12 pieces of Relevant content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MentosTroll, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    I don't understand why people keep saying that the rent costs were lowered. The price for rent just went up, along with the price for utility belts, catalysts, vendor plans etc.
    We pretty much have to use the top tier marks to pay rent on this new system, instead of triumph that was way easier to acquire, in a much faster rate.
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  2. MeloMan New Player

    I have no sympathy with this kind of argument. Some of spend thousands of dollars on this game because we enjoy it and want to support it. Some, not all, premium players go premium to spend less money. Most premium players spend 1/4 of what legendary players do for content. I for one am personally glad they are kind of stopping that. Oh also this isnt a player game. U can choose to play it that way, thats your choice obviously, but be prepared to deal with what comes along with that choice and dont claim its "unfair." Whats unfair to me is your have been able to get away with spending 75% less of what i spend and still play the game.
  3. Davis New Player

    The marks issue needs to be looked at lets hope they retune it its really of balanced.
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  4. FESTER665 Devoted Player


    Do you know how easy that might be to change? I personally think 12 will be fine considering how fast we'll be getting content, but am curious if say 6 months from now it's decided to space it out more to say 14 or 16 pieces is it something that can be changed pretty easily? I think it might help allieviate some people's concerns knowing if it's an easy fix if it is found out 12 isn't enough...
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  5. MeloMan New Player

    Not sure if u are saying its a bad thing or good thing? But AF1 had th 3 open world missions, 2 duos and 1 alert. Thats 4 pieces of content daily if u put the 3 open world missions 2gether which i always would considering players went out there and did all 3 for marks. So with the new content system we even have more daily content to run and imo thats a good thing.
  6. MeloMan New Player

    Basically as a tier goes forward u gain more daily content. But the beginning of the tier u have very little daily content, look at AF1 as the example and then compare it to all 4 t6 dlcs and how much daily content there is. With the new system u have more daily content to start but less on the back end. So its a wash and u always have 8 pieces of daily content. Not a bad compromise if ya ask me.
  7. MrWon Committed Player

    I want our old mark system back too. Now the only way to earn mark is forcing players to buy/play certain DLC. I am going to miss having the freedom to buy synthetic mods from dox/AB/Nexus with MoT, and using it to mod my highest tier gears. Sigh...now you are force to grind from certain DLC, so much for more diversities/choices huh DCUO?
  8. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    I thought you guys liked people HAVING to play a DLC to earn the DLC gear. That was the only reason why we supported the change from NO Symbols to YES symbols, it was understandable that you guys would want us to run DLC content to earn DLC gear.
    You guys didn't want it to be like War of Light P1, where people didn't even have to run WotL1 content to buy the gear, they could just jun Trigon/Bia/Fam.
    The current system fixed that problem right?

    So this new marks system IS the price we have to pay for the monthly episodes, right? We can't have new symbols every month, that makes sense. Also it is also here to slow down progression, which also makes sense. Also here so players can't just buy gear for style feats, they should earn them the right way.
  9. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    All I know is that I'm going to hold off on re subbing so I can see how this is gonna go first
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  10. Sore Steadfast Player

    I use MoF converted to MoT today to fund my boosts. 7 marks for a full boost lasting 60 days will be a lot less effort for me. One week of the vault funds a boost for 2 months.
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  11. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    I agree with Sore. If I were to try to pay rent on live using top marks, it would cost 10 Marks of fury converted to triumphs to only pay the level 3 boost, I would still need another 3700 or so to pay level 1-2 boosts per mainframe item. All together, it would cost me roughly 56 marks of fury per month, converting from furies to triumphs, to keep my mainframe up constantly.

    With the changes to this, it will cost me 35 per 2 months to keep my mainframe up, which comes up to 18 marks per month to keep my mainframe fully operational. This is cheaper. That said, as I've stated before, you can afford every single piece of gear that comes out per month, as well as your full home turf (mainframe and utility belts), running absolutely no content except DUOS.

    Duos alone when the system is FULLY up (12 pieces of content) will equate to 240 marks per month. The most expensive gear month is month 2/3, which costs 215 marks for every piece of gear. At 240 marks from Duos ONLY, that leaves me 25 marks per month. If I have 25 marks left, and save them for the next month continuing on my Duo only runs, I will have 50 marks. Now rent is duo (60 days), I spend 45 marks and I still have 5 leftover. I have done nothing but run 4 Duos daily for 60 days, and I have 5 leftover marks

    There are 760 available marks per month with this new system. That is enough marks to buy every new piece of gear per month, keep your mainframe/utility belt up, buy an ENTIRE set of old style gear, as well as 2 more pieces(chest/legs) of another set of gear PER MONTH.

    In this example HT is 23 as I have added another 10 for utility belts every 60 days. This is 45/2 (22.5) so I round up to 23.

