SP Requirements need to happen.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Theblackcat456, Apr 30, 2015.

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  1. True Despair Well-Known Player

    You conducted a survery? so this isn't just your anecdotal evidence? it's the anecdotal evidence from a collective of idiots that believe that "sp makes a player better" breaking 1000 resto barrels taught me the ins and outs of being a good player capable of solo healing the most difficult of raids. I have 177 sp, am i bad? or do i need to get more sp? im not sure of anything anymore.
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  2. Theblackcat456 Committed Player

    If youre below sp100 in t6, your opinion is invalid, [aimed at everyone in that category]
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  3. Multiverse Creator League

    If that "more time spent on game" is spent gathering Exobits....... it does not translate into skills to do end game content.

    If more time = more knowledge.......

    SP should NOT be the requirement.

    TIME should be the requirement..... since Time = Knowledge

    And knowledge is power....... especially in the wrong hands. ;)
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  4. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    More time spent on game MAY indicate more knowledge. It's an opinion, not a provable fact or guarantee. There are high cr high skill point people that still believe (despite no actual evidence pointing in that direction) that Dominance affects aggro...even though this myth has been debunked many times.
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  5. Anima Committed Player

    217 SP here. No experience with healing, but you'd let me heal your raid anyway, right?
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  6. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I swear one day I'm going to make a document of this so I can just paste it to threads like these :rolleyes: :

    In all the time I've been playing this game, not once has having less-than-expected skill point totals prevented me from completing a mission in this game, and I'm always behind the curve because of predominately solo play. Having more points would make parts of the run a little easier, but I haven't run into a piece of content that I couldn't finish because of my skill point totals. Ever.

    Also, the devs could have used skill point totals as a gating mechanism for content LONG ago and never even made CR the gating mechanism. The fact that they didn't go that route says something to me about how good or bad the idea is.
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  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    This thread is laughable. I have seen players with 114CR with less than 75sp, and guess what. They are quantum. That hides them.

    SP should not be a requirement, especially since all content in the game(except survival mode) can be easily done with a 5-1-1-1 group.
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  8. Inpent New Player

    Most bad players i see have high SP.
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  9. Anima Committed Player


    This means only low SP players should be able to enter T6 content, right?!

    Or are we still going off of OP's anecdotes?
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  10. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    here we go again...

    For be a DECENT dps you just need:
    1 Sp for Movement
    77 Sp for get all criticals
    28 Sp for Open a WM
    1 Sp for get the WM Attack
    107 Sp Total.

    This means that SP requeriments doesn't care. What care is the player listen the others, or seek at youtube for the contents.

    SP requeriments isn't good and will KILL the game.

    It's possible to make a toon with 110 SP in a week...

    For a Support Role the WM isn't required (but is good) and with the same point you can do a excellent support player too.
    • Like x 8
  11. Theblackcat456 Committed Player

    If that is the truth,then yes,because to reach that sp, takes massive time, determination, common sense, and mostly likely has experienced all roles of dcuo so yes again.-i would give u a chance as long as your cr wasnt incredibly low for the content.
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  12. Leveilleur Well-Known Player

    If you want to kill the game faster than it already is then sure add this.
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  13. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    If they're playing T6 content it means they're paying to support this game, which means they have as much right to voice their opinion as you do. You're not the arbiter of these forums, and though you started this thread, you have no power to dictate what others can or can't do...the forum rules dictate that. So you have two options, continue to debate this non-issue in a constructive manner or continue in your arrogance and watch this thread get closed for being non-constructive which will result in whatever point you were trying to make get lost.
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  15. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

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  16. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player


    And just for sure I finished TOD with a FIRE TANK with just 73sp, as 112CR...

    Can I say anything more? She was perfect in tanking, and get everything quick, but she was listening and taking knowlegde from us (vetererans).
  17. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    You are wrong dude
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  18. Theblackcat456 Committed Player

    IM talking about the extreme lows who underperform.
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  19. Opamp Committed Player

    Frankly you would have a stronger argument saying "We should be allowed to request which powers join our raid".

    Because honestly Powerset is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SP

    Then CR is >>>>>>>>>>>>>> SP

    So SP is really at the bottom here bro
  20. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    No, it isn't.

    I know a lot of players with 180sp that were "carried" by others, and I am not joking.

    More time in the game WILL HELP, doesn't mean a good player. It's two thing completly differents.
    • Like x 6
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