Test Discussion Spring Seasonal 2015

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Mepps, Apr 3, 2015.

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  1. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Well I believe nobody's mad about someone bringing up alternatives, however I don't know yet how to react to this. Because truth is I personally (and many others I talked to) don't need an alternative and I don't see where I did something 'blindly' in that matter. We're actually glad to not breeze through anything anymore :)

    On top of it I really think terms like "worth the effort" are as personal as it gets. For example during the Xmas Event a few league mates of mine and I were running the seasonal event with 7-9 toons each per day for the Xmas items. We donated all of those to our league hall and after a while the Hall really felt like a xmas wonderland and it was for the effort to all of us even though we stumbled over bad players all day long. It happens.
  2. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Then you are in the minority. Out of all the threads and posts, how many are pro and how many are anti the clamping? My conversations with other players as well as observing the conversations about it in various chat channels also back this up.

    The reason I offer alternatives is to supplement the discussion. Why offer just x and make a small group of players happy when you can offer x and y to make more players happy? Why would anyone be in favor of forcing more negative content on one group like instead of allowing both types of play?

    I'm glad you have that much time to play, many do not. Because of this you have many players whose priorities put content that doesn't award MoV/gear much lower on the list of "to dos" (thus: "not worth the effort"). In a game where everyone spends most of their time on the content that is most challenging, it's a nice change of pace to have something quick and easy, gives a small reward and changes right around the time it is starting to get stale.
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  3. Skeptikraze Well-Known Player

    What's the ETA for this going live?
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  4. Spacewind New Player

    Just did Seasonal Event Alert, can't say it's awfull, but Swamp thing is still not tankable enough, though he's now less random. Finished it in 7 mins with 1 player each role (1-1-1-1). Allergic Reaction feat can still be hard to get. We've done Tech Savvy feat with 1 attempt though.

    Bug Report: After finishing instance Swamp thing came back to live and stood still and mobs spawned and started to fight.
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