Munitions: A preliminary guide/discussion

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Roomba, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Two minute parses on 8 man LH target dummies:

    Rails > 5BM > CG with KI being kept on cooldown:

    In game parse: 10192 dps, 38.8% crit rate.
    Log parse: 9866 dps, 39.2% crit rate
    -Log parse DPS by power
    -Rails: 3906 (48% crit)
    -5BM:3357 (35% crit)
    -CG: 2602 (34% crit)

    Rails > 5BM > RL with KI being kept on cooldown:

    In game parse: 12297 dps, 42.1% crit rate.
    Log parse: 12096 dps, 42.2% crit rate
    -Log parse DPS by power
    -Rails: 4471 (49% crit)
    -5BM: 4127 (39% crit)
    -RL: 3497 (40% crit)

    Rails > 5BM > SGL with KI being kept on cooldown:

    In game parse: 8681 dps, 39.5% crit rate.
    Log parse: 8361 dps, 39.5% crit rate
    -Log parse DPS by power
    -Rails: 3069 (40.7% crit)
    -5BM: 2978 (39% crit)
    -SGL: 2313 (39% crit)

    This is pretty consistent with all my findings to date.
  2. Logosight Active Player

    No I meant CGL for the burning pi
    And on ps4 rails>RL>Splode always messes the AM up
  3. Roomba Dedicated Player

    In game parse really sucks if youre using 50 cal lol. It waits for the dot to stop and will really negatively skew your data at the end

    Just did a run where I had 8k ST damage, but ing ame shows just over 5k because the tick was still keeping me in combat

    To offset this, make sure you're doing a "long" run so that your "tail" represent a very, very small percentage of total time.
  4. Logosight Active Player

    That's probably why I'm seeing 50 splode do so bad then
  5. Xzotix Committed Player

    I test differently than most and don't use the parser.
    My test -
    I use this test load: FC Clip Ki, 5BMG, Rails, Rocket.
    Since you don't get true numbers til after 4 seconds I continue until I see the highest crit doesn't go higher.

    Then repeat this process with my actual loadout: FC Clip Ki, CG, Rails, Rocket.
    I watch the highest crits again, this way you will see CG hits harder by 2k give or take.
    I know your parser might say differently, I trust what my eyes see.
    My low number comparison 6000 range for 5BMG, 7500-8000+ for CG on 8 man league hall dummies.
    Hits much harder in live content.
  6. bartngaue Well-Known Player

    Without base numbers all your test are null because crit chances varies during testing.


    That should have been your priority when writing up a powers guide.
  7. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Read the title, this was meant to be a preliminary guide. It was meant as a place to focus data for everyone, because at the time, Munitions discussions was scattered across 20 different threads in the gen forums. I never meant to be the be all end all well of information, though I can and have provided input. I am not confident that I can be the one to get the most accurate values for this. In fact, I have asked several times if there were people that could provide this data.

    Since you are so eager, I elect you to do it. Thanks for your contribution.
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  8. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Yeah there is nothing objective at all about this process. I mean, by that logic, why arent you using SGL since it has higher numbers (being that it is 2 hits instead of 3) instead of CG. Let's do math. 1200 x5 = 6000. 1500 x 3 = 4500. Bigger numbers doesn't always mean more dps. CG does not crit "more". I have proven this time and time again.

    On PC, youre lucky if your Splode is critting for 8k each on 8 targets. Rails, nor 5BM, nor CG, nor anything is hitting that high on 8 targets.

    I'm wondering if PS dummies have lower def? Can't imagine why that'd be. Could be that some people (like what's his name who claimed 240k Splode on league hall dummies lol....) just like to fabricate.
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  9. bartngaue Well-Known Player

    You should try at least to work the numbers to support your guide.

    Base numbers mean everything. From there you can build from the ground up.

    People have left this guide because of your bad attitude towards them. Me as well.
  10. Roomba Dedicated Player

    I'm sorry, when did you contribute to this? Also, what bad attitude have I displayed in the last 15 pages or so? Disagreeing with someone is not a bad attitude. I will not apologize for disputing data or trying to defend my own. That is ridiculous.

    As far as working numbers: Please see the innumerate parses and videos I have posted on mine and others' behalf. This is within my ability, base numbers is something I am not comfortable with. I have shown people when their rotations were worse than mine. I have shown them when theirs have been BETTER than mine. Like... please. lol.

    You post a big obnoxious message asking for base numbers. All I said was that I was not confident in my own abilities to obtain those numbers. Well, I flipped that on you, and you go belly up.

    So, bye?
  11. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    The following test was conducted on live USPS on a CR 114 toon vs a single CR 126 Sparring target with 9846 might
    KI was used for both tests.

    The test consisted of running through a rotation to get to bullet frenzy then recording the numbers for each move. For the test 5 sets of Chain a Gun were used for a total of 10 seconds of bullet frenzy damag, 4 sets of 5BMG were used for a total of 10 seconds of bullet frenzy damage.


