillae New Player

    Run duo and alerts til you get enough marks to move up