High CR Players still in Low Level Content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Marcheziora, May 12, 2015.

  1. Marcheziora New Player

    Wasn't the point of this GU47 to prevent or discourage freakin' High Level players getting into Low Level content and One-Shotting things? YES! One-Shotting is still happening and it's like there's MORE High Level players than ever, which is infuriating! I can't enjoy playing any Alerts/Duos/Raids at all cause they keep destroying everything!
  2. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    I don't think that was the point of GU47. What they were trying to do was change the way stat progression worked so that it was more linear, otherwise in a couple of dlcs/episodes we would have to express our stats in scientific notation. As far as I know they are still working on an optional stat clamping for instances which should alleviate the issue of higher level characters roflstomping low tier instances.
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  3. MrB Dedicated Player


    Make a group with same cr players and BAM problem solved.
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  4. theswoosh Well-Known Player

    it happens in most mmo
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  5. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Ok here's a list of items you can send me on a REGULAR BASIS if you want me to leave low level content entirely:

    Playhouse Dining Table
    Dynasty Accent Table
    Dynasty Rugs
    Dynasty Room Dividers
    Luxurious Room Dividers
    Mystical Floor Pillow
    Elegant Cabinets
    Occult Couch
    various planters and stuff
    2500 salvage items
    Carved Shelves
    Small Mystical Rugs
    Haning Eastern Tapestry
    Snake items
    Tech Ninja Items

    And that's only the Tier 1 stuff that I can remember. So PM me various of those items (esp. base items of course) on a daily basis and you'll never see me in low content again.
    Kthxbye :)
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  6. kravonik New Player

    I am still doing lower tier for styles and base items. don't care about the marks. If I am in your pug group feel free to ask me not to 1 shot stuff, I don't mind being carried.
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  7. bareheiny 10000 Post Club


    Where do people get the idea that GU47 was designed to keep high CR players out of lower tiered content?
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  8. Revoemag Committed Player

    I regularly run low content for styles and collections, what I do is go support role and only do damage if things are taking to long. I'll fight adds, but it the boss I'll usually just for back and let the low levels have fun. Im a troll, so I just hit recharge every once in a while and maybe do a rotation or two of wm.

    I'll go as far as to ask any other high level players in the instance to "not go all OP" so the others can enjoy themselves.

    All high level players need to remember that everyone wants to enjoy the game, they had their chance to, so do should new players.
    Then high players complain that the new players don't know their role once they get to top tier, but none have them a chance while leveling up.
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  9. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    Easy fix add them to your ignore list you will not longer Que up with them the que system will now avoid those on your ignore list. But im sure you will be back on here 2 weeks from now saving that que times are impossible and it is the devs fault for driving everyone out of the lower content by removing mark rewards.
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  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

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  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    its bad enough you had a whole damn GU JUST for your type, if your not going to put forth the effort on your end then tough s***.

    tired of all you whinny "give me give me" types that come through DCUO, and the sad part your the 1s that get heard the most, which is why the damn game is in the shape its in now.

    so **** already.
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  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea good luck getting into groups if on the villain side with all the top players on ignore lol
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  13. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    This exactly.
  14. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    One of the reasons why I still get some of my T5 toons into the lower level stuff. @OP: Just be happy I don't send my T6s any longer :D Really, some important, expensive or feat relevant loot is dropping in lower level content, and as long as I can't buy the stuff for marks (as tradable items to be precisely; I use my main/higher tier alts to do help my lower tier alts whenever possible) from some vendor (and I do mean "marks" and not "replay badges" - unwilling to spend money on something I can do in an as easy way as a drive-by-shooting), I willl continue to do so. If I want something badly and have bad luck, I'll send my T6 toons again (to get the max of my alts when playing against loot locks). That simple.
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  15. Scypher6 Well-Known Player

    "I can't enjoy playing any Alerts/Duos/Raids at all cause they keep destroying everything!"

    HAHAHAHA! This thread is funny! Newbie players are always the ones to complain and the loudest.
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    see here's my PoV, if I pay for something I wont dont expect to be told by anyone how to play my game, not by forum goer's or in-game goer's.

    I pay to play how I want. This means if I wanna take a CR114 melee rage DPS through a T1 alert and go HAM I damn well should without a single word from anyone in the alert or elsewhere.

    its ppl like the OP who probably hasn't even spent a pretty penny on this game and expects the people who have to just stop content for them lmao

    naw either make your own group or find a new game.
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  17. AndiKrist Well-Known Player

  18. Mousebreaker85 New Player

    When i go into t1 -t4 content i usually ask the group do you wanna blow thru this or you wanna rough it.
    If they want the challenge I'll jump into controller and just be a battery and wm a little.
    I need old feats but not at the cost of someone's fun .
    So its their choice.
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  19. Remander Steadfast Player

    While clearly not the reason for the update, I think many hoped it would have that effect. Just goes to show that people actually run content for more than marks!
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  20. Ajoda New Player

    Since 47 I stopped going in lower instances and id advise others to do the same even for styles and items just do it on a new character I got many items I needed without even trying that I can just mail/put in account bank

    Unless you are doing it for the solo duo run feats than *shrugs shoulders*