High CR Players still in Low Level Content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Marcheziora, May 12, 2015.

  1. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Blah, blah, blah. You know what's killing the game? The community. Update is fine and perfect.
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  2. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

  3. CostanzaG Active Player

    Somebody call the waaaaaaaambulance
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  4. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    You don't need to say it. Arguing is so common in DCUO its implicit. To not account for it is either neglectful or shady (based off your current post). The bad far out weigh the "good" when it comes to communicating in PUGs.

    To me, the community has not shown it deserves the trust of (at least) newcomers in PUGs. As I said, you want to run the gambit, then fine. However, it should not be a surprise if new players experience the consequences I have mentioned in my posts.
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  5. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    And the Black Dawn mission is when you're on the good side of the fence, I let you imagine the queueing time for the villain equivalent.
  6. BA Baracus Well-Known Player

    I bet you got some feats though
  7. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Doesn't include talking. Be quiet and observe can do the trick as well. Also, people interested in the "how it's done"-process can google it upfront, as we're talking very old content here and not freshly released t6/t7 stuff. Talk is cheap.
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  8. Tazpocalpse Well-Known Player

    To the Op and other new paying customers, many understand your point. However at the moment it is no easy fix. Not allowing high Cr players to que will result in longer que times, and would not allow high tier players that know how to play the game in the parameters of a group. Some high tier players that do what you describe, are players that were carried thru content and or skipped content. They now are making up for it by hi-jacking the low tier instances. I myself also have some styles i have not finished however i am not selfish enough to take a entire instance and make it all about me. The best solution at the moment is to shout for players with similar cr or for high-tier players that know how to play the game as a teammate. You can not expect people that got carried and or skipped content to symphatize with you wanting to learn the mechanics and challenges of the game, some of these people probably could care less about themselves and others learning how to play as a group.
  9. Mousebreaker85 New Player

    In raids you really must communicate
    In alerts you can pretty much follow the leader
    If you know your role you know what to do and where to stand
    Or after a few deaths you will learn
    And in duos i have rarely said a word without problem
    Like i said before pugs are like all short bus all stars
    You get thrown in with window lickers and helmet wearing "special" people
    But if you take out the high cr peeps the queue times would be hours and villians would have a group at all
    So take what you get or make a group
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  10. Alpha Rad New Player

    Players like OP are why I don't usually play MMOs and I'm going back to premium in this one. I am tired of scoreboard chasers who want the devs to punish or disincentivize any player who outperforms them. (Yes I'm still a little pissed about how they ***** Hard Light). In the name of "leveling the playing field" all the game has done is encourage further CR elitism. Most of my toons are around 111 to 114 and now I will NEVER run with anyone who isn't a friend or league mate that has a CR lower than 106. And I truly used to enjoy helping lower players both by giving them role specific advice and helping them get feats.

    You see, I am a pay it forward type of guy. When I was the lowbie, yes I was envious of the higher CR players. But instead of wanting the devs to make them worse, I asked those players how to get better. Many of them helped me, and I passed that help onto lower level players. Topping the scoreboard never mattered to me. You know what did? Having fun (it is still a game after all), completing instances with minimal wipes, getting loot AND MARKS (which we don't now), and FEATS (which will be a lot harder for you, since you are running all the players with more experience and ability away from the game). Enjoy topping the scoreboard.....if you complete the instance.
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  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    actually Im not, I've been here 4 years, and been on the forums for 2+ years so no Im far far far from new to DCUO.

    and yes its all you why wouldn't you encounter opinions o_O

    after all thats what this is for no? and to come to check info of the game. so yes I will voice my opinion rather you or OP likes mine.
  12. kravonik New Player

    I still have yet to be asked not to 1 shot.......
  13. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

    Right because being of a higher cr has somehow exclusively reserved the right to queue only for yourself and others who can solo it.

    All at level players have not earned this right yet so by committing this most heinous of sins they must either form their own groups or just play keep up with you, plain and simple enough.
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  14. Mousebreaker85 New Player

    Next pug i will fly to the end using auto pistols and pull everything back to OP
    So he can have the challenge he so desperately wants
  15. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

    I fear something has been lost in translation. But okay.
  16. Mousebreaker85 New Player

    Nah just replied to wrong person was talking to my leaguemate big b
    My bad there we were joining t1 pugs as 124s and getting flamed so we started pulling back 100 adds
    Just to show high cr can still wipe it was too funny seeing conga line of mobs coming
  17. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Oh trust me, I was praising the heavens for being hero-side on the PS when I tried to queue up for it.

    I guess what bugged me the most was that I couldn't contribute very much to the burn at all, despite being a CR113 tank. Everything just wouldn't die!! I was pulling out my Orbital Strike on some of the objectives just to get them done due to too little burn from the CR-appropriate people. Granted I wasn't getting ko'ed like the CR-appropriate were from one-shots and random fire but I couldn't put out enough damage to compensate for the losses. A very tiring stalemate.
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  18. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    EXACTLY, this has been an ongoing for some time and YES some of us are still after certain styles. So UNTIL THE DEVS decide that there is going to be TELEPORTERS TO ALL CONTENT then either expect that in PUG GROUPS or just form your own GROUP PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

    We are all getting very sick and tired of the same POSTS DAY IN AND DAY OUT. Don't like the answer, TOO BAD that is the way it is now and will stay until TELEPORTERS are introduced.