The Shadows Of The Night (USPS Hero/Villain)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Red Jenni, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    There must be so many people that play late at night, that are in leagues that only have a couple of people on, but they aren't looking through the league recruitments. I just want to have a league that can put together full raid groups at 11PM Pacific 2AM Eastern. We should all come together to achieve this.
  2. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Do you love to run through the streets at night, burning and electrocuting things, beating up heroes and sending suicidal jumpers to their eminent demise below? Join us, and we'll cause a little mayhem together.


    Do you love to go crusading through the streets, rescuing kittens, fighting off villains and restoring things to their rightful order? Just us and we'll make those villains pay!
  3. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    There must be so many people that play late at night, that are in leagues that only have a couple of people on, but they aren't looking through the league recruitments. I just want to have a league that can put together full raid groups at 11PM Pacific 2AM Eastern. We should all come together to achieve this.
  4. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Ever on late at night, and can't get into any group in lfg chat. There only seem to be a few shouting, and they either want the wrong role or are running the wrong content? Its my dream to unite the players at night. Imagine having 300 or 400 league mates on at once. Imagine shouting for a raid in league chat and getting 50 or 60 replies. That is my dream. The Shadows Of The Night are a league specifically made for late night players. No, you don't have to play at night. We have lots of daytime players too. We are always accepting anyone who wants to be a member. We have 1 basic rule, that's don't be a d**k. Not to other Shadows and not to other people. We don't tolerate d**ks. That means absolutely no intolerance. We have players at all tiers of the game. We're a very large league and we're always looking to grow larger. But we can't do it without YOU. Mics help communication, but not required. No cr or sp requirement. This is a league for people who like to help others.
    I believe that we all toons are created equal. All Shadows are just people trying to have fun playing the game they love. No one is above anyone else. We all have access to the league bank. We all can decorate the league hall. There is one league leader, for the mundane stuff, but all of my alts bear the rank Shadow, the same as everyone else, with one exception. New members are dubbed Shades until they prove themselves in mortal combat. The Shadow Council, well they're just like everyone else, folks trying to play a game. Their just really helpful people. Need help? Have a question? Ask one of them.
    All of this sound good? Click here to visit our web page.

    Our leaders: Red Jenni (and my many toons)
    The Anxient
    Fae Rainyfly and Lady Gr0metheus
    Cpt Everythingman (and his many toons)
    Macali Stromwell
  5. Pikez5chi New Player

    Dude your league is really taking off congrats man.
    • Like x 1
  6. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Thanks. You're a very confusing guy, aren't you? lol
    • Like x 1
  7. Necromonica Shade Well-Known Player

    Don't question, just take it lmao!
  8. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Another awesome member joined last night, and expecting 2 more today. Don't pass on your chance to belong to one of the great leagues. Hop on the bus, Gus. You don't need to discuss much. Just drop off the key, Lee (to your old league) and get yourself free.
  9. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Yep. Another awesome new member joined today, and a spectacular Shadow who left for a bit came back to us. Its been a good day.
  10. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  11. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Are you the only one in your league that's on when you play at night? Or maybe there's only one other player? The Shadows Of The Night is a league made just for you! Yes, I mean you. You know who I'm talking
  12. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Today is Red Jenni's birthday. Two years ago today, I started playing DC. Thanks, Red Jenni. There's no one's butt I'd rather have looked at for 2 years.... well, except Carlynn's.
  13. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Today is Red Jenni's birthday. Two years ago today, I started playing DC. Thanks, Red Jenni. There's no one's butt I'd rather have looked at for 2 years.... well, except Carlynn's.
    • Like x 1
  14. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Ever on late at night, and can't get into any group in lfg chat. There only seem to be a few shouting, and they either want the wrong role or are running the wrong content? Its my dream to unite the players at night. Imagine having 300 or 400 league mates on at once. Imagine shouting for a raid in league chat and getting 50 or 60 replies. That is my dream. The Shadows Of The Night are a league specifically made for late night players. No, you don't have to play at night. We have lots of daytime players too. We are always accepting anyone who wants to be a member. We have 1 basic rule, that's don't be a d**k. Not to other Shadows and not to other people. We don't tolerate d**ks. That means absolutely no intolerance. We have players at all tiers of the game. We're a very large league and we're always looking to grow larger. But we can't do it without YOU. Mics help communication, but not required. No cr or sp requirement. This is a league for people who like to help others.
    I believe that we all toons are created equal. All Shadows are just people trying to have fun playing the game they love. No one is above anyone else. We all have access to the league bank. We all can decorate the league hall. There is one league leader, for the mundane stuff, but all of my alts bear the rank Shadow, the same as everyone else, with one exception. New members are dubbed Shades until they prove themselves in mortal combat. The Shadow Council, well they're just like everyone else, folks trying to play a game. Their just really helpful people. Need help? Have a question? Ask one of them.
    All of this sound good? Click here to visit our web page.

    Our leaders: Red Jenni (and my many toons)
    The Anxient
    Fae Rainyfly and Lady Gr0metheus
    Cpt Everythingman (and his many toons)
    Macali Stromwell
    • Like x 1
  15. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    There must be so many people that play late at night, that are in leagues that only have a couple of people on, but they aren't looking through the league recruitments. I just want to have a league that can put together full raid groups at 11PM Pacific 2AM Eastern. We should all come together to achieve this.
  16. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Are you the only one in your league that's on when you play at night? Or maybe there's only one other player? The Shadows Of The Night is a league made just for you! Yes, I mean you. You know who I'm talking
  17. army New Player

    • Like x 1
  18. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  19. Red Jenni Loyal Player


    Ever on late at night, and can't get into any group in lfg chat. There only seem to be a few shouting, and they either want the wrong role or are running the wrong content? Its my dream to unite the players at night. Imagine having 300 or 400 league mates on at once. Imagine shouting for a raid in league chat and getting 50 or 60 replies. That is my dream. The Shadows Of The Night are a league specifically made for late night players. No, you don't have to play at night. We have lots of daytime players too. We are always accepting anyone who wants to be a member. We have 1 basic rule, that's don't be a d**k. Not to other Shadows and not to other people. We don't tolerate d**ks. That means absolutely no intolerance. We have players at all tiers of the game. We're a very large league and we're always looking to grow larger. But we can't do it without YOU. Mics help communication, but not required. No cr or sp requirement. This is a league for people who like to help others.
    I believe that we all toons are created equal. All Shadows are just people trying to have fun playing the game they love. No one is above anyone else. We all have access to the league bank. We all can decorate the league hall. There is one league leader, for the mundane stuff, but all of my alts bear the rank Shadow, the same as everyone else, with one exception. New members are dubbed Shades until they prove themselves in mortal combat. The Shadow Council, well they're just like everyone else, folks trying to play a game. Their just really helpful people. Need help? Have a question? Ask one of them.
    All of this sound good? Click here to visit our web page.

    Our leaders: Red Jenni (and my many toons)
    The Anxient
    Fae Rainyfly and Lady Gr0metheus
    Mother Nature
    Cpt Everythingman (and his many toons)
    Macali Stromwell
  20. army New Player