Happiness Home ELITE Raid Complete EUPS - World 1st?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Targetmaster, May 13, 2015.

  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Biggun on adds, and i'm sure y'all had some wipes? Quantum is broken, look It up my dude
  2. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    QUANTUM IS BROKEN. MAX HAND DAMAGE IS OVER BUFFING IT. You a broken record in every thread. Ammunition have a lot of risk to be effective on bosses, but biggun is a fluff for the scoreboard
  3. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    Congratz to The Revolution, I know you guys are an awesome league, with a lot of accomplishments behind your backs.

    Nevertheless, I'm a bit dissapointed, two days after the release of HoP the hard version of the hardest raid has been beaten, I'm sure there's people that due to real life issues haven't even played the new episode, and yet there's people who already beat it. Don't know if it's because the CR scaling, the stats being messed up, Quantum being broken, replay badges spamming or whatever other reason, but in all honesty, it doesn't seem right beating the hardest piece of content of a three months worth episode in 2 days.

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  4. Targetmaster Well-Known Player

    I totally understand where you're coming from mate, overall I'd sum the raid up like this.this: Compared to throne elite, there is no luck element at all - no adds spawn, no shadings, no banishment etc. This for me is why it is possible now as long as you find a tactic that works for you. Also damage is less important than in throne elite as in throne you need to minimise the time between banishment and this can only be accomplished with good damage.
    This raid is more about all the roles fulfilling their respective roles well as opposed to having op damage and simply understanding the mechanics.

    At full cr would it be easier than throne when you were cr115? Probably. Is it more fun than throne? Definitely.
  5. generalzod Committed Player

    That's great , congrats .. but on the second day of the release ? wow It far from throne elite then . well not to take anything away great job very skilled players here .... gratz !
  6. generalzod Committed Player

    lol i see why alot of ppl can complain about being bored fast ! 3 month DlC ?? lol i guess we cant win , some say elites too hard after 1 week of a 3 month dlc , then they nurfed it . and now ppl will say its way to easy ! The worst part is no one more then 121 CR . imagine if they were all 124 to 126 lol
  7. Cirocband New Player


    Only thing is I find it weird that Superman can actually be tanked and stay put, but on the villain side Black Adam is u tankage, he just flies around attacking guys 1 by 1. That may need to be looked into.
  8. Glacier Extreme Well-Known Player

    It's a shame the op can't just receive positive feedback, for a "proven" gamewide first Without folks trying to kick dirt on it. Typical Dcuo forum community. Anyways..you guys get a Congrats from me!
  9. ArtOfFreak Well-Known Player

  10. Targetmaster Well-Known Player

    The reason superman didn't lunge around is because of where we positioned him and then positioned the rest of the group
  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    What do you expect, the only real mechanics in this raid are for the tanks. IMO throne Elite was more challenging compared to this raid.

    But congrats, and being the first, wow.
  12. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    Congrats on beating the raid. Who cares what powers were used. Those people are just hating and trying to diminish accomplishments. With that said, beating a raid two days after it comes out is a little disappointing for people expecting the raid to be a challenge.