    760(Marks) - 215(Gear) - 23(HT) = 522

    Chest 60
    Legs 60
    Head 55
    Shoulders 50
    Waist 45
    Hands 45
    Feet 45
    Back 40

    Total : 400

    522 - 400 = 122

    So with this new system, and without ever spending a replay badge, you potentially have 760 marks per month. There is no reason beyond laziness or lack of time (which could be said about keeping up on live now) as to why you cannot keep up with new gear, all your home turf, and even achieve old style feats.

    Oh, and I forgot to include that they are adding a vendor for old vendor styles at a reduced cost. Therefore the leftover 522 marks available per month will be even more use, probably buying a full 2 sets per month.

    I honestly do not think on live you can buy even 1 full set of "old" t5 vendor gear each month using only marks of triumph available in the game.
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  12. UMBRA Well-Known Player

    You are forgetting the 2 iconic solos from AF1, with them it would be a total of 6 vs 8. And we are comparing the new system against the worst part of a tier under the old system (when the tier is new and there is only 1 single dlc).

    The new system surpassing the worst part of the old system is not specially flattering for the new system.

    Now, if we count HoP1, the second DLC from T6 (the second worst part of the tier) we would have 8 vs 8 daily contents and 3 vs 4 weekly contents. New system wins barely.

    WotL2, the third DLC from T6 (the second best part of the tier). We have 12 vs 8 daily contents and 4 vs 4 weekly contents. Old system is significantly (but not dramatically) better than the new one.

    AM2, the fourth DLC from T6 (the best part of the tier). We have 15 vs 8 daily contents and 7 vs 4 weekly contents. At this particular point in time, the old system is much better than the new one, it offers almost twice the content.

    Of course, the previous comparisons are at different times during the life span of T6. If we get the average amount of content for the whole T6 then it would be 15 or 16 pieces of content. More than the 12 pieces of content offered by the new system, but not by much.

    These 12 pieces of content are not that bad, to be honest, but in terms of amount of content it definitely IS a decrease in relation to T6.

    I'm not sure if " fully unrestricted " is the best way to describe it, considering one third of said content has a weekly loot lockout.

    As a whole, I do agree that this new system has more benefits than drawbacks, but it doesn't means the drawbacks shouldn't be minimized even more. Perhaps expanding the window to contain 16 pieces of content, or adding a second window behind the first one (granting lesser rewards). I like the new system, but I think it can and should be even better :)
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  13. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    Also you have not taken into account the new CR scale adjustments. As of today they announced that not only will you deal less damage/receive more to higher CR enemies, you will deal increased damage/receive less damage from lower tiered enemies.

    This equates to live almost, as if you are t4 you will be able to solo t2, if you are t5 you will be able to solo t3, and onwards. In some ways this may be better than live, as most t4 players cannot solo t2 raids.
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  14. Solar Well-Known Player

    Uh who's running BFE duos and Oan Science Cells for marks at CR 108-115? It really doesn't bother me that I don't get marks in the lower stuff. The address the base generator concerns already. The main outstanding concern in regards to this whole mark is the token of merits feats.
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  15. TheAnticipated Well-Known Player

    It isn't about losing out on marks in that tier, the issue is losing the first half of T6 for marks. Plus it won't be very hard to hit 117 with HoP 2 completely cutting you off from all of T6 for marks. Giving you only 2 duos, an alert, and 2 raids. 3 things that you can run daily, 2 that you can run weekly (unless you reset).
  16. Sin Cattvo New Player

    HAHAHA 2005 The Combat Revamo And the big ole New Game Enhancements (NGE) revamppppppp....uggggg i soo remeber that :(
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  17. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Factor in lockboxes, and the number of vault runs comes down slightly.
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  18. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    With 12 pieces or 5 pieces of content, i will keep playing this game. I am addicted
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  19. Ivar New Player

    You mean for Daybreak company? I don´t think so either.

    People will eventually notice that Premium is a waste of money, when the content they buy this month is virtually worthless in two.
    So that subscription is the only viable way to play this game.

    Kinda defeats the reason for beginning this whole Buy2Play bonanza in the first place, don´t you think?

    But don´t mind this argument, everybody knows that Premiums don´t pay real money and are useless.
    So I guess DCUO will revive the subscription only pay model all by their awesome selves. I bet Daybreak will drown in Legendary monies.

    I´d start looking for a new job if I were you (just a well meant advice).
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  20. Dezaras Loyal Player

    It's times like this when I truly realise what they rely on for income. Subscriptions and replay badges. All well and good, but there needs to be more to it than that. If more stuff was added to the MP then more money would come in from said more stuff, meaning the reliance of subscriptions and replay badge would decrease, meaning they wouldn't have to restrict what we can play.
    But I guess it's more convenient to market items that don't actually need to be created...
    I'm not gonna bring up the "more styles, more base items in MP" thing because it's pointless.
    Heck I don't even mind that I won't get marks from T1 content, at T6, but the cash grab is blatant here, and disappoints me because there should be more to the MP than what we already have.
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