    4180 crit
    4935 crit

    4875 crit
    4229 crit


    4409 crit

    4625 crit

    Total damage 44,180 / 10 = 4,418 DPS
    15 hits
    6 crits
    40% crit



    3361 crit

    3062 crit
    3937 crit

    3338 crit

    Total Damage 31,733 / 10 = 3173
    16 Hits
    4 crits
    25 % crit rate

    CG is a better DPS power by 1000 a second and roughly 500 top 700 when you factor an actual 40 % crit percentage.

    The parser is not built to test munitions because of the way the power was built I ran ten tests tonight and got similar results feel free to replicate it's an apples to apples test 10 seconds of damage vs 10 seconds of damage.

    This is not anecdotal.
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  12. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Nor does it reflect how 5BM behaves on PC. 5BM is 5 hits on PC. Is it only 4 on PS? This would be surprising. Please verify your data. If this difference exists, then that would explain a lot.
  13. Roomba Dedicated Player

    US PC, single target dummy. 10698 might once escalating might kicked in, no KI applied.

    Hi, Lo, and Avg was calculated as such: (Example)Take highest hit, multiply it by number of attacks for that attack, divided by animation length. So for 5BM...

    5BM highest hit was 3511. It ticks 5 times within 2.5 seconds. (3511 * 5) / 2.5 = 7022

    THIS IS AN OVERSIMPLIFICATION. But because people are getting outraged that I alone have not provided base numbers, this is how I am starting.

    Please forgive the lack of formatting. I have listed the attacks in descending order of average dps as per this test.

    Attack Hi Lo Avg
    Splo 31000 12504 21752
    5BM 7022 2470 4746
    Rail 7121 2333 4727
    50 C 6611 2428 4520 (does not reflect damage done by dot)
    RL 6612 2408 4510 (does not reflect damage done by explosion from PI)
    PG 6673 2339 4506
    SGL 6583 2316 4450
    CG 6480 2319 4400
  14. ACW37162 Loyal Player


    3300 crit

    3256 crit
    3421 crit
    3149 crit

    3250 crit

    3705 crit
    3367 crit
    3229 crit

    Total damage
    45,320 / 10 = 4532
    20 Hits
    8 crits
    40 % crit rate

    CG = 4418 DPS
    5BMG = 4532 DPS

    Confirms something I've suspected, once you get into bullet frenzy apples to apples comparisons of 10 seconds worth or damage to 10 seconds worth of damage is going to be the same.

    Either way CG is not a DPS loss
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  15. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Im just happy you are seeing that cg is far and away from being significantly better than 5bm. I was concerned there was a disconnect between the pc and ps versions.

    I encourage people to use what they want, as I agree you really won't do "bad damage" with any of these.

    Thank you for providing your feedback. I look forward to others chiming in to see if they see a dps gain with either (as mine is showing an edge to 5bm), or if it is similar to yours with no significant difference. Again, thank you thank you thank you
  16. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    From what i've been parsing, sgl is better for single target. whislt rockets is better for aoe, due to it having more hits. Is this true or are my parsers of. Becuase i tested this several times.
  17. Xzotix Committed Player

    Since you have no desire to be (see) objective, I will henceforth keep my subjectivity.
    Logic dictates you are wrong with your ASSUMPTIONS. Math does end all, be all in the use of this power set variables that you omit does.
    BTW SGL DOESN't have "higher numbers" only the initial hit. This is not subjectivity it's a fact.
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  18. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    I've tested this again and it seems that when RL clusters crit it does more single target damage than sgl but when only one or 2 clusters crit often sgl does more damage. I've replaced sgl with rockets and i'll see how that bumps my damage.
  19. LivingDeath New Player

    The ignorance in this thread is beyond me. Damage Per Second trumps everything else being suggested or said. It does not matter that CG hits harder with in the 3 hits than 5BM does in 5 hits. But Its not about the big ceits or the lenght of the move. Its alll about the DPS.

    If parser datas states and proves 5BM has a higher DPS than it is better. It does not matter if you see crits of 10k with chaingun. Thats like saying chain gun is better than RL because it hits higher crits.

    Anyone on PS server who wishes to prove me wrong inside a raid environment hit me up in game Living Death. You run your CG ill run 5bm lets see how big the difference becomes.

    Side note stop with the CGL bullpoop lol its useless and a wasted apot in your loadout.
  20. Xzotix Committed Player

    Here is some FREE objective feedback.
    The parser is meant for you to test how well YOU are dpsing not the (each) powers damage output.
    To truly parse only the powers, take off skill points and gear.
    Now there are not as many variables in effect (Critical Chance, Critical Mag for instance).
    @ Roomba, this is the definition of logic. Not an insult.